Asset allocation rules for any age
Post on: 24 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

Financial planner and FP columnist Jason Heath helps readers shed light on everyday financial decisions. Email your queries to .
Winnie asks: I’m 82 and would like to know if my portfolio has too much in equities. I have 45% in fixed income and 54% in equities. I know equities have had a bad time in the last few years and bonds are not doing so well and from what I read from financial books I shouldn’t have that much in equities. I’m open to suggestions.
Jason Heath responds: One of the age old rules of asset allocation is that your equity exposure should decrease as you age. For years, investors have been advised to build a portfolio where their stock exposure is equal to 100 less their age. The result is that as one ages, their fixed income exposure should increase.
Arguably, as life expectancies increase and in particular in this low interest rate environment, fixed income exposure should be more like 110 or 120 less one’s age. Even at 120 less Winnie’s age of 82, her 54% in stocks is 16% higher than the rule of thumb, suggesting she may be overexposed to equities on that basis.
Alas, rules of thumb are but a guideline in investing and in personal finance and should not simply be taken at face value. There are a number of other factors that need to be taken into account.
For example, how is Winnie’s portfolio invested? There’s a big difference between a fixed income portfolio of GICs versus high-yield bonds. Likewise for equities, with varying levels of risk existing for, say, blue-chip utility stocks versus junior mining shares.
Many studies have been done over the years to try to identify the optimal asset allocation. At the end of the day, when you retire, how long your retirement will last, when and how much of your portfolio you will need, the fees on your investments, taxation and many other diverse factors will play into what is ultimately optimal.
Wade Donald Pfau of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies wrote a paper in 2011 entitled “Nearly Optimal Asset Allocations in Retirement.” Using historical data, Pfau analyzed different asset allocations with similar probabilities for failure – failure being the likelihood of running out of money during retirement given different annual withdrawal rates.
According to Pfau, “lower stock allocations can support withdrawal rates nearly as well as higher stock allocations. These results are important to emphasize, because many retirees will be weary of high stock allocations, and the traditional advice from withdrawal rate studies for retirees to keep at least 50% stocks may not really help that much after all. Lower stock allocations can potentially perform nearly as well in supporting a given withdrawal rate while also perhaps allowing nervous retirees to sleep more peacefully at night.”
Now, keep in mind, the study wasn’t focused on generating the highest portfolio value in the long run, but the highest likelihood of your money outlasting you. Now is not likely the best time to be plowing all of your retirement funds into bonds, but I find that one often overlooked fact in discussions of bonds versus stocks in the current environment is that bond yields are low right now because economic growth and inflation are also reasonably low.
As economic growth rises, so will inflation and interest rates. So while locking in long-term bond rates today can be risky, investing in short-term bonds with the intention of reinvesting at tomorrow’s higher rates should not be discounted or force retirees out of bonds completely and into stocks in search of yield.
Furthermore, I think a discussion of investment fees is quite important. It costs more money to have a mutual fund manager, portfolio manager or investment advisor manage your equity portfolio than it does to buy fixed income. In the good old days, when stocks generated 12% average annual returns, paying 3% in fees was 25% of your portfolio’s return and still left 9% net. Over the past 10 years, the TSX has returned 9% annualized and 3% represents a 33% erosion of returns. If we’re in a long-term, low-return environment where stocks only return 6% annually, 3% in fees suddenly erodes stock returns by 50%.
This math is one of the reasons the Canadian retail investment market, which is largely represented by mutual funds, is broken right now. We have bloated costs, a lack of active management, few ancillary services like financial planning and limited options for average investors compared to other countries. Even if Winnie and other retