Public Mutual Fund Prospectus Offers to Double Investors Money in Three Years
Post on: 26 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

For investors looking for flexible portfolios in a mutual fund, BMP Ltd has just released the latest Prospectus for the Brunei Mutual Provident Momentum Growth Fund.
(PRWEB) January 28, 2005 ) has just released the latest Prospectus for the Brunei Mutual Provident Momentum Growth Fund.
The Mutual Fund is designed to offer Investors realistic, achievable returns with consistent Investment Returns. Its intention is to double investors placement amounts over a three year period, while still providing the Investor the flexibility to make a short term placement where funds are still at call. Risk has been balanced by the Manager though asset and placement diversity so that Investors can increase their wealth while protecting their capital. The Fund Manager, Portfolio Managers and Consultants to the Manager continually research market opportunities to put the Fund in a position of being able to respond rapidly to any market changes and to ensure Investment Returns to Investors are achieved.
This Mutual Fund offers Unit Holders a fixed 2.5% monthly return, less the Funds 0.5% monthly management fee, compounded monthly. The result of a monthly compounding investment means that invested funds will double in three years. That equates to approximately 26.63% net return per annum and comes with some very exciting assurances from the Fund, Trustee and Manger. Those being that; in the event the Manager fails to achieve the full 2.5% gross investment return, the Unit Holder will receive their full 2.0% prior to any fees being paid to Operators. If the 2.0% net return to investors is not met, the Unit Holder may close their investment account without incurring any early withdrawal penalty, however standard withdrawal fees and conditions apply. is a 100% owned subsidiary of Bumiputra Commerce Bank, one of the largest domestic banks in Malaysia. are Licensed and use the latest in Fund Administration software and provide unit holders access to their statements securely online via the aXsgate online systems, while providing the Fund Manger the latest in placement management software.
To find our more about this exciting investment opportunity visit the Mutual Funds Marketing Company, Cardiff Associates Ltd. where you are able to download a copy of the full Prospectus for your review.
Looking to double your investments safely in three years yet retain flexibility, Cardiff Associates has the solution, a licensed, audited monthly and transparent Public Mutual Fund, Brunei Mutual Provident Momentum Growth Fund.
For full disclosure regarding this Fund, please read the Prospectus as published at Cardiff Associates Ltd
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Media Contact:

C Thomson
BMP LTD (Brunei Mutual Provident Limited)
Britannia House, Suite 41, 4th Floor
Cator Road
Bandar Seri Begawan
BS 8811 Brunei Darussalam.