TIAACREF Mutual Funds Retail Class
Post on: 17 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

How do I open a Retail Class Mutual Fund account? You can open a standard Retail Class Mutual Fund or IRA online. If you already have a secure website login, youre ready to use your e-signature. If not, just go directly to the Mutual Funds application youll be asked to set up a user ID and password as you go along.
What is an Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) for Retail Class Mutual Fund accounts? The Automatic Investment Plan allows you to authorize us to make monthly or bi-monthly investments (at least $100 per deposit per fund) through contributions that are automatically debited from your checking or savings account. If you use this feature, TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds waives our minimum investment of $2,500/ fund account. This feature can be set up when you apply or added to your account at a later date.
How can I change the contribution amount in my Automatic Investment Plan? This update can be made over the phone or in writing provided you have not changed your bank information on file. Please contact our Telephone Counseling Center at 800 223-1200. to update your contribution amount. If your bank information has changed, you will need to complete an Account Services Agreement Form with signature guarantee to update this information.
How do I reinstate an Automatic Investment Plan contribution from my bank account? If you stopped your AIP contribution and have not changed your bank account information, you can contact a TIAA-CREF representative at 800 223-1200. weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) for assistance with reinstating your AIP option. At the present time, you cannot reinstate this option online.
If you have changed your banking information or would like to add AIP to your account, you must complete an Account Services Agreement Form to update this information.
Can I exchange shares of Retail Class Mutual Funds online? You can exchange between mutual funds by logging into the Secure Access section of the website and selecting Exchange Shares in the left hand menu. You will receive an online confirmation of your transaction followed by a hard copy in the mail.
I currently own shares in a TIAA-CREF Retail Class Mutual Fund and I would like to open a new fundcan this be done online? You can set up the new mutual fund account in one of three ways:
- You can make an exchange from one of your existing mutual funds (minimum of $2,500) to the new fund (please remember that an exchange does constitute a sale of shares and is a taxable event).
- You can send in your investment (minimum of $2,500 for a new account) with an investment coupon from one of your existing funds (indicate the new fund and omit the existing account number). If you dont have an investment coupon, use a separate piece of paper to give us your name, address, fund account number, and the fund or funds you want to invest in and the amount to be invested in each fund.
- You can apply online using your existing secure website login. If you do not already have a user ID, you will be asked to create a new user ID and password as you go along.
Can I purchase Retail Class Mutual Fund shares online? You can buy additional shares online by logging into the Secure Access section of the website and selecting Purchase Shares in the left hand menu. You must have your bank information on file to initiate an electronic purchase from your bank. If not, you can download an Account Services Agreement Form located under Mutual Funds at our Forms Facility to add your bank information to our records.
How can I contribute to my Retail Class Mutual Fund IRA online? If your bank information is already on record with TIAA-CREF, you can simply log into Secure Access and select Purchase Shares in the left-hand menu. If your bank information is not on record, you will need to complete an Account Services Form.
You can also establish an Automatic Investment plan that will automatically deposit a specific amount ($100 minimum) to your mutual fund account monthly or semimonthly. Section number five of the Account Services Agreement Form will add this feature to your fund(s).
I want to contribute additional money to my Retail Class Mutual Fund account, but have run out of pre-addressed envelopes. To which address should I send my check? You can mail your investment to:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8009
Boston, MA 02266-8009
Overnight Mailing Address:
30 Dan Road
Canton, MA 02021-2809
Please include your fund account number on your check or an investment slip if you have one.
Can I redeem my Retail Class Mutual Fund online? Online redemptions are not available at this time. You can redeem (sell) your shares at any time, unless youre requesting to redeem shares purchased by check or Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) within the past 10 days, in which case we will hold your proceeds until the check or automatic investment clears. Redemptions must be for at least $250, or the balance of your investment in a fund, if less.
By Check:
If youve elected the Money Market Funds check writing privilege, you can make redemptions from the Money Market Fund by check. All registered account owners must sign a signature card before the privilege can be exercised. You can establish check writing on your account when you apply or later upon request.
Please note:
Checks must be a minimum of $250, and you can write up to 24 checks per year. We reserve the right to charge a $10 fee if you write a check for less than $250, if there are insufficient Money Market Fund shares in your account to cover the amount of the check, or for each check you write if you have already written 24 checks in one year. Also, if your Money Market Fund does not otherwise have a sufficient balance and you request redemption shortly after you purchase shares by check or automatic investment, you must wait 10 days after submitting a check or Automatic Investment Plan payment before you can write a check to redeem shares.
You cannot write a check to close your TIAA-CREF Money Market Fund because the value of the fund changes daily as dividends are accrued.
By Telephone:
Call 800 223-1200 to redeem shares for amounts under $50,000. Once made, your telephone request cannot be modified or canceled. All shareholders have the telephone redemption option automatically (although you can block this action upon request). Please note: Telephone redemptions are not available for IRAs.
By Mail:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 8009
Boston, MA 02266-8009
Overnight Mailing Address:
30 Dan Road
Canton, MA 02021-2809
Requests must include: account number, transaction amount (in dollars or shares), signatures of all owners exactly as registered on the account, signature guarantees (if required), and any other required supporting legal documentation. Once mailed to us, your redemption request is irrevocable and cannot be modified or canceled. Please note: For each share you will receive the net asset value (NAV) in effect at the close of business on the day your request is received in good order.
Please see a prospectus for further details.
I used my last Retail Class Money Market check and I need more. Can I reorder online? You cannot reorder checks online at this time. Contact the TIAA-CREF Planning and Service Center at 800 223-1200 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) to request additional checks.
I have a mutual fund IRA at another financial services company that I want to roll over to TIAA-CREF. How can I do this? You can roll over your outside mutual fund IRA into a TIAA-CREF mutual fund IRA by downloading the application. If you have an existing TIAA-CREF Mutual Fund IRA, complete the Transfer/Rollover Form (PDF) for Mutual Fund IRAs. If you need to establish a new IRA, complete both the transfer/rollover form and a TIAA-CREF Mutual Fund IRA application.
Be sure to view or download a prospectus. If you should have any questions or want to request a copy of the prospectus, please contact us at 800 223-1200 .
How do I transfer my mutual fund (not tax deferred) to TIAA-CREF? You can establish a mutual fund account either online or by downloading the Mutual Funds application from the website. You cannot directly rollover these funds to TIAA-CREF unless they are invested in an IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan. You will need to redeem the shares held at the other carrier and send them in with your application. If you opt for online enrollment, you can send in a check payable to TIAA-CREF Mutual Funds along with the online confirmation that you will receive after completing your online enrollment.
Please consider all surrender charges before transferring. Please read the prospectus before you invest. Contact the TIAA-CREF Planning and Service Center at 800 223-1200 weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) for assistance.
Can I change allocations and make transfers in my after-tax annuity? Yes, after logging into your account, click After-Tax Annuities. You can change your allocation using the Premium Allocation tab or make transfers using the Transfer Funds tab. Please note that you can only make one transfer or withdrawal from the Personal Annuity Select Fixed account once every six months.