How to Find Rolling Stocks (8 Steps)
Post on: 28 Июнь, 2015 No Comment
Rolling stocks (made popular several years ago by investor Wade Cook) are stocks that repeat a certain pattern of trading. These stocks have both a support level that they do not trade below and a resistance level that they do not trade above. When looking at a daily chart, they make a roller coaster pattern between these two levels. There are really only two ways for you to find rolling stocks. You either need to purchase the names of rolling stocks from a service that searches them out, or you must spend the time necessary to look at chart after chart yourself until you find several good rolling stocks of your own.
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How to Find Rolling Stocks
Go to your favorite stock screener that allows for screening by price. Choose a price range for stocks that you can afford to buy. Keep in mind that lower-priced stocks often provide the greatest percentage return when playing rolling stocks. Write down or print out lists of the stock symbols that you find. You do not need to screen for anything other than price if you are playing rolling stocks.
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