How to Start Investing
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Its not always easy to get started on a new project. Its even more difficult when that project can have long-term effects on your financeslike investing for retirement.
But theres no reason to put off investing just because youve never done it before. You need just three important things in order to get retirement investing off on the right foot:
1. The Right Foundation
To invest with confidence, simply follow Daves first three Baby Steps:
- Save $1,000 for your baby emergency fund
- Pay off your debt using the debt snowball method
- Save a fully funded emergency fund of 36 months of expenses
Now, with no debt and an emergency fund in place, youve freed up your most powerful wealth-building tool: your income. Youre ready to move on to Baby Step 4, which is investing 15% of your income in tax-favored accounts like a 401(k) and/or Roth IRA.

2. A Commitment to Save Regularly
Taking control of your finances is more about behavior than math. So even if youre only able to invest a small amount, the point is that you make investing a habitone you wont want to give up!
Retirement savings accounts are designed to make regular saving easy. With an employers retirement plan, a 401(k) for most of us, you can sign up to invest money automatically with each paycheck. Roth IRAs allow you to schedule regular contributions as well.
This practice is called dollar-cost averaging. and it allows you to buy more mutual fund shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high. And any experienced investor will tell you, thats the key to successful investing.
3. Expert Advice You Trust
Its inevitable that you will have questions when you get started investing. Which are the best funds to choose? How do I set up a Roth IRA? Is the stock market a safe place to invest? An experienced professional investing advisor can answer these questions and help you set up a retirement investing plan.
One you start investing, youll find that the stock market is inherently volatile. When its up, its easy to keep investing as you planned. But when its down, even the most level-headed investor can panic. An advisor who understands market cycles will help you stay on track.
And, because investors who work with an investing professional pick better funds and hold onto their investments during down markets, they average 3% more on their money than do-it-yourself investors .
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Dave has built a nationwide network of investing advisors who agree with his investing philosophy. These Endorsed Local Providers (ELPs) are all experienced professionals who can answer your investing questions and help you get started investing the right way. Find your ELP today!