FACEBOOK Archives Brayden
Post on: 20 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Personal ATM Machine
You guys have heard me talk a lot about getting to know a stock SO incredibly well following it so closely, that you can practically predict its ticks before it makes them.
Its possible guys; I did it with Suncor for 2 full years netting upwards of 30K or so. And Ive spent the last two years doing it with Deethree Exploration on the TSX (ticker: DTX).
Want to hear a crazy statement? Ive yet to make ONE loss on this one to date. Not one losing trade. And there has been at least 300 of them if not more. Thats the truth and Ill personally show proof to any doubters.
I shoot for a modest $250 or so per trade, taking $150 when prudent, and I have hit it to date, on every single execution. In a few days, usually a few hours, and sometimes less than 15 minutes.
Like a surgeon. In, out. Clean and professional.
You need to be surgical in your trades; treat it like a professional with a scalpel. Watch>plan>wait>execute>sell= PROFIT.
But have your game plan, BEFORE you enter the trade.

I show this just so you can sort of visualize what I mean when I say personal ATM machine. This is the only stock Ive traded on the Canadian side of my account since January of this year. Why? I know it like the back of my hand so why get distracted by any other ticker. I know when its topping out and I can sell, and I know when its taking a quick 10 cent pull back allowing me to jump back in. Surgical precision. Would a surgeon take the day off and practice dentistry? Dont think so. When it comes to TRADING (vs. investing) diversification is little more than a distraction that causes you to get fragmented and spread too thin. Pick one company, learn it, study the charts, and trade the mother-loving shite out of it.
I do similar on the US side of my account, but I stick pretty much exclusively to options. The reason is leverage (I can make the same $250 on $200 options contracts, where it takes $15,000 on the stock itself to make the same $250 in the same time). But it goes further than that. I did an experiment back in July and it worked out extremely well. The concept or experiment was to trade no more than $200-$300 per trade, and net $1,000 profit on the day. Many students ask me if they can get into this with only $1,000, so I did this little experiment the very next day on TSLA back in July. Please check it out and see the myth for yourself.
Heres also a screenshot (aka PROOF) of my US options strategy. Youll also notice two strict rules I have here; no more than $500 or so per position, and stick to no more than 5 stocks. Watching 25 is a waste of your time, and it WILL NOT make you more money. It will make you less, and take you longer.
Questions are always welcome