Best performing investment funds No Load Mutual Funds Rebound Trading
Post on: 8 Август, 2015 No Comment
Best No-Load Mutual Fund
The answer to this question is defining the meaning of the word best for No-Load Mutual Funds
For me the best no load mutual fund is the one that generates the highest rate of return over several different time frames. It can be relatively volatile with fairly large swings so long as it is the best performing fund from the standpoint of its compounded annualized rate of return. To someone with a weaker stomach, the definition of the term best might mean the fund that experiences the least amount of volatility and draw down from peak to valley.
In defining best, we need to consider such factors as:
- Investment Time Horizon:
How long do we plan to hold this investment?
Are we investing for growth, income, or both?
Are we planning to buy and hold this no-load mutual fund or do we plan to trade it so as to be able to upgrade to better performing no-load mutual funds in the future?
How much risk are we willing to take with this no-load mutual fund investment?
Since there are many types of mutual funds, which are the most suitable for our own personal investment objectives?
Following are some examples of the best performing no-load mutual funds based on different time frames and investment styles:
- Harbor International Investment Fund (HIINX)
This relatively conservative fund generated a return of 37% over the last 12 months. It focuses on large cap foreign investments.
This is an Exchange Traded Fund that concentrates its investments in China. It is a fairly high risk fund that generated a return of 124% over the last 12 months.
This is an Exchange Traded Index Fund with moderate risk. Its annualized rate of return for the last 12 months was 52%.
How much risk are we willing to take with this no-load mutual fund investment?
Is a balanced and focused no-load income fund that generated a return of 34% over the last 12 months.
Rebound Trading Systems offers 3 different robust trading systems for investing in no-load mutual funds and exchange traded funds.
Subscribers to:
Rebound Mutual Fund Trader recently doubled their money in just 32 months.
Rebound Select invests in Fidelity Select Funds.
Rebound ETF invests in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
To be successful, It is important to have a system for trading no-load mutual funds or exchange traded funds that gets you in to the best funds at the right time and then has a strict stop loss and profit protect discipline to get you out of the trade when the stop is hit.