Wylie Money Reinvesting dividends and capital gains in a taxable account

Post on: 4 Июль, 2015 No Comment

Wylie Money Reinvesting dividends and capital gains in a taxable account


Reinvesting dividends and capital gains in a taxable account

Up until now, I had all my mutual fund dividends and capital gains distributions set to automatically reinvest in my taxable brokerage account.

This creates a bit of work when it comes to calculating the basis on my holdings when I sell a fund, but I don’t mind. And with online brokerages, it is not much work at all. Etrade keeps track of the basis and I assume other brokerages do too. So as long as I note the basis before I sell and the holding no longer shows in my portfolio, and the records are accurate for holdings I bought before I started using Etrade, there is no work to do at all.

There are four reasons I turned off automatic dividend reinvesting, anyway:

1) If you sell a no-load no-fee fund within 90 days of purchase you are penalized a fee of $49.99. I do not know that this applies to automatic reinvestments (I assume it does), but I’d rather not worry or risk the hassle.

2) If I think I want to sell a fund, I typically don’t add anything to it for a year before I sell so any gains are taxed as long term gains. I have two funds I have not been adding to since last June, thinking I might sell after my last addition to the funds is a year ago or greater. In December the funds distributed and reinvested automatically. This complicates the tax implications of a sale unless I now wait until next December which has slightly agitated my calm.

3) I invest regularly adding small amounts to some holdings to keep my overall portfolio balanced as I want it. Taking gains and distributions as cash and manually adding them to the funds I want to gives me more control over keeping my overall portfolio in balance. For some people (those who would let the cash sit) this might not be a good idea, but I have seen that I regularly take the cash I save in my brokerage and invest it, so this should work well for me.

Wylie Money Reinvesting dividends and capital gains in a taxable account

4) Even though Etrade keeps good records of all my purchases, when Etrade bought my previous brokerage. the old electronic details did not convert over. I assume if Etrade goes under or another firm buys Etrade, or I end up with a new brokerage for any reason, the balances will transfer but the details about my basis will not. Sure I can keep track of everything myself, but to do so is more hassle than it is worth.

If you have an Etrade account that is not a retirement account, or even if it is a retirement account, and you want to un-enroll from automatic reinvesting, simply go to the online service center and type in a request to customer service for them to make the change. For mutual funds, you cannot do it yourself through their interface.

I left my Roth IRA alone so it still automatically reinvests. Since I only add to the IRA once a year, and I cannot add enough to rebalance all the holdings by adding to the market sectors that trailed the year before, and I don’t have enough in the IRA for the dividends and distributions to be significant, and the IRA is not taxed like a non-retirement account, it make sense to me to allow the dividends to reinvest.

On an unrelated note, check out the Coyote I saw romping around in the snow in my driveway the other day!

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