Does Anyone Really Care about ActivelyManaged ETFs

Post on: 10 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Does Anyone Really Care about ActivelyManaged ETFs

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PIMCO is having an ETF party today to celebrate the launch of their new actively-managed Total Return ETF (NYSEArca: TRXT ). It will be interesting to see how many investors show up.

After months of anticipation, speculation and and hype, the world’s biggest bond fund manager is finally trading their actively-managed ETF version of the popular Total Return Fund. Like the mutual fund, the ETF version will be overseen by legendary investor Bill Gross .

TRXT will have a 0.55 percent expense ratio. That’s 0.30 percent cheaper than the “A” class mutual fund version. While this is good for Bill Gross fans, it’s three to four times more expensive than passively managed ETFs available from Vanguard (BND ), iShares (AGG ), State Street (LAG ), and Charles Schwab (SCHZ ). Index funds handily beat Gross’s rather dismal return in 2011. but in fairness, his long-term record is still better.

Some interesting differences between PIMCO’s Total Return Fund and the ETF involve disclosure and holding. First, the bonds in the ETF must be made public every day. These means the stealthy maneuvering that made Bill Gross famous in the mutual fund version will be exposed in the ETF version, or perhaps he will manage the ETF differently. Second, the ETF won’t have the flexibility to use derivatives. This will further hamper Gross’ ability to shift investments around in a timely manner.

Is TRXT big news? Is it worthy of Earth-shaking excitement? Is this the beginning of an actively-managed ETF revolution? I doubt it.

Does Anyone Really Care about ActivelyManaged ETFs

It’s hard to get excited about any actively-managed ETF, let alone this one. Just look at the numbers. So far, total assets in these funds represent a tiny fraction of the overall business.

Only $5 billion of the current $1.1 trillion-plus invested in ETFs is invested in actively-managed funds, according to Of the 29 actively-managed ETFs listed, two bond ETFs command much of the assets: PIMCO Enhanced Short Maturity Strategy ETF (NYSEArca: MINT ), a substitute for a money market fund, and WisdomTree Emerging Markets Local Debt (NYSEArca: ELD ). The rest of the money is sporadically spread across the other 27 ETFs, with the 12 stock funds attracting only $100 million in aggregate.

Perhaps Bill Gross’ entry into the actively-managed ETF world will be the spark that ignites the flame − or perhaps not. Astute investors really shouldn’t care. If the future is anything like the past, a diversified portfolio of low-cost index tracking mutual funds or ETFs has outperformed over 95 percent of portfolios using comparable active funds. There is no reason to believe the result will be different in the future.

Nonetheless, if you’re still part of the decreasing majority who believes that active management will one day rule, then actively-managed ETFs may make sense. At least the fees are lower than mutual funds, and there is a tax advantage to owning ETFs over traditional mutual funds.

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