Commodity trading rules and currency trading strategy with expert advice on successful stock_1
Post on: 17 Октябрь, 2015 No Comment

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Stop what you are doing for a minute and consider this. Whether you are a beginner in trading stocks, or simply looking for commodity trading rules or commitments of traders data, you will also find a currency trading strategy here.
Is your trading DOA? Has your trading bottomed out with a roaring kerplunk? Is your trading a madhouse keeping your nerves on edge, your stomach churning and your wallet flat? Has your trading made you a nervous nellie? Feel like a deer caught in bright headlights, unwilling or unable to act? Feel like you’re shark-bait? Arrggghhh.
Have you been trying in vain to make headway with your trades? Are you having trouble shaking off bad trading habits? Feel like you’re riding 100-foot waves?
Is the only thing guaranteed about your trading a lower standard of living?
Are you wanting to take your trading to a whole new level and start making serious money? Do you want to become a better all-round trader? Do you want your fortunes to soar like the stock market on a bull run?
As Yogi Berra once said, The game isn’t over till it’s over.
How would you like to blast your current trading to pieces and send it spinning like a Ferris wheel? How would you like to use secrets that will skyrocket your profits and have people begging you for your shoot-the-lights-out expertise?
How would you like to find out what the Big Dogs are hiding from you, how a completely different approach will skyrocket your results and income, and have you running with the Big Dogs.
Tired of rush hour traffic? Your boss? And your boss’ boss? And his boss, too.
Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. If you continue to do things the way you always have, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got! Denial is not a river in Egypt. I think it was Albert Einstein who once said: The thinking that got you to where you are now (no matter how good it is) probably won’t get you where you want to go.
If wearing white on Labour Day is your idea of living on the edge, then this kind of trading is for you. This isn’t nosebleed trading or Vegas-style trading. It’s more like watching paint dry. We believe in protecting the rock. You should be afraid of losing your hard-earned money. Be very afraid. Today’s volatile markets are making even the savviest of traders lose money. Stay on the profitable path with us.
You don’t have to swing at the ball every time there’s a pitch. Most traders are influenced by the people in the stands who are yelling, Swing, you b__. Ignore the crowd and wait for the right pitch. That’s what we do, and we’ll show you how to spot the right trade. You could also call it slam-dunk trading.
If you are as serious as a raging forest fire about making money trading, then you have come to the right place. Nows your chance to hit the MOTHERLOAD .
Why am I so sure I can help you? Because my trading knowledge is something I have gained quietly and consistently the hard way — not from a college text book. No bafflegab. Promise! I’ve spent over 10,000 hours studying every aspect of trading, only to realize that stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, ETFs/funds, markets and their chart patterns repeat themselves over and over again — before the market makes its move. Now you too can learn these secrets.
All the major banks, investment houses, mutual funds and many top investors, as well as my readers, use this system to achieve incredible results, and you can too!
Eventually, even investors will become traders. According to Bain & Co. a Boston consulting firm, the holding period for an average stock listed on the NYSE is less than one year, down from an average holding period of greater than eight years in 1960. Also, research has shown that the average Canadian equity fund has a turnover of 80 per cent. So much for the adage ‘stocks for the long run’. Trading is where it’s at, my friend.
Welcome to a place where common sense reigns and lunch is a turkey sandwich. No rocket science here. No PhD required.
We have no competition. As Gandhi said, first they laughed at us, then they were angry at us and then they tried to co-opt with us. We are the de facto trading site of choice. Hear what Orlando Bustos of Sacramento, California, has to say: I fully agree with you when you say, if you want to be winner in this business, you have to follow what the big dogs are doing. Thank you for all your good advice. I do appreciate all your help and your willingness to help me find a way through my training. You will find other unsolicited comments at
Before you decide I’ve gone to the bottom of the garden to visit the fairies, hear me out. Whether you are a beginner in trading stocks, or simply looking for commodity trading rules or commitments of traders data, you will also find a currency trading strategy here.
This is the ultimate headache-free stock, commodity, currency and market trading strategy on this planet. This way to good fortune is a tsunami. abreakthrough safe system without the hype, and isnt even remotely like any other. It will blow the lid off your old trading habits and empower and propel you to trade fearlessly.
