Financial Literacy The Key To Every Woman s Financial Stability
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

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If I asked you to list everything that’s part of your family’s current financial portfolio, could you do it?
Can you name all the bank accounts, credit card accounts and brokerage accounts you and your husband own jointly and individually? Do you know how much you owe on your house and/or that vacation condo you purchased last year? Can you say with certainty how much your husband earns, including base salary, bonuses, deferred compensation, retirement plans, stock options and restricted stock? What are your monthly expenses?
In other words, can you list (somewhat accurately) all of your income, expenses, assets and liabilities?
Unfortunately, far too many married women can’t make that kind of list. They simply aren’t familiar with even the basics of their family finances. What’s holding them back? Why don’t more women have a working knowledge of their financial portfolios?
For Amanda Steinberg, founder and CEO of the financial advice website DailyWorth. the answers to those questions revolve around the way women typically view their role with regard to money issues.
“As women, we’ve been socialized to think we’re bad with money, or that engaging with money is somehow ‘unfeminine,’” Ms. Steinberg explained. “It’s ironic that a gender typically so concerned with health, wellness and family security would also be averse to understanding the fundamentals of investing.”
And of course, the problem starts long before marriage. You see, the problem is that most women never really learn to be financially literate .
If that’s a new term for you, you may be wondering what exactly it means to be “financially literate.” Let me explain. In 2008, President George W. Bush created the first ever President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. That Council defines financial literacy as “the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well-being.”
To me, that definition sums it up beautifully because it tells you that knowledge about financial matters can help you establish a lifetime of financial well-being. In other words, it’s not about luck. It’s not about being in the right place at the right time. Instead, financial literacy IS about educating yourself. It’s about learning how to manage your financial resources. and to be honest, I believe those lessons should start very early in one’s life/education.
It would be fantastic if financial literacy was taught in high school, but as I’m sure you know, that’s not usually the case –which means the problem of being financially illiterate often doesn’t manifest itself until after a woman gets married. As Carrie Birgbauer, MA, CYI founder of NY Money Coach. told me, “Financial literacy means being fluent – able to speak, read and write – on the topic of money.”
And that’s different than having a general understanding or awareness about financial matters.
“Even though many women can understand the headlines of financial news and talk stocks at a dinner party, they’re really not fluent on these topics, and they feel uneducated, disempowered and in a complete fog when it comes to their own relationship with money,” Ms. Birgbauer said. “Typically, when women remain in a money fog before or during marriage, they are afraid of disrupting status quo or seeing the truth about themselves or their partner. Women also fear addressing heavy topics like family history and imbalances such as debt, emotional spending, and underearning. Many women simply don’t know what questions to ask or where to begin.”
But that needs to change.
“What women need to understand is that investing is not as complicated as the news chatter of stocks and market swings,” Ms. Steinberg explained. “Conservative, long-term investing can be simple. Too often women want to delegate all to their husbands, fathers or financial advisors. It’s fine to delegate tasks that go into portfolio planning but it’s downright dangerous to not understand what they’re doing or how it’s working.”
Here are the two most common scenarios I see:

- The marriage is great and things go along smoothly until the husband dies (or becomes incapacitated). That’s when the woman realizes she is clueless about her family’s financial affairs. As a result, she can become an easy mark for unscrupulous con artists, brokers and advisors –or it’s quite likely she’ll simply make devastating financial mistakes on her own.
- The marriage is unhappy and all roads lead to divorce. That’s when a woman who has not been involved the family finances finds she is forced into constant catch-up mode, without any clue of where to begin, what to look for, what to do, etc. Meanwhile, her husband knows everything and could be hiding assets and setting things up to his advantage. (And who knows? He could have been doing just that for years!)
I decided long ago that I want to do whatever I can to prevent scenario #2 as described above. and that’s precisely why I’ve launched a free, members-only website created to educate, empower and support women before, during and after divorce.
I want women to be different than “Jennifer” in the video. She’s worried about all the things she doesn’t know, like
- How property is divided in divorce
- Whether or not she could/should keep the marital house
- The ins and outs of alimony and child support
- Ways to tell if her husband is hiding assets
- How to plan for a secure financial future
- . and much more!
Of course, I’d like women to start thinking about all of those issues well before there is any chance of divorce. I’d like all of you to educate yourselves about your financial situations early-on, so you fully understand what might happen if you divorce. So, isn’t only for women who are going through a (or thinking about) divorce – it’s for all women.
Every woman should be able to write the list I asked about at the beginning of this article. My hope is that by joining, women can become financially literate while accessing the tools and support they need to achieve a secure financial future for themselves and their children.
All articles/blog posts are for informational purposes only, and do not constitute legal advice. If you require legal advice, retain a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author, who is not an attorney. or email Jeff at .