Find Private Money Lenders

Post on: 9 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Find Private Money Lenders

It’s NOT HARD Once You Learn the UNTOLD SECRETS, used the Real Insiders to Raise Real Money from Real Private Lenders.

From: Richard Odessey, Ph.D (The Professor)

Dear Real Estate Entrepreneur

Have you been held back from taking advantage of the great foreclosure boom by lack of funds to close those slam dunk profitable deals.  Has the lack of cash so discouraged you that you’ve even stopped looking?

Have the guru’s failed to deliver on their promises of real estate riches. leaving you still worrying about losing your job, your income and your family’s security?

You’ve probably tried going the bank to get a loan for your real estate deal.  How’d that work out? Did you waste hours filling out a mountain of paperwork, and gathering tax returns, only to be turned down flat?  Turned down for mostly ridiculous reasons, and have the great deal you’ve negotiated cut out from under you.

This may be hard to believe, but those banks have done you a favor.  Even if you had perfect credit and jumped through every one of their hoops, banks are slow, inflexible and will only cause grief in getting your deal done.

I know.  I’ve been where you are.

Until I discovered an Unlimited Supply of Cash—Private Money.

Getting Private Money Isn’t Difficult or Slow

I used to think it was both.  In fact, I took some courses and tried following the advice I got, and just got embarrassment and a whole bunch of no’s.  Perhaps you’ve also had this experience.  Not fun.

In fact, because of all the frustration and disappointment, a lot of real estate entrepreneurs think you need to be a super-salesman, or be best friends with a whole bunch of rich folks to get private money.

So, with all the failed promises, many of you have given up trying or are still stuck where you are.

I say: No More.

After wasting tens of thousands of dollars, and getting more rejections than I can count, I discovered the street-smart tricks and techniques that private money insiders (even those who were just scraping by), were using to raise millions to fund their deals.

In fact, I learned about real private lenders (even friends and family), what they expect and want, and the specific things to say and do, to get them to actually write me a check.

Why You Should Listen to The Professor

Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Odessey, The Professor. I started off as a professor of Physiology and then helped start a Biotech company which raised $10 million in funding.

For the past 12 years, I have been investing in Real Estate and closed almost every type of real estate deal imaginable, including short sales, flips, lease options, owner financing, rehabilitation, new construction and more on both single- and multi-family properties.

Despite a lot of book learning, it took me several years and tens of thousands of dollars to develop a street smart system for raising capital. It’s a proven system that works with real people and real investors with real money.

Because I am also a Private Investor as well as a Real Estate Entrepreneur, I have intimate knowledge of both sides of the private investing equation.

So I’ve been where you are – and I’ve been where your Potential Investors are. And I am going to help you understand both sides so you can get the money you need to complete the deals you want.

Get Cash on YOUR TERMS!

Imagine, getting cash at the closing table with just a phone call.  And this is real money with:

  • No cash, No credit and No Income Needed
  • Near Instant Availability
  • You Setting the Terms
  • No $ Limit
  • 100% Financing
  • Loyal Investors that will fund you again and again
  • with More Money the More Deals You Do

Sounds like a dream, but it is real when you learn the simple proven secrets that all successful entrepreneurs (including the gurus!) use but don’t tell you about.  And you don’t need to be a genius, a salesperson or even outgoing to use them and be successful.  And you don’t even have to know any rich folks.

You Don’t Have to Know Rich Folks to Get the Money

I’ve designed a complete training program that will give you everything you need to successfully raising private money.  And more than knowledge, you will get the training, experience and feedback directly from The Professor, so that you can confidently zoom up the learning curve, with no brick walls.

I will show you how to raise private money even if it’s for the first deal you’ve ever done.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken a lot of real estate courses or not.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a Ph.D. or a high-school drop-out.

And with our live training webinars, you can do this from the comfort of your own home at a time convenient for you.

Here’s the results of what Stefan experienced:

Before I found your site, I didn’t know how to approach [private investors]. Then, after learning all that from your site, everything became so clear. I’ve gotten $300,000 just from one investor. Learning all that great information from your site — really changed everything!

- Stefan Szlembarski, IL

Now, Stefan’s results are not typical. Why, because most people do nothing with the information they have available, and most of the rest just listen passively. Stefan is in the 5% who used what he learned and decided to TAKE ACTION !

Which group do you want to be in? Do you want to be in the 5%’ers that can accomplish amazing things when they learn the right way to do it?

You can line up private lenders ready to write you a check in Just 90 Days


Because, every bit of this training program is packed with the latest cutting edge information on Raising Private Money for Real Estate and it took over 2 years to research, gather the data and compile it into this amazing new training program that is designed to work in today’s economy.

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