Risks And Rewards Of TargetDate Funds

Post on: 9 Май, 2015 No Comment

Risks And Rewards Of TargetDate Funds

It sounds like the work of a late-night TV pitchman: “Want to own a fund that takes the work out of retirement savings and magically readjusts your asset mix as you age? Call the number below. Operators are standing by!”

That’s how fund companies sell so-called target-date funds, a type of mutual fund that mixes stocks and bonds with a retirement date in mind. The premise of target-date funds is that they contain mostly stocks when retirement is many years away. As retirement gets closer, the funds become more conservative and hold a greater percentage of bonds. A 2015 fund–meant for people who plan on retiring that year–should have a much higher percentage of assets in safe investments like government bonds than a 2040 fund.

That’s the theory, anyway. The problem is that there are no real rules regarding what’s inside a target-date fund. Some investors holding 2010 funds suffered losses of 40% last year because their funds held a high percentage of stocks during the financial collapse, leading to a Senate investigation of the target-date category. Such losses can be particularly worrisome to younger workers because of what some see as an implied seal of approval accorded to target-date funds by the government and corporate 401(k) sponsors. In recent years, target-date funds have been designated as the default option by many 401(k) plans, with employee contributions funneled into them unless a participant actively requests another type of fund.

With so much attention given to the poor performance of 2010 funds, it’s likely that there will be new regulations governing all types of target-date funds. That doesn’t mean recent graduates should write off them off entirely. In fact, target-date mutual funds can be helpful to those who do not have the time or financial expertise to build and monitor their own portfolios.

But how can you tell if you are buying a good one? Greg Carlson, an analyst at Morningstar who covers target-date funds, says the mix of assets, the quality of the firm backing it and cost are the most important things to look at when selecting a fund.

One particularly vexing part of buying target-date funds is that they require you to estimate the year you will retire. For a 22 year-old it can be a shock–and require quite a lot of guesswork–to enter the workforce and immediately start trying to figure out when you’ll get out. If you’re 25 and have no clues about when you’ll retire, one solution is to put half your assets in a 2040 fund and half in a 2050 fund.

Assets differ among funds with the same target dates, too. Target-date-fund marketing often implies the managers have some secret formula to guide your retirement investing, but the science is inexact. Take two 2045 funds: One from RiverSource is about 70% in stocks, while one from Wells Fargo is about 90% in stocks, according to Lipper.

Beyond asset allocation is the question of whether a fund invests in active managers or passively tracks an index. Most target-date funds are made up of several mutual funds that investors could theoretically buy individually. When you look under the hood of Fidelity’s 2045 fund, for example, you’ll find 21 separate Fidelity funds with names like the Equity Income Fund and Japan Fund.

One important rule of investing: It’s very hard to beat index funds over the long run. If you are in the market for a 2045 fund, low-cost index funds are your best bet. What you’re paying for, after all, is for a fund manager to lower your risks as you get older, not to beat the market short-term.

Low-cost fund provider Vanguard has a 2045 fund made up of five index funds that collectively cover the entire stock market, the entire bond market and broad swaths of European stocks, Asian stocks and companies in emerging markets like China and India. The fund will charge you 18 cents for every $100 you invest; a similar fund from Franklin Templeton. meanwhile, charges $1.32 for every $100 you invest. That may not sound like a lot now, but the $1.14 per $100 per year difference can add up to tens of thousands of dollars by the time you retire.

Some fund companies are moving to reinvent their target-date funds before the government does it for them. In April, Charles Schwab lowered the expense ratios on many of its target-date funds, upped the assets invested in low-cost index funds and changed their glide paths–the shifts in balances from stocks to bonds–so the funds’ allocations become more conservative more quickly.

“Some of our clients are realizing that they are more conservative than they thought they were,” said Peter Crawford, a spokesman for the company. “It’s one thing to fill out a questionnaire that asks how you would feel if the market was down 20%. It’s another thing to actually live it.”

Here are five 2045 funds with low expense ratios.

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