Practical Intuition for Success Let Your Interests Guide You To the Career of Your Dreams
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Dont work harder, work smarter. Weve all know them: people who seem to effortlessly run on the fast track. They dont necessarily work harder or put in longer hours; what they do work is their intuition, that powerful sixth sense that tells them how to turn any situation to their advantage. The good news, says
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Dont work harder, work smarter.
Weve all know them: people who seem to effortlessly run on the fast track. They dont necessarily work harder or put in longer hours; what they do work is their intuition, that powerful sixth sense that tells them how to turn any situation to their advantage.
The good news, says Laura Day, bestselling author of Practical Intuition, is that each of us has the capacity to use intuition to enhance our success. Now she has created a step-by-step program to help you hone your gut instinct to guide you through the ever-changing landscape pf work and business. Day shows you how to bring forth your intuition, make it stronger, and make it wok for you. And the more you practice it, the better the results. Whether you are a manager, investor, or entrepreneur, Day shows how you can:
solve problems quickly
create winning business plans and strategies
uncover hidden agendas
take the pulse at meetings to better position yourself
evaluate the stock market
Practical intuition for success. Youve already got it; let Day teach you to use itand get the most out of your career.Laura Day has sold millions of copies of Practical Intuition and continues her advice here with tips for improving your career using your own intuitive skills. She says that people are more apt to use their intuition about commonplace issues than they are about investment or business practices, a horrible waste of intuitive powers. Through dozens of exercises, Day describes how you can boost your intuitive power, become your competition, and better predict the future. Day makes no guarantees that youll pick the next blue-chip bond or invent the next wheel, but she does assert that your life cant help but improve if you take her ideas to heart. This book is a combination of Jon Kabat-Zinns, mindfulness meditation theories and What Color is Your Parachute-ish self-reflection.