IPO Monitor’s service offering is divided into seven categories:
Life-Cycle Events
The Life-Cycle Events include:
Filings: companies filing a registration statement with the SEC. This is the first step in the process of going public and marks the introduction of the company into IPO Monitor’s database.
IPO Calendar: list of companies that have scheduled the pricing of their IPO and expect to begin trading in the public market.
Withdrawals: companies that have formally withdrawn their registration statement with the SEC, thereby terminating their plans for going public.
Pricings: companies that have priced their IPO (i.e. sold the shares to the underwriting syndicate) and will begin trading in the public market.
Aftermarket: the price performance of company’s stock in public market.
With your paid subscription, you will receive email alerts for each of these life-cycle events. We also provide a separate section on our website listing companies in each stage of the process: Recent Filings, IPO Calendar, Withdrawals, Recent Pricings, and Aftermarket Performance.
The following Email Reports are currently provided:
Pricing Alert: a real-time alert send as soon as the pricing is publicly announced; typically the day (in the afternoon) before the stock begins trading in the public market.
Daily Report: a daily summary of recent pricings, recent filings and news articles published on our Real-Time News Channel. The Recent pricings section will include IPOs that will begin trading the next day, as well as the first day performance of IPOs that began trading the day of the report.
IPO Calendar: a listing of IPOs that are expected to be priced and begin trading in the near future. Delivered weekly, providing a look ahead for the coming week(s).
Aftermarket Report: an aftermarket performance report for the 100 most recent pricings, listed in chronological order.
Weekly Wrap-up: a weekly summary of the Life-Cycle events: filings, pricings, calendar, withdrawals, and aftermarket performance.
Proprietary Reports
In addition to the standard life-cycle reports, IPO Monitor provides a number of proprietary reports:
Best & Worst: lists the best and worst performing IPOs, over five different periods: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, and 365 days. Each report lists the 10 best and worst companies during the period, two proprietary graphs:
Price/Performance Curve: a bar chart that ranks all IPOs during the period, from best to worst, with a median indicator to gauge overall market performance.
Market Cap Distribution: a bar chart of market capitalization, mirroring the Price/Performance Curve and thereby illustrating the size of IPOs relative to their aftermarket price performance.
Underwriter Reports: an underwriter performance report is generated for every brokerage firm that served as the lead underwriter in at least one deal. Each report includes all IPOs in which the broker served as the lead underwriter. The price performance of each individual IPO is computed and summed to create an average performance for the underwriter. This is combined with other performance metrics and placed on the Underwriter Scorecard. The top-25 underwriters are also identified in a special report.
Industry Funding: these reports allow you to track each industry segment through a series of charts and graphs depicting the performance of the companies comprising each industry. Seven top-level industry segments are defined: Banking & Finance, Consumer Products, Energy, Healthcare, Services and Technology. From these top-level reports and graphs, you can drill-down to second-level industry reports and graphs, and finally to the listing of companies comprising each industry.
Lock-up Period: frequently, shareholders of an IPO company are subject to an agreement with the company’s underwriters that restricts the right of shareholders to sell their shares for some period of time after the IPO has been priced. This time is called the Lockup Period and is only applicable to shareholders that acquired their shares before the IPO. When the Lockup Period expires, these shareholders are allowed to sell their shares in regular aftermarket trading. Because decisions by these shareholders to either keep or sell their shares may affect the price of the stock, monitoring the Lockup Period can be important. IPO Monitor’s Lock-up Period report lists IPO companies whose Lockup Period agreements have not yet expired. The table lists the IPO pricing date, as well as the Lockup Period expiration date.
Quiet period: All companies that complete an IPO in the United States are subject to the regulatory requirements of the SEC. One of these requirements is popularly called the Quiet Period. During the Quiet Period, the company is only allowed to publicly discuss or distribute information that is disclosed in the IPO prospectus and registration statement. The Quiet Period begins before the registration statement is filed, and ends 25 calendar days after the IPO has been priced. IPO Monitor’s Quite Period report tracks recent and near-term Quite Period expirations.
Hot IPOs: this report lists the best performing IPOs in terms of the price performance of their stock relative to the offering price. Only IPOs occurring in the last 90 days are included, ensuring a fresh listing of Hot IPOs.
IPO Monitor’s powerful search tools ensure you will always find the IPO data you need. We currently provide four types of search tools:
Basic: search by company name or stock symbol
Full-text: search the text sections of the Company Profile (business description, management, shareholders, etc.) using keywords. For example, search for the shareholder section using the name of a VC firm or search the management section for a director).
Custom Performance Reports
Two of IPO Monitor’s most powerful tools are:
Custom Aftermarket Report
Underwriter Performance Report
The Custom Aftermarket Report allows subscribers to generate an aftermarket performance report using a variety of criteria:
Date Range of Pricing
Industry Segment of SIC Code
Securities Type: Common Stock, Stock + Warrants, Units and/or ADRs
Underwriting Type: Firm Commitment or All
Geographic Region: All, Selected State(s) or Selected Area Code(s)
The output options of the dynamically generated, custom report are:
Sorted by: Percentage Change, Amount Raised, or Market Valuation
Display Type: Tabular or Plain text (for cut-and-paste)
IPO Company Profile
IPO Monitor maintains a separate web page for each company in its database. We call this a Data Sheet. Each company Data Sheet includes the following:
Company contact information (address, telephone, fax, Internet, etc.)
Industry classification and one line description of the business
Company’s underwriter(s)
Description of the company and its business (multiple paragraphs)
Number of shares offered (by company and by selling shareholders)
Stock symbol and exchange
Expected offering price range and actual offering price
Number of shares outstanding at the completion of the offering
Information on unit and warrant offerings
Name of key company executives (CEO, CFO and others)
Major shareholders (names and number of shares held)
Legal council and financial auditors
Balance Sheet and Income Statement at time of filing
Detailed SEC Financial Reporting data extracted from SEC filings
IPO-related Company News
Stock performance (offering price, first day open and close prices, current prices)
Company Data Sheets are continuously updated. Whenever information is sent to our subscribers via email, the corresponding company Data Sheets are also updated.