Motley Fool Options Whiz
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Here you’ll find the most widely useful questions (from the Whiz nation) with answers by Jeff Fischer, Jim Gillies and the entire Motley Fool Options team.
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What is Motley Fool Options?
Options is a subscription service that offers members a regular stream of option investing recommendations, and then follows them up to completion, along with providing education and answering your questions along the way. Since 2009, Options has helped thousands of investors like you (beginner to expert) use options to generate income, grow returns, hedge, protect gains and much more.
How Many Recommendations Do I Get?
Generally, we send you four or more official recommendations or follow-up trades per month, along with a few dozen Trades You Can Make each month to get onboard with our active recommendations if you haven’t yet and want to.
When do Recommendations come out?
Whenever we see an opportunity we like, we issue a detailed recommendation to you in your email and publish it on the member-only site, during market hours on any day. nerally, we send you four or more official recommendations or follow-up trades per month, along with a few dozen Trades You Can Make each month to get onboard with our active recommendations if you haven’t yet and want to.
Which Strategies Do You Use?
We run the full gamut, from covered calls, to strangles, to diagonal calls, to buying LEAPs, to iron condors. We are especially drawn to writing near-term options for income, and buying long-term options for outsized returns. Members can benefit by using just one strategy (many target income), or using them all. That’s up to you.
How Much Money Do I Need to Partake?
None, other than the subscription cost, if you just want to use Motley Fool Options as an education and watch our recommendations, paper trading as you prepare for your investing future. If you want to partake in our trades, we recommend a portfolio size of at least $10,000 so you can partake in a few trades or more at any given time, and $50,000 and greater to be able to partake in most trades.
Can I Trade Options in an IRA?
Yes, most options strategies are allowable in an IRA. And most of our official recommendations come with Alternative Trades to suit both IRAs or traditional accounts.
How Much Time Do I Need to Allot?
From a standstill, you can learn one option strategy in a few hours in our proprietary Options U. site, offered forever in our service. In Options U. you can learn at your own pace, from beginner to expert, and focus on the strategies and objectives income? Upside? Protection? that appeal to you. If you’d rather spend less time, you can simply follow the detailed instructions in each of our trade alerts, but we like members to learn as they invest.
Who’s Running The Service?
Your advisors are long-time Fools Jeff Fischer (TMFFischer) and Jim Gillies (TMFCanuck). Both Fools since the 1990s, and both using options since 2000, they have a publicly documented success rate of greater than 90% on their completed options trades. They’re joined by Fool star analyst, Bryan Hinmon, CFA (TMF42), and our brilliant new guy, Billy Kipersztok (TMFTailwind).
Is This a Portfolio Service?

Nope. Motley Fool Options is an idea or recommendation service. We recommend independent option trades, with follow-up to completion, that you can implement in your existing stock portfolio.
Are You a Trading Service?
Not in the traditional sense, since active trading is a losing proposition over the long haul. Although we offer many trade ideas per month, we approach investing as. surprise. investors. We think long-term even as we implement short-term options to fulfill a strategy on a business we know well. We are business-focused investors.
Along with Detailed Recommendations, What Else Do I Get?
You also get our Weekly education, commentary or review column, along with six Trades You Can Make each week; in the service, enjoy our active participation and answers to your questions in our Options community that has thousands of other helpful subscribers talking options; benefit for years to come from our Options U. content, beginner to expert. In the service, see us track every recommendation we make, and receive detailed follow-up until completion.
Is There a Service Guarantee?
Absolutely. The Fool offers a full money-back guarantee if you’re unhappy with the service. Check your subscription terms for details.