Iron Condor Options Secret PANDA Credit Spread

Post on: 26 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Iron Condor Options Secret PANDA Credit Spread

*The Iron-Condor Credit Spread is a powerful vehicle to use in the stock-options market to generate monthly income, if you want to master it then you have come to the right place*

Forget about hitting home runs in the stock market, all we need are steady base hits. This is our newest core money-making vehicle for the savvy yet conservative trader. This is a monthly income-generating trading strategy requiring minimal effort. Did you know that 80% of options expire worthless? So, if you know what your are doing and how to do it, it is better to be a seller of options! This type of investment strategy is called an option credit spread. meaning we are taking in credit. This is the secret of the professionals! With enough capital to work for you you won’t have to work (like me)! How much money do you need every month to live on? $3,000, $5000, $10,000? Whatever the number is just multiply it by 10. That is the amount of money you need to have trading this strategy to make what you want on a monthly basis. And of course we never put all our money on one trade. but have multiple positions open every month as we understand that asset allocation is very important.

Upon joining you will be emailed easy-to-understand instructions as how to enter the particular trade. And, by the way, these trades are easy to execute! We will enter our several Iron-Condor positions during the 20-40 days prior to the upcoming options expiration cycle in the most common Index ETF’s (Exchange traded funds: SPY, DIA, IWM) and also, on occasion, actual Index markets: SPX, NDX and RUT. We do not place iron condor positions with individual stocks.

Minimizing risk is our number one objective. Maximizing profit is secondary. All trades entered are of the high probability (90-98% chance of success). Those that know me attest that I keep it safe and simple!

The underlying premise:

I don’t know where exactly the price will be, but I have a good idea of its trading range within the next 20 trading days.

Here is how it works:

BUY a call at a strike highest out-of-the money

SELL a slightly lower call strike high out-of-the money

SELL an out-of-the money put at a low strike

BUY an out-of-the money put at a slightly lower strike

This is a credit spread in that we will be taking in credit when we open the position and therefore requires certain options trading privileges required from your broker. In other words, you have to sign up with your broker to be able to do these positions.

The technical definitions and criteria may seem complicated when talking about this strategy such as volatility (vega) and other greek words and formulae that nerdy option traders use but this is actually a very straight forward and easy process.

The bottom line: as long as it stays within the range as time increases you will make a profit. Profit is made as price stays in the middle of the range prior to expiration. But even if it is at the very bottom of the range at expiration a full profit will be realized. Iron condors can become profitable in as short as a week’s time where you can close out the entire position for a profit. Otherwise, just let it act within the range and let the position expire worthless. keeping all the credit!

In the above example of our trade, while it is unrealistic to attempt to time the market by thinking the price will always be within the middle range, we exited with a 14% profit in 3 (15 trading days) weeks time. Even thought the price was away from the maximum profit level it was still further enough away from the break even level and time decay had started to eat away at the options price. Had the price been down nearer to our entry price (the middle-point line), say down another $2.00, we would have made quite a bit more profit on this trade. about 20% But we will take 14% profit every time rather than be greedy for more.

The key thing to note is that the further in time the position is held the more it can profit and buffer your safety because of the fact the time-decay value is working in your favor with the options you have sold. the time decay is working for you not against you in Iron Condors. Overall, it is price that pays and we are able to consistently pick accurate ranges we feel the market will trade in.

I like to play it safe and give a wide enough spread so the price can have room to move and allow the power of theta to kick in during the final 10 days. This topic is expounded upon further in my Iron Condor Video Course.

Iron Condor Options Secret PANDA Credit Spread

What is Theta? Simply, it is the amount the option decreases in value each day. (What Iron Condors are all about!)

In other words an iron condor is a short position and we want the value to go down. As the picture above, theta does not really kick in until the last two weeks before expiration). This is why we sell options rather than buy them.

I will show you how to allocate funds for each iron condor position. i.e. how do determine how many shares to use if you want to spend X amount of money with also a complete formula on how to determine rate of return and probability of success. For now I can just tell you to click here to see about money management when trading options regarding investing and reinvesting profits.

In other words do you want to learn how to fish rather than me feeding you a fish? I will show you step-by-step how to fully and confidently enter, maintain and exit Iron Condors so that you can realistically achieve monthly profits of 5-10%. The 3+ hours of on-screen video from my computer screen (captured via Camtasia Studio) will show you all the fine details of this fabulous and easy strategy for low to mid volatility as expressed in the VIX being UNDER 40. Iron condors are best for an environment wherein the volatility is not escalating over 40 on the VIX, the Volatility Index as it is known. The higher the market volatility the more the price action can jeopardize the success rate.

Upon purchase I will give you the link to download the entire video course. (No shipping required).

Note: Be sure that your brokerage trading account is authorized to trade credit spreads.

Iron Condor Mastery Video Course

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