Luck v v

Post on: 7 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Luck v v

There seems no end of stories about neophyte investors who hit the jackpot immediately, generating returns that would make even pros envious. So what is it about these investment managers and day traders that they can accomplish this; is it being good or being lucky?

Bill Miller, legendary Legg Mason fund manager, beat the S&P 500 for 15 years, but no one can stay on top forever. His streak, one that he downplayed the importance of throughout his career, eventually came to an end. Now that the market’s come back, Miller seems to be headed back to the top of the heap. There’s no doubt that he has great skill. But skill doesn’t always lead to exceptional returns.

“Exceptional performance above an index for the long term is almost impossible,” says John Osbon, founder of Osbon Capital Management. He explains that the market is a closed system, with every winner such as Miller in correlation with someone who doesn’t see those kind of returns. He argues that it is neither luck nor skill that enables someone to see good returns; instead, it is the application of discipline and continuing to go after those investments. A good investment manager is also someone who knows his limitations and is cognizant of what he doesn’t know.

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To find a good investment manager, look at the amount of leverage that is being used to get a clearer comparison between managers. If someone has 10 times leverage, they might be about to get 20% returns because of that leverage instead of the 2% that everyone else is getting–and not because of their brilliant strategy, Osbon says.

Investors should be aware of what kind of returns they want to see to find the investment manager that fits their style best, he adds. Some people prefer absolute performance, where they would like to get, for example, a 5% return every year, whereas others like relative performance, which involves beating an index. Relative performers need to focus more on their asset allocation, as that performance isn’t as good for stock picking, Osbon says. He encourages people to invest in indexes and to realize that about 80% of indexes beat investment managers and that returns in step with these indexes are still usually good returns. Osbon likes the Vanguard Total Stock Market.

Another way to determine whether you have a good investment manager is to listen to them explaining their strategy. Stephen Roseman, manager of Thesis Capital, stresses that investors should look into whether the investment manager’s strategy can be repeated. Be aware of how well they can articulate their strategy, why they have selected this strategy and how their strategy is affected by various market cycles, he says.

So then is a good investment manager or trader someone who is born great at picking stocks and sectors or is this something that can be taught? Darrell Jobman, senior analyst at, notes that traders tend to have a certain personality, but analytical skills can be taught. And to be a successful in the long term, investment managers need to have both good analysis and trading skills, Jobman says. He argues though that there is some element of luck, or at least being in tune with the environment, in being a skilled investment manager.

Maybe it doesn’t matter whether someone is good or lucky or something else, so long as they are getting the right returns. “I’d rather be lucky with my investments than right (so to speak), and if I’m making money hand over first for all the wrong fundamental and technical reasons, that’s still better than having a phenomenal understanding of fundamentals and techie issues but not knowing a damn about how to enter a trade and manage my positions,” says Bill Singer, shareholder in Stark & Stark law firm.

The Skill Question

Forbes: Statistics are funny things. Even though you would imagine random chance would make things totally herky-jerky, the opposite is true. Even amidst total randomness, there are protracted periods of calm. For example, if you flip a coin 100 times, there is at least a 10% chance it will have heads six times in a row. Obviously, it can go much higher than that too.

Which leads me to mutual fund managers and hedge fund managers. Bill Miller had an amazing run of 15 years beating the S&P 500. Then he underperformed very badly. Now, odds are somebody would have had the streak Miller had. So was Miller lucky, or good, or both?

This gets to the crux of how to pick people to manage your money. How can you tell if someone is lucky, good or both? If someone shoots the moon for 10 years, can they just be on a really, really good hot streak? How can you know? If a hedge fund manager is down, maybe they are just unlucky, right? How can you tell the truly good from the merely lucky? Both in money managers, and, I guess, in stock too?

And what are some good examples of good mutual funds, hedge funds, or what have you? Those that are not just lucky?

Stephen Roseman: That is a very loaded question. First and foremost, you have to identify what time periods are meaningful to you as an investor. Do you care about someone’s long-term track record? Their five-year record? One year? How about daily? Is hour-to-hour too unreasonable? I am not being glib–you have to identify what matters to you as the allocator. You can then find managers whose processes line up with your preferred time horizon.

Moreover, as for “hot-or-not,” one would have to know enough to know if the manager’s investment process is repeatable. Can they articulate what they do? Why they do it? Sensitivities to their strategy? What happens over varying market cycles? You get the idea.

All of this really requires domain expertise in varying investment strategies to know what questions to ask and which answers really matter.

Bill Singer: While I respect the fact that folks are lucky, there is a difference between being lucky and knowing what you’re doing. I remember Bill Miller, and I do not believe that he simply managed to beat the S&P for 15 years solely on the basis of luck. Nonetheless, as with many streaks, they rarely last forever. On Wall Street, such winning streaks tend to peter out for several reasons (and after nearly three decades of representing brokers, traders and analysts, I think that I’ve heard most of the excuses).

My experience has shown me that markets do not remain stagnant, but the dynamics tend to change, often dramatically. Some folks have great streaks during bull markets but cannot maintain their records during bears, or vice versa. Some folks were brilliant traders before the dawn of black-box technology and basket trading, but withered under the onslaught of technology and faster-paced markets. Some folks are geniuses with a few million under management but cannot handle 10 or 100 times the capital and either become too cautious or risky.

Luck v v

In the case of Bill Miller and the other Bill Millers of Wall Street, we are not sailing on becalmed waters. The current market is atypical and asymptomatic in so many ways that it is simply unchartered and only savvy pilots should venture forth.

On the other hand, I’d rather be lucky with my investments than right (so to speak), and if I’m making money hand over fist for all the wrong fundamental and technical reasons, that’s still better than having a phenomenal understanding of fundamentals and techie issues but not knowing a damn about how to enter a trade and manage my positions. Hence, we often have the phenomenon of folks who spout off on television about all sorts of trends that they have detected but they don’t know jack about trading those same ideas–and we also have the mirror image of that; namely, folks who are astute traders but have difficulty picking winners. If you’ve ever been to a racetrack, just listen to the winners and losers of any race, and you’ll hear the same boasts and laments.

While not a religious man, I have always had a passion for a line from Ecclesiastes, which offers yet another perspective on your query:

“I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.”

Forbes: I do need to point out that Bill Miller is up 60 some percent this year, so I should have said that in the original question.

Singer: That Miller is up in 2009 doesn’t change the point or validity of your question.

In 2006, Miller’s streak ended after some 15 years because he apparently believed that bets on housing and tech would play out far better than they did. Keep in mind that even when he didn’t surpass the S&P 500, he may still have had a profitable year, albeit one that did not equal the index. In 2006, Miller’s multi-billion Legg Mason Value Trust wasn’t merely an underperformer vis-a-vis the 500 but it was also among the worst performers for funds its size. As such, in many ways, the wheels came off for him in 2006.

As previously noted, it apparently took Miller some three years to figure out whatever it was that stumped him during his portfolio moves in 2005 and 2006, and has now reportedly the top or among the top performing funds for 2009. To me, it seems a simple explanation. He knew what he was doing but his approach didn’t work as the markets over heated in 2006/2007 and then collapsed–frankly, few managers proved particularly agile during the period at issue. Perhaps like a professional athlete who is a perennial All-Star, he had a slump, lost his timing and tinkered around too much in an attempt to adjust. Having regained his confidence and mechanics, he is now driving the ball with power and leading the league.

Doesn’t seem to me a case of mere “luck.” Miller knew what he was doing and has now regained his touch.

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