This is the one-two trading punch. that will turbo-charge your trading style. It is the ultimate trading weapon that will hone your trading teeth until they’re piranha-sharp.
You can use this system to pad your bank account with extra hundreds or even thousands per month or you can go for the big time and see how much further you can go with explosive results.
The income potential is mind-boggling if you follow this money-maker.
Ahem! Listen up closely now. Stay with me on this. About 90% of those who dabble in stocks, commodities futures, currencies and markets lose money. Imagine that. The good news is. YOU can be part of the upper crust 10%. A millionaire a day came out of the markets in the last major wave of inflation after economic rebound. THIS TIME are you ready? Ah. The million-dollar question.
Trading is a zero sum business in which one persons loss is anothers gain. Ill show you how to position yourself on the winning side so youll rake in your share of the money being lost by the 90%. It’s like reaching into their pockets and grabbing their wallets. It’s that incredibly easy.
This is where you have to pay attention as I am about to give you some free information thats so amazingly simple it’s almost scary.
Investors who trade stocks, commodities futures, currencies or markets are either winners or losers. Bulls make money; bears make money; pigs always lose.
To be in the winning group, you dont have to outsmart anyone, dream up a new scheme or stay awake late at night thinking about trends.
All you have to do is follow the big guns. Its that simple. Theres nothing else to it. And I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
The information I am about to share with you will let you put your money worries aside and allow you to create your own compelling future. It will help you get what you want faster than you previously thought possible. It can fulfill your fondest dreams. Achieving your goals is easier than ever. You can be financially secure. Soon!
Okay. Strap in and let’s have a look. One group always wins in this business. They are the business. They own it. They have deep pockets. What’s more, they can’t even hide their tracks. They leave giant footprints in the mud. They can be traced with the equivalent of radioactive dye.
They’re the brilliant brains. the savvy businessmen. the crafty and sneaky champs. the best-of-the-best experts. the Frankensteins. the most incredible giants. the absolute top traders. in this wonderful world of trading.
When this group changes from one position in the market to another, its like a herd of pachyderms stomping along a muddy river bank. By following their lead, you will soon discover which markets are being set up to move and when.
There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will ever tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the only rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher. Mazer Rackham to Ender Wiggin — Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game
Commercial interests like Post/Nabisco, Sara Lee and General Mills need the markets to survive. Thats the business theyre in. Companies like Firestone, Kellogg and Dow Chemical are merely channels for the markets. In essence, they are just middlemen between the various exchanges and companies like Wal-Mart.
These companies, as well as individual users like the general public, need the markets. Futures contracts, including the currency and stock markets, stabilize prices for them. Otherwise, you and I couldnt afford to buy anything.
Commodities futures, currencies and stock markets drive the financial world. The gajillion $$$$ corporations know it. They depend on the markets for their survival.
The winning group is comprised of the gigantic multinational corporations that know how to exploit currencies, energy, grain, livestock, lumber, metals, the stock markets, etc. They understand these markets intimately. They own these markets. They are the markets. THEY NEED INDIVIDUAL PUBLIC TRADERS LIKE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THEIR TRADES. They call it the dumb money. They are the 10%. Sear that into your memory!
It’s unbelievably bizarre. The big guys truly do have an unfair advantage.
They dont miss their mark when they move on a stock market, commodity or currency. They are not betting. This is business to them as it should be to you. They may act a month early but theyre seldom a week late. And, when they do act, it’s at lightning speed.
You cant outsmart them. You cant bet against them and win. Its that simple. You can keep trying to beat them at THEIR GAME but youll end up road kill for sure.
Not to worry. Ill show you how you can piggy-back on these giants and tap into the mind power of the pros who earn millions. You’ll learn the truth about their trading. It is so simple, it’s like a blind squirrel being able to find a nut.
You will acquire the very same success strategies embraced by the pros and achieve the same level of success. The exact same results are within your grasp.
Sir Isaac Newton said, If I’ve seen further than others, it’s because I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.
