Global Investing is the Future Investment U
Post on: 5 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

by Karim Rahemtulla Friday, April 13, 2012. Issue #1751 Market Trends
Emerging market and global investing must play a part in your portfolio make-up. The future of your portfolio depends on it.
Here’s why…
In the mid-1980s, the share of global gross domestic product held by the G-7 countries (the most developed first world countries) was about 70%.
Today, that number is fast approaching 50% and will be below that amount by the end of this decade.
Is the world shrinking? Not at all. In fact, global GDP is expanding. You probably won’t be surprised to note that the share of global GDP held by the United States has fallen in percentage term. However, as my old stats teacher used to say… people lie, numbers don’t.
What’s missing from this equation is that the share of GDP in terms of actual dollars is growing for the United States… it’s just that it’s also growing faster for many other places.
China, for example, has tripled its share of Global GDP since the 80s, and so have place like India and Brazil. That said, it’s pretty obvious that there’s a lot of opportunity outside of our borders, opportunity that’s been exploited adeptly by people like Alexander Green in his global trading service, The Pacific Advantage Alert .
It’s time that you made the commitment to yourself and future generations to take the steps required to understand not only what’s happening around the globe, but also learn how to trade global stocks today, before you miss the party altogether.
In my book Where in the World Should I Invest . I dedicate quite a few pages to showing you what to buy and how to buy it. I will give you a quick summary here – you can find out much more detailed information in the book.
The Three Ways to Invest Abroad
There are three ways to buy foreign shares:
Simply put, global investing is here to stay and it is the future of investing.
Good Investing,
P.S. If you want to participate in growth three or four times that of the G-7 nations, you’ve got to go out and look for it… or pick up a copy of my book HERE to guide you to places that will help make that task much easier.