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Post on: 20 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Secrets of Candlestick Charting, Pattern Detection Charting & Options Strategies Poster Pak — Louise Bedford & Chris Tate
An important part of trading is having the right information at hand.
This Poster Pak contains 3 Posters, each A2 size 594mm x 420mm — laminated .
If you wish to order any of them individually please contact us at .
The items included in this special pak are:
1) The Secret of Candlestick Charting Poster
This wall chart is designed to be used in conjunction with The Secret of Candlestick Charting by Louise Bedford. The poster shows the main candlestick charting patterns with a description of their formation, the likely location on the share chart and the psychology behind the pattern.
2)The Secret of Pattern Detection Charting Poster
This wall chart is designed to be used in conjunction with The Secret of Candlestick Charting and Trading Secrets by Louise Bedford. The poster shows various charting patterns with a description of their formation, the likely location on the share chart and the psychology behind the pattern.
3) The Options Strategies Poster
The Options Strategies Poster is a handy, quick reference guide to be used in conjunction with The Art of Options Trading in Australia and The Option Trader Home Study Course by Chris Tate.
It consists of a series of 20 option strategy pay-off diagrams with descriptions of each trade’s construction, profit and loss profile and appropriate trading tactics. The Optionlink product by Hubb was used to construct the payoff diagrams.
Please note: Postage included within Australia. Overseas Orders we will arrange extra to cover overseas postage.
To order, click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button below
Customer Caution Notice: Direct investing in the stock market can result in financial loss. Historical results are no guarantee of future returns. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. Stock tips or buy or sell recommendations are not provided. This educational information is not designed to replace your Licensed Financial Consultant or your Stockbroker. It has been prepared without regard to any particular person’s investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. This information is of a general nature only so you should seek advice from your broker or other investment advisors as appropriate before taking any action. The decision to trade and the method of trading is for the reader alone to decide. Refer also to the full Customer Notice in our Terms and Conditions