Did you know that there is an investment traded every day by clever traders all over the world, who aren’t any smarter than you? Did you know that a thousand-dollar trade in Heating Oil can leverage $168,000 worth of Heating Oil? With that amount of leverage, being involved in a one-cent price movement in your favour in the value of Heating Oil could return $2,100.
During the winter of 2000, Heating Oil moved over 30 cents, and that represented a movement of $63,000 in just a few months. This is just one example of the many opportunities that exist in the markets every day be they commodities, currencies or stocks and they are there just waiting for you to scoop them up.
All you have to give up in return is one hour of your time every two weeks to do some simple auto-pilot trading. This is all the time youll need to do some very exciting work — in almost any part of the country you choose. Won’t you invest just an hour to experience success?
Anthony Robbins’ genius lies in his ability to model the behaviours and emotions of successful people. The same applies to trading. Success is achievable.
If you want to be successful, find someone who achieved the results you want and copy what they do, and you’ll achieve the same results.
The secret of success for every person who is, or has ever been successful, lies in the fact that he or she has formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do. Ivan Burnell.
My formula is quite simple: Take a few small positions, then kick back and wait for large market moves — with larger profits. Truly successful traders have a formula that works for them every time. There’s nothing accidental about success. It isn’t random. It’s just as easy to succeed as it is to fail.
What Ive said so far applies equally as well to currencies, the world’s largest and most valued commodity. You can bet that the major institutional firms that trade two-to-three trillion dollars worth of currencies each day didnt master their trade by guessing wrong and losing money. They are the shakers and movers. They are the insiders. If you cant beat em, join em.
Ill show you how you can get your share of the $6 trillion-a-day markets. Youll think youve died and gone to Heaven when you find out how easy it is to mimic the pros.
Every day, six trillion dollars float through the hands of people who arent any smarter than you or I are. It doesnt make any difference if youre an accountant, baker, butcher, retired sea captain, homemaker, airline pilot, surgeon — or cop on the beat.
If youre willing to take some direction, you deserve a nice piece of the action. Youll never have to learn zip about wheat, gold, hog bellies, deutschemarks, stocks or currencies. You will learn the techniques and strategies to go out and claim what is rightfully yours.
Play right along with the giants of world commerce. You wont be on the outside looking in; youll be enjoying the thrill of a lifetime, riding on their king-size coattails. Pretty cool, eh?
Stephen Covey has 7 habits of highly effective people. The Music Man has 76 trombones in the big parade and Paul Simon says there are 50 ways to leave your lover. And, although no one has written a song about it, there are 12 cutting edge best kept secrets . strategies, techniques, tips and tools you need to know about trading. You can put these powerhouse concepts and methods to use right away to trade stocks, commodities, currencies and markets.
Whether you are a beginner in trading stocks, or simply looking for commodity trading rules or commitments of traders data, you will also find a currency trading strategy here.
Discover why commitments of traders data applies equally to all markets, including stocks, commodities, and currencies. Discover the only thing you need to know to trade commodities successfully. Discover the greatest secret of the stock market. Discover the one simple number that smashes measly results. Discover The Big Clue to trading any market. Discover the only online trading account you should ever consider using. Discover how to beat the Dow. Discover the only thing that traders need to be successful. Discover how to get the edge trading currencies. And, discover The 12 Trading Secrets of the Big Dogs.
- How to tell when the market super-powers are expecting a major price shift. How to see in a matter of seconds what they are doing. You’re gonna love this one.
- How to catch a ride on seasonal tendencies. A few of them have a 15-year accuracy record of 100%. Did you know that stocks, commodities, currencies and markets follow the same patterns over and over again?
- How to find a trading style you’ll feel 100% comfortable with.
- When to enter a trade. And when to get out to maximize profits.
- How you can usually tell in advance which way a sideways market is going to break (up or down).
- Indicators/techniques that will bring you winnings more often than not.
- How you can easily avoid the expensive mistakes made by even the most skilled traders.
- How much to pay your broker for a trade (most beginners pay way too much). Find out what your broker isn’t telling you.
- How you can tell days in advance which way a market will go (even when it’s rapidly moving in the other direction at the moment!).
