Critical Time for Pimco as Pensions Consider Removing Funds in Wake of Bill Gross Departure
Post on: 28 Июнь, 2015 No Comment
Bill Gross, speaking at a conference in June. His abrupt resignation from Pimco has put the bond giant on the watch list of many pension fund consulting firms. Credit Jim Young/Reuters
A consulting firm that advises public and private pension funds that collectively hold more than $40 billion in assets has counseled that its clients should withdraw their money from Pimco funds that had been managed by Bill Gross .
The next few weeks could be critical for the bond giant as it tries to stem a wave of money flowing out after the abrupt departure of its co-founder last Friday. For years, Mr. Gross, 70, was the public face of Pimco and one of Wall Street’s most successful bond investors.
Pension consultants are now making recommendations, and investment managers at public and corporate pensions often take their cues from them on their mutual fund. hedge fund and private equity investments. Some on Wall Street are expecting that redemptions from Pimco funds — not just ones once managed by Mr. Gross — could reach tens of billions of dollars.
The pension consulting firm Bogdahn Group said in a letter to one client that the firm is recommending that pensions “identify a replacement manager/strategy for mutual funds where Bill Gross was designated the lead portfolio manager.”
Bogdahn also put dozens of other Pimco funds on a so-called watch list, meaning the consultant advises pensions to closely monitor events at Pimco, but not rush to bolt from other funds managed by the $2 trillion asset management firm.
“We are assessing the matter internally and communicating directly with our clients,” said Mike Welker, Bogdahn’s president and chief executive.
For now, many other pension consultants have chosen to put all of Pimco’s funds on similar watch lists. For instance, following the advice of NEPC, a large pension consultant based in Boston, investment offices for the state university retirement system in Illinois, as well as Ventura County and the city of Fresno in California, put Pimco funds on watch lists.
Beth Spencer, a spokeswoman for Illinois’s state university retirement body, which has $870 million invested with Pimco, said that staff and consultants were still reviewing the management changes at the fund company.
To stanch the bleeding, Pimco executives have mounted a public-relations campaign, holding conference calls with large investors and brokerage firms, and going on cable business news channels to repeat the message that the firm remains in good hands, despite the loss of Mr. Gross.
Play Video | 2:38
Pimco on Gross’ Exit
Doug Hodge, left, chief executive of Pimco, looks back on the departure of Bill Gross and explains the firm’s strategy to stop outflows.
Publish Date October 1, 2014. Photo by CNBC.
Becky Van Wyck, a retirement administrator for the City of Fresno Employee Retirement System, said on Tuesday that she had received several phone calls and emails from Pimco executives making these points.
Ms. Van Wyck said that Fresno’s consultant had advised that Pimco be put on a watch list earlier this year, and that on Wednesday the board would meet to decide whether to terminate the $200 million Pimco account.
Investors on Monday redeemed $446.5 million from the Pimco Total Return Exchange Traded Fund, the roughly $3 billion E.T.F. that mirrors the investing strategy of the firm’s flagship, the Total Return Fund, according to Morningstar. the mutual fund research firm.
Even before Mr. Gross abruptly resigned on Sept. 26 and boarded a plane for Denver to meet with some of his new colleagues at the headquarters of Janus Capital, investors had already pulled $25 billion from the Total Return Fund this year, according to Morningstar.
On Tuesday, Morningstar reduced its rating on the Total Return Fund to “bronze” from “gold” because of the management changes at the firm and the impact of investor redemptions.
The Pimco E.T.F. which had also been managed by Mr. Gross, is the subject of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation that is looking into whether the fund used a pricing strategy that artificially inflated the value of the securities it invested in.
Pimco officials also have sought to play down the S.E.C. investigation. In a conference call sponsored by Morgan Stanley on Monday, Douglas Hodge, Pimco’s chief executive, said that the investigation had no bearing on Mr. Gross’s resignation or the “differences of opinion” that others within Pimco had with the firm’s co-founder.
An S.E.C. spokeswoman declined to comment on the investigation. Pimco has retained lawyers with Debevoise & Plimpton to manage its affairs with regulators.
For many pension funds, any decision on whether to withdraw money is still a wait and see. Some of that indecision reflects that many pension consultants have not yet come to a firm conclusion on how to proceed in the wake of the resignation.
Over the weekend, Cambridge Associates, a top pension consulting firm, gave its strong support to Pimco and its new leadership team, which includes Daniel Ivascyn as the firm’s new group chief investment officer.
David Jallits, head of global investment research for Cambridge, said in a client letter that it saw Mr. Gross’s departure as being “more headline risk than investment risk for investors.” Mr. Jallits added that Pimco “has grown a deep and talented bench of portfolio managers.”
Some retirement funds did not need the advice of a consultant to act when it became clear that the top two executives at Pimco were fighting at times. In January, Mohamed A. El-Erian, who previously feuded with Mr. Gross over strategy, resigned as Pimco’s co-chief investment officer.
John Chadwick, the chairman of the town of Greenwich, Conn.’s retirement board, pulled $13 million from two funds managed by Mr. Gross, the total return and the unconstrained bond fund, in January immediately after seeing reports of internal infighting.
“It was a management issue, but the performance was not very good either,” Mr. Chadwick said.
Not all consultants are urging their clients to cut their ties to Pimco, although they say that their patience is running thin.
“It is put up or shut up time for Pimco,” said Paul S. Harte, a consultant for Strategic Investment Solutions in San Francisco. “They have to know that the assignments that they are keeping are on a very short string.”
Mr. Harte has counseled his client, the Stanislaus County Employees’ Retirement Association, to keep its Pimco allocations, none of which were directly managed by Mr. Gross, because he believed in Pimco’s “deep bench” of portfolio managers.
Still, in light of what Mr. Harte described as Pimco’s “mediocre” returns, he warned that the company had better move fast to retain clients.
“The next two months are critical,” he said.