Duquesne University

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

International Business Training

Several workshops are offered throughout the year for companies interested in growing their export sales and entering new markets

Export Basics — This is a program for new and prospective exporters, covering the essential elements of international business. Through this half-day seminar, the Duquesne University Small Business Development Center will acquaint western Pennsylvania companies with the mechanics and procedures necessary to develop effective and profitable overseas trade.

International Documentation Training — This program will help you understand when and how you should be completing certain international documents listed below. We will go through each document, step by step, and you will know where to go and what to look for in your own documents to be able to complete them accurately and know when they are required. Many companies are exposing themselves unnecessarily to shipment delays, customs audits and demurrage charges because there is incomplete or inaccurate documentation for the shipment. Why not learn what documents you should complete and how to do so accurately so you can keep your customers, distributors and company ahead of schedule?

    Understand how to correctly fill out: Commercial invoices, Packing Lists, Bills of Lading, EEIs, Certificates of Origin, Dock receipts. Shippers Export Declaration- (SED) — Understanding every field of the fewer and how you are required to complete it correctly. (Even though we must submit them electronically (EEI), companies still use the SED to give to their forwarder). How to minimize delays in customs by having all of the information the first time. Why you should be using a DCS Statement on all of your invoices both domestic & international. Understanding which countries still require a wood certificate. What does legalization of documents mean and for which countries is this required. Pre-Shipment Inspections Who requires them and how should they be done? NAFTA Certificates of Origin Common errors, when you should/ shouldnt fill one out.

The Global Market place is growing at an average of 5% per year. This session covers Industry Analysis, Global Sales and Export Plan, HTS Classification and answers questions such as:

  • Where and how to do business?
  • What are current trends?
  • How can capital movement and return on investment help CEOs to exponentially grow their companies?

This program is pre-approved by NASBITE and will provide 15 CPEs (CGBP Recertification Credits) towards annual recertification.

This is a 5 part certification program. In order to receive the certificate attendees need to register and attend at least 4 of the 5 sessions.

Export-U2.com is a free export training website that helps businesses learn concise and accurate international trade information to safely develop export sales.

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