- Why you should absolutely avoid becoming a devoted follower of some carpetbagger, with a genie in his bottle, who is this month’s hottest snake oil salesman in trading. Seers who look into crystal balls for a living eat a lot of glass. The most successful traders are independent. They do not listen to other people’s spiel. Only suckers fall for promotional rhetoric.
- When to buy and sell. the key to trading success.
- Day trading know-how that’s one step ahead of the game.
Find out which indicator beat out the other 99 as the most reliable technical market pointer around. It is the gauge against which the other indicators are now measured . It is the one to trade with.
Find out which other major signal converging with it causes technical analysts to salivate. The trend automatically reveals itself and mid- and long-term support points fall into place. This is as close to trading nirvana as you will ever get.
Find out which two reversal patterns are the most reliable there is in technical analysis.
Find out how the two per cent rule catches most swings in the early stages and tells you whento get in or out. This one alone could have saved your hide on Nortel big time.
Find out all the different ways to trade and which ones were proven best by research. No man is an island. You can’t live long enough to make all the mistakes, if you go it on your own.
Find out why markets tend to move in the opposite direction of the crowd or herd .
Find out how to get accurate stock market, commodities and currencies forecasts so that even a complete moron could spot trades instantly.
Find out what the pros know that rookies wish they knew too. Find out why pro traders are getting rich, while you’re not, and what you can do about it.
Find out how to get a fix on where the smart money is going.
Discover hidden truths, like the worst months for the Dow Jones industrial average over the 50 years to mid-2000: September, August, May and June, in that order. Find out more about truisms like: Buy when it snows, sell when it goes. This particular saying has a good track record.
Learn what educated traders already know — what works and what doesn’t. For example, successful trading is less about making perfect initial decisions and more about managing your trades in a way that limits your losses when the market moves against you.
In order to make profits, you must learn to follow the trend and change when the trend changes. W.D. Gann
The best time to buy is when it seems to be the worst time to buy. That is the hardest time to do it emotionally. Chris Claus, USAA IMCO president
We’ll turn you into a MOTO trader: Master of the Obvious. More things will become obvious to you than to most people, the 90% who consistently lose. Caught soon enough, bad trading habits can be fixed! We have the answers. We’ll take you by the hand and show you the way.
We are not talking about a magic dust approach or flash-in-the-pan hocus-pocus. This isn’t just the theory, hype and nonsense that some wacko is running around trying to pass off as truth — a lot of hoopla about nothing. These hard-hitting, insider, nuts-and-bolts strategies and techniques are the proven, coveted secrets that top trading experts use every day to build fortunes for themselves, their clients and their companies.
There is something here for every little guy trader — be you advanced, beginner, intermediate or the species homo day tradius. If these Web sites were movies, they would be two thumbs up:
- 14 sites providing free real-time or 10-minute delayed access to the markets
- One of the most popular financial advice sites with over 50% returns in just one of their portfolios
- Technical and cycle analysis
- Bonds at bargain basement prices
- A site for those who just want to chart
- A site where you can chart your own securities and get quotes
- A site for those traders who have a day job and can’t watch the markets all day but still want to trade
- Dow investment strategies
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- Free E-Mail report on inside information
- Expiration calendar for futures and options
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- The fastest growing financial site
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- One of the best sites for daily market news
- A site that pays you for your stock picks
- A site where you can manage your own portfolio and track your own investments
- A site that is good at selecting model portfolios
- Free software
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- Top ten companies
- A site where you can trade currencies online
- Meet one of the most experienced traders in the S&P stock index futures pit

What you’ve read up to this point is just a taste of the priceless information that has taken me years to compile. You’ll find the rest in my book.
(You are just 266 easy-read pages away from trading like the Big Dogs.)
There is so much more I would like to share with you but space is limited here. What youve seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest you will find in HOW TO TRADE LIKE A PRO IN ONE HOUR.
Finally, money has an owner’s manual. This is it. All the pieces are now in place, all balled up into one power-packed resource. It’s all here.
