HighFrequency Trading And Mutual Funds

Post on: 21 Май, 2015 No Comment

HighFrequency Trading And Mutual Funds

Earlier in the decade, the mutual fund world was rocked by a market-timing scandal. Mutual fund companies allowed certain deep-pocketed hedge funds to trade in and out of their portfolios to take advantage of pricing imbalances caused by markets opening and closing in different time zones, as well as redemptions, fund share sales and other things. The market timing was halted and investigated, with some of the worst actors prosecuted, as it was done at the expense of retail investors.

Now we have “high-frequency trading,” a catch-all term for firms that use computers and algorithms to execute trades in a millionth of a second, seeking gains in fractions of pennies or, at the very least getting the best execution before slower market movers can get an order filled. The big investment banks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have high-frequency operations, as do larger hedge funds. Exchanges like NYSE Euronext and Nasdaq OMX Group offer products and services to facilitate it, and the volume generates fees for them. The Tabb Group estimates that profits on high-frequency U.S. equity trades were $8 billion last year. Are mutual funds, typically not high-frequency traders, victims of the practice?

That money has to come from somewhere, says Rich Gates of TFS Capital. He and attorney Laura Corsell discuss the ethical issues and what investors need to watch out for. Gates believes that funds should be able to tell investors what they’re doing to protect themselves from getting nickled and dimed in tenths of pennies. Corsell sees the situation as roughly analogous to the trading scandals of yesteryear.

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The Forbes Mutual Fund Panelists are:

Daniel P. Wiener, editor of Independent Adviser for Vanguard Investors and CEO of Adviser Investments .

Adam Bold, founder and chief investment officer of the Mutual Fund Store .

Richard Gates, portfolio manager for TFS Capital .

Laura Corsell, a partner with Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads specializing in mutual funds, investment management, regulation and compliance.

James Lowell, editor of Fidelity Investor . The Forbes ETF Advisor. ETF Trader and The Rankings Service .

HFT: The Next Big Scandal?

Gates. TFS does not participate in “high-frequency trading.” Rather, we generally maintain positions in securities for a couple of days to a couple of months. While our investments strategies are unique for the mutual fund world, I believe they are relatively common in the hedge fund industry.

High-frequency traders, on the other hand, are a very unique breed. They are very sophisticated and exceedingly well-financed firms that have huge computer systems that are constantly evaluating the markets. The Tabb Group estimates that 61% of all of the volume on the exchanges involved high frequency traders so these firms place crazy amounts of orders. These elite firms place their trading platforms directly at exchanges which enables them to act within in microseconds.

Rather than serving as market makers, my sense is that these firms are exploiting the rapidly evolving market structure and outdated regulations.

tinyurl.com/nm2dz9 .

Corsell. I have three, possibly conflicting, thoughts on this.

HighFrequency Trading And Mutual Funds

First, can regulations be crafted–even assuming that there is reason to do so? The technology will ever-evolve (and will do so ever-faster). Reporting might be mandated, which could permit the markets to know, albeit after the fact, trade details, but the volume of information would be virtually impossible to digest and, consequently, of limited use to traders other than those large enough to engage in the high-frequency trading in the first instance.

Second, its seems important to note that electronic trading–which was originally heralded as the end of trading inefficiencies–has, in the view of some traders, resulted in markets more segmented than in the old days where arbitrageurs were able to exploit small variances between the Pacific and New York exchanges. At a gathering I attended recently, traders seemed to suggest that the multiplicity of global electronic platforms has created scores of “trading floors” that have, among other things, made it hard to be sure that “best execution” is achieved or can be effectively measured.

Finally, if it is the case that the vast majority of retail investors are invested in mutual funds, either directly or through retirement plans, could it also be the case that fund managers use HF trading and we are all–for better or for worse–in the neighborhood of the HF sand box?

Gates. Everyone should care about this topic since the Tabb Group has estimated that high-frequency traders raked in $8 billion in profits last year [trading U.S. equities]. That money is not just dropping from the sky; it is coming out of other people’s pockets. As a result, if I were evaluating an investment in a fund, I would ask a couple of questions about what they do to protect themselves from this.

I also agree with Laura that it has become very difficult to evaluate execution performance. So, I would ask a question or two to about how they execute trades and how they measure their performance. For instance, if they are just placing orders in algorithms for extended periods of time and comparing themselves to VWAP [Volume-Weighted Average Price], I would run away. While many brokers have encouraged TFS to use their algos in this manner, I do not think it is in the investor’s best interest to work orders in this way. (But, not surprisingly, it is in the broker’s best interest!)

Which regulations are outdated? Sen. Kaufman frequently talks about giving Reg NMS and Reg ATS a good scrubbing. I also believe that that any regulation referencing National Best Bid or Offer also needs to be updated. This measurement needs to be based on data that is consolidated as quickly as trades can now be executed–which is now in the microseconds. Finally, I think FINRA needs to evaluate its requirements for posting trades to the tape. In some instances, trades are not reported for up to 90 seconds. When high-frequency traders are executing in microseconds, delays like this make it very difficult for investors to evaluate their execution quality.

Corsell. I think I see your point Rich. If the market is such that the big shops are using HFT for proprietary trading for their own accounts and are not using HFT to implement trading orders for clients (or only for some clients–perhaps an inquiry for another day) then the problem is analogous to the market timing issue of a couple of years back–ordinary investors are affected by fractions of a penny but all those fractions result in many millions of pennies in the hands of the those with millisecond advantages. So, are we (again) at the tender mercies of the arbitrageurs?

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