Post on: 1 Май, 2015 No Comment

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Опыт работы
set up fixed income securities into the Broadridge Impact system, reconcilation with bloomberg calculations, couping of treasury securities after auctions, merging of reopened treasuries with their original cusip set ups, verification of outstanding trades in the impact system, private range security set ups in the Broadridge ADP and Impact systems, and interacted with trade support desks and correspondent firms to settle trades accurately- for example trades with invalid identifiers, pool numbers not found, missing trader books, and customer accounts not found or in blocked status.
Operations Specialist
январь 2002 ноябрь 2008 (6 лет 11 месяцев)
Updating ICI Impact to reconcile front to back fixed income area breaks,and reconciled principal and interest differences so that ICI Impact matched with the front office Bloomberg system.
Set up and revision of fixed income securities data,which included municipals,corporates,mortgage backed,asset backed,collateralized mortgage obligations,federal agency,U.S. treasuries,money markets,futures,options,and foreign securities into ICI Impact as per the Bloomberg description.
Entered new fixed income customer account delivery instructions and revision of instructions into ICI Impact,so trades would settle on a timely basis,and any fail items would be cleaned up expeditiously.
Entered equities area customer account delivery instructions and revision of instructions into Broadridge ADP,so trades would settle on a timely basis,and any fail items would be cleaned up expeditiously.
Trade entry and corrections into ICI Impact for all fixed income products,including municipals,corporates,mortgage backed,asset backed,collateralized mortgage obligations,federal agency,U.S. treasuries,money markets,futures,options,and foreign securities.I also assisted with equities trade entry and corrections into Broadridge ADP.
Familiarized myself with the DTC clearing function.

Trade Support Clerk
июль 1993 январь 2002 (8 лет 7 месяцев)
Municipal Bond desk
P & S Clerk
Fundamental Brokers, Inc
сентябрь 1983 апрель 1993 (9 лет 8 месяцев)
GSCC comparison and consultation with brokers to resolve discrepancies on U.S.treasury and federal agency securities trade activity.