Funny thing about money, it doesn’t come with instructions, and it’s always looking for the smartest people. Choosing the right trade can be difficult. Choosing the right trading advisor doesn’t have to be. Give us a try and more money will be finding a home at your place. That’s because we’re completely obsessed with trading and that’s all we focus on. You can now reap the benefits.
You can throw away all those audios, books, newsletters, reports, tapes and videos and quit attending seminars.
My book was launched because I was fed up with the advice being given by a so called reputable newsletter. It was just so much blah. blah. blah.
In this book, youll find out how to trade stocks, commodities futures, currencies and markets in a way that might make your present trading activity look like a slow swim through a school of sharks at dinnertime. Youll feel so much safer; youll have nightmares about the bad old days when you tried to make a buck off your old ways.
The book will give you all the tools youll need to reshape your future into the exciting kind of life most people can only dream about. You wont find anything missing from the book. On the contrary, youll get eight-to-10 times as much material as you actually need to succeed. Its waaaaay more than you expected.
The book gives you not just the key to success but patterns and mechanisms you can easily put to use. Everything is tried and proven. Youll generate profits that positively skunk anything youve ever been offered before.
The key to accomplishing your goals lies in modeling the success patterns of the TOP DOGS who are already in the elite 10% group. You’ll learn how to play follow the leader.
The book is designed to encourage and give you all you need to capitalize on the exciting twists and turns in the markets. You will be able to shoot for the typical yearly biggest move profits. The results will knock your socks off!
To pursue what the book tells you, you dont need a small fortune or a quote machine. You don’t have to be rich and powerful to get what you want. I started on a frayed shoestring myself. I know what it feels like to have most of your assets in pizza coupons, old racquet balls and fourteen years worth of National Geographic.
The book is hands-on practical. You wont find one theory in it thats not tied directly to some trading practice. and proven in the crucible of the markets. It is so simple and powerful that you can adapt it for any market, any trading environment, any amount of conservatism or aggressiveness and any temperament.
Clarity is the watchword. This is a professional, fast-moving, comprehensive book and youll find nothing vague at all in it.
It is produced for normal kinds of people. You dont need a towering IQ or have any special ability to master the details.
I know it’s hard to believe, but in the book, The Millionaire Mind ,author Thomas J. Stanley interviewed 1,300 millionaires and made some startling observations. The average millionaire got B’s and C’s in school; scored an average of 1190 on the SAT (a good score, but not a terrific one, as 1600 is a perfect score); was told he/she was not intellectually gifted and not smart enough to succeed.
What I am talking about here isnt some kind of activity where youll be sitting around doing massive analysis of markets in your head. It is more a matter of just following simple instructions step-by-step.
The book wont fry your brain with mathematical formulas. Youll truly enjoy it, sitting in your easy chair, wearing your tennies and T-shirt. sipping your favourite drink. and counting the money youre going to be making.
It is designed to teach you everything you need to know to become a first class trader reaping in major money.
This is a bare-bones, no-nonsense, painless easy read with no techno-babble or grandiose words or gobbledygook. It is a beefy jam-packed book with real-world case examples — a virtual Gold mine chock-full of tested, proven and verified information.
Its one of the meatiest, mind boggling, yet fun, reading books ever written on trading. Even if you suffer from techno-phobia, you dont have to be a technical whiz to understand it. You wont find any marketing flimflam or golly-gee-whiz stuff in it.
You will not find it in any bookstore. It is being sold exclusively on the Internet. Only 4,000 copies of this edition are being printed this go-around so quantities are limited and supplies wont last.
I know it sounds almost too good to be true but the difference here is that none of what Ill be sharing with you is pie-in-the-sky theory. It’s the REAL-DEAL. Its already been tested and proven. Believe me. It works.
You can have the comfort of knowing youre not a lab rat or somebody elses guinea pig.
You dont need any special equipment (other than a computer and an Internet connection) or experience to immediately go from beginner to expert. Internuts and techno-turkeys alike are welcome. Fortunately for us living in the age of the affordable personal computer and Internet, the technology is now available that makes spotting trend and trend reversals extremely quick and very apparent. You can start earning income in no time flat after you read the book.
If youre on fire about trading, this book is a must read . I truly believe this user-friendly book is an invaluable tool.
