Oil and Gas Investing
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

For someone who has never invested in Oil and Gas before, there can be a bit of a learning curve. Initially it can be hard to know where to look, and who to listen to or most importantlywhere or who to go to when trying to determine how to evaluate a new company and its oil & gas investments. Experience does count for a lot in this world. Through the school of hard knocks, and failure, I believe I have learned the pit-falls to avoid, and most importantlycan now offer you a check-list, and road-map to followwhich can help you avoid most, if not all of the major mistakes I’ve made in my career when investing in Oil & Gas
In over two decades of working in the Oil and Gas business I rarely see the combination of the right people with the right developments all coming together at the same time. But there are currently a few good companies who do it rightthat is, they consistently find oil & gas in profitable commercial quantitieswhile others fail to do soThere are some very good reasons why some succeed and many others failI would like you know what these specific reasons for succeeding are, and to help you avoid failure while you are going through your review, and due diligence process
Great companies make money consistently within their industry. The only investors who are allowed to participate in direct participation oil & gas investments are those that qualify. Interested investors must fill-out an on line form, to both identify themselves, and provide some information about their qualifications, and suitability for oil and gas investments. The regulations are clear about what is required when offering oil & gas investments to investors, and there are legal procedures which must be followed to comply with the current laws. Investors can be more comfortable with companies who are willing to follow the rules.
We can discuss details about the information I have, and various suggestions I can make, after you provide me with your contact address, and some personal information about yourselfI see my job as helping you make the effort of finding the right investments in oil and gas much easier, and fun. I can help you identify wise, and sometimes very profitable, oil and gas investment opportunities. I have been a part of the oil & gas business now for 28 years.
Now, Lets Help You Discover Some Ways of Determining How To Identify The BestAnd Only The Most Successful, Of The Independent Oil And Gas Companies Who Are Developing & Recovering Oil And Gas Reserves In The US Today.
When you consider investing in oil and gas wells, you should be looking for successful companies, industry partners, and operators, who can pass very strict due diligence requirements. My oil and gas experience, and background, plus the discipline learned in business, and in the military as both a pilot, and intelligence officer helps me evaluate, and find the right people to consider doing businessWe want to identify who the best are…those professionals offering the best Oil and Gas opportunities in the US today

The best industry & private oil & gas companies can make monthly returns which sometimes allow investors investing in exploratory drilling programs to receive their original capital back in less than a year after new wells are completed, and placed into production. These same companies wont decide to develop a prospect unless at least a 3 to 1 return on investment can be expected during an oil or natural gas wells normal life which varies greatly, but most industry folks often recover up to 60% of the oil or gas reserves during the first five years from new wells.
Investors should follow a risk control model because typically only the most careful, and diligent of the best oil and gas companies can make excellent returns, investing, and using a disciplined method of spreading out risk, and implementing the diversification formula Im recommending and regularly discussThis risk control system which has been implemented by the best oil & gas companies in the business is one of the chief secrets to their successThis disciplined approach does take some of the emotion out of the equationbut enables the direct participation, and working interest investment owner the best possible chance to make money in oil and gas private placement investment programs over the long runand not lose their hard earned moneyeven if it is their risk capitalwhich is being invested in very carefully calculated oil and gas investment endeavors
Since I began searching for the best oil and gas investments, I have discovered an investment method that needs to be followed every time you make an investment in oil and gas. The best companies are now utilizing this risk control method for achieving their goals and for both their private and industry partners alike.