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Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

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The latest Frost & Sullivan analysis on Border Security Market Assessment — EU-Accession States (, estimates that the market revenues will grow from $777.8 million in 2008 to $1,245.9 million in 2017, at an expected CAGR of 4.8 per cent.
If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides manufacturers, end users and other industry participants with an overview of the border security market assessment of EU-accession states, then send an email to Anna Anlauft, Corporate Communications, at anna.anlauft[.], with your full name, company name, title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country. Upon receipt of the above information, an overview will be sent to you by email.
“In the last three years, nine of the twelve EU accession states (excluding Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus) have made significant investments on border security to comply with the high-level security standards mandated by Schengen,” notes Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Abdallah Binmadhi. “These include investments in construction, renovation and upgrading of border crossing infrastructure, operating equipment such as laboratory equipment, detection tools, hardware, software, means of transport as well as logistics and operations.”
Investments will focus on the EU external border management tools to comply with the Schengen requirements. These cover operational equipment (movement optical sensors and vehicles), border infrastructure, Schengen Information System (SIS) and visa information system, including biometric technology.
In order to include Romania and Bulgaria in the Schengen area, the European Commission has allocated the Schengen Facility II funds for both countries, of which 70 per cent will be used for implementing the Schengen Aquis and external border control in the next three years.
“The European Commission’s Directorate-General (DG) for Justice, Freedom and Security has established USD 2 billion as part of the external border funds that will be used for implementation of common standards on control and surveillance of external border policy to be invested until 2013,” states Binmadhi. “About a quarter of these funds will be invested in the EU eastern borders.”
The border security market in the EU accession states is fragmented, and there is no single institution in each of these countries that manages procurements and contracts. Governmental institutions to invest funds for border security also vary from country to country. Moreover, corrupt and fraudulent procurement practices are considered a real problem.

“The high level of local protectionism can be significant in certain EU-accession states. Furthermore local companies are preferred to foreign competitors during bidding,” cautions Binmadhi. “To overcome this challenge, there is a need to forge strategic partnerships with local companies certifying that enforcement of the EC competition rules (policies on state aid, merger control and anti-trust) are being applied, and that efficiency and innovation are being encouraged and duly rewarded.”
Border Security Market Assessment — EU-Accession States is part of the Defence Growth Partnership Service programme, which also includes research in the following markets: European Software Defined Radio Markets, Indian Defence Supplier Market, European Land Based ISTAR — Vehicle Electronics Markets, Global Commercial Aviation Electrical Power Systems and Infrastructure Market Assessment, Border & Maritime Security Market Assessment — EU Accession States, European Air C2, Radar & Sensors (EO/IR) Markets and Maritime Security EU-Accession States Market Assessment. All research included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends that have been evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants. Interviews with the press are available.
Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, partners with clients to accelerate their growth. The company’s TEAM Research, Growth Consulting and Growth Team Membership™ empower clients to create a growth-focused culture that generates, evaluates and implements effective growth strategies. Frost & Sullivan employs over 45 years of experience in partnering with Global 1000 companies, emerging businesses and the investment community from more than 30 offices on six continents.
Border Security Market Assessment — EU-Accession States