Tax Tips for the Investor

Post on: 7 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Tax Tips for the Investor

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All too often, it’s only at this time of year that investors and their accountants and financial advisers seem to wake up to portfolio tax issues. A good 50 weeks into the year, perhaps the accountant suddenly advises the client to take losses in his portfolio in the latter part of December for tax purposes—just as so many other investors are selling shares for the same reason. Perhaps a better way is to practice tax-loss harvesting (and be far more proactive in tax planning in general) throughout the year—not just as the annual clock ticks down.

But before getting into too much detail about tax-loss harvesting, let’s look briefly at the important connection between taxes and investing. Investing is full of uncertainty, but the taxes you pay on investment gains are one domain over which you do exercise a considerable degree of control.

Generally speaking, investors should focus more on their post-tax returns. After all, for taxable investors what matters is less how much return your investment earns than how much of that investment return you get to keep. Keeping track of this may require some effort. For example, most mutual funds highlight returns on a pre-tax basis. Gerstein Fisher conducted extensive research on mutual fund shareholders from January 1, 1996 through December 31, 2010 and concluded that the average equity fund investor surrendered 1.3 percentage points, or 20% of the 15-year period’s 6.66% annualized return, to the taxman (Note: we assumed 35% income tax and 15% capital gains tax rates on annual profits across all funds). Clearly, the tax bite is a significant cost and source of inefficiency in investing.

Harvesting Losses

Consider the case of tax-loss harvesting: the practice of selling securities in the portfolio at a loss and applying those losses to offset realized taxable capital gains (including gains on the sale of property or a business) in your portfolio and even tax liabilities on ordinary income. One way to look at tax-loss harvesting is as an opportunity to embrace market volatility and to share your losses with the government, which, after all, is never shy about asking you to share your profits. Since you have no control over market volatility (i.e. when you incur losses on holdings), you need to be opportunistic throughout the year to maximize the benefit of tax-loss harvesting. In other words, don’t wait until December rolls around.

In effect, by recognizing losses already incurred for tax purposes, you’re increasing the amount of net-of-tax money available for investment, and thus increasing the amount of capital working for you. There is more than one tax-loss harvesting strategy, but here is one method to consider. Let’s say you have a diversified portfolio of stocks (or mutual funds) with careful thought given to risk exposures. You want to maintain those risk exposures while reaping the tax-loss harvest. You can sell stock A with an embedded capital loss and immediately purchase stock B, an equivalent stock in the same industry and with the same risk exposure (note that due to wash-sale rules, you cannot repurchase stock A for more than 30 days).

Here’s a very simple example of the math at work. Let’s say an investor purchased a consumer staples stock for $100 a share. The stock falls by 50% to $50. The investor decides to hold it. It doubles in price and returns to $100 a share and the investor then sells it. Result: no gain and no taxes incurred (for the sake of simplicity, we’ll ignore commissions in our discussion).

Compare that case to a vigilant investor in the 20% tax bracket (i.e. 15% federal and 5% state tax rates) who practices tax-loss harvesting. When the $100 stock falls to $50, the investor sells it, realizing a $50 loss and reaping a $10 tax benefit ($50 x 20%=$10). The investor reinvests the $60 in an equivalent consumer staples stock. As with the first stock, this one doubles in price, to $120. The investor now sells the stock, booking a capital gain of $60. After paying $12 of taxes [($120-$60) x 20%], the investor now has $108. Compared to the first case of passing up the tax loss opportunity, in this case there is a net gain of $8.

Note that the benefits are even greater at higher tax rates. Suppose the gains are taxed at 40% (35% federal tax and 5% state for short-term losses taken and applied to short-term gains). The tax benefit on the $50 loss increases to $20 ($50 x 40%=$20). Now the investor has $70 to invest in the equivalent consumer staples stock. It doubles to $140 and the capital gain is now $70. After paying $28 of taxes ([($140-$70) x 40%], the investor is left with $112, instead of $108 as under the 20% tax- rate scenario.

Careful, year-round tax planning and a focus on after-tax returns are facets of investing that are often overlooked or under-appreciated. Tax-loss harvesting is but one strategy that investors could deploy throughout the year when market vagaries create opportunity. Tax loss harvesting can be beneficial, but complicated, so please always contact your adviser and accountant. In 2012, I will write again with some more tax tips. Meantime, I wish everyone a joyous holiday season and happy new year.

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