I guarantee the contents will make your jaw drop and have your mouth watering with possibilities. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet until you get your hands on my book.
Youll find out how to put what youve learned from the pages of HOW TO TRADE LIKE A PRO IN ONE HOUR into practice.
The people who get on in this world are the ones who get up in the morning and look for the circumstances they want and if they don’t find them. make them. G. B. Shaw
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Hear what Andrew Anderson of Ridgeway, VA, has to say. It was a pleasure to talk to you today about your program and book. I really enjoyed for once being able to talk to the author of a book that I bought on trading. I have bought books and courses many times more expensive with no real substance like your book. You are a godsend to me and my family. Thanks for really opening my eyes. You should sell your book for 10 times your price. I’m sold. There’s no way you will ever get this book back. Peter, again thanks a million and Godspeed to you.
If you can’t decide or you’re too scared or skeptical to trade $79.95 of your money for the secrets of a trading mercenary, there’s no way in the world you’ll be able to make thousands of dollars trading. I’ve kept the price so low because I don’t want interested people like to have an excuse not to try my book.
The ridiculously low price of $79.95 is just slightly more than it costs me to fill my cherished BMW with gas. Just one successful trade using any one of my numerous hidden tricks will pay for the book many times over.
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It won’t be long before we are ridiculed into jacking the price up to $129.95, which was our original price point — just to silence the critics who think we are giving the book and all its freebies away at the ridiculously LOW price of $79.95. Like Andrew Anderson of Ridgeway, VA, says: You should sell your book for 10 times your price. Hmmmmm. on second thought. Better get it while it’s still cheap.
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin
If you’re interested in long-term, life-changing success, then a few extra days of reading and researching shouldn’t matter.
I want people who want to play the great international game of money hockey on the winning team. Success doesn’t favour any particular age group. A white-haired gentleman by the name of Colonel Sanders decided at age 65 that he didn’t want to subsist on Social Security checks. He was refused 1,009 times before he heard his first yes. That’s two years of noes before he got his first yes. Persistence, my friends, works in trading too.
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And, here are just a few other comments that were sent in unsolicited.
Hear what Jonathan Ong of Singapore has to say. I will never trade again without first looking at COT and your other advice. made me want to buy your book again!!
Hear what Karen Kwinter has to say about her own trading. I am using your method of technical analysis and so far I’ve bought and sold winningly.
Hear what Noel Aranas of New Jersey has to say. It is my pleasure being a client of yours and I look forward to many years of such a relationship, like your next book, etc.
Hear what Paul of the U.K. has to say : I have been studying the accuracy of your indicator. It is excellent. Very powerful stuff, thanks for the tip.
And then there was the guy who thought he knew better:I’d have saved a bucket of money on Nortel if I’d just listened to you!
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The late Vince Lombardi, legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers during their glory years, once said, Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. What he was saying was that, in the long run, people who are successful make their own luck by taking advantage of favourable circumstances, like the opportunity I am offering you here and now. and those who rely on chance luck have very little hope of continued success.
Your choices will decide your destiny (Ivan Burnell). I am the master of my fate (Willam Ernest Henley).
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And now, the mumbo-jumbo for the legal beagles: Stock, commodity futures, currency and market trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures markets and stocks. As stated at the outset, about 90% of those who dabble in stocks, commodities, currencies, and markets lose money. The material being presented here attempts to improve the odds. However, everybody is different and there is no way of knowing how each person is going to apply the information. People are people and, if they weren’t, Wall Street would be a sleepy little alley that begins at a church and ends at a river, with little in between.
Whatever you do, dont trade with money you cant afford to lose. Past profits are not necessarily indicative of future results. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell commodity or securities interests. Wherever specific tradables may be mentioned for your attention as possible investments or trades, either on this Web site or in any of its offerings/products, these are not endorsed by TradingSmarts as recommendations. They are merely included for illustrative purposes only.
The material described at this Web site is intended to provide information considered to be accurate. It is distributed with the understanding that we are not rendering any professional services; disclaim any warranty concerning information provided; and assume no liability for advertising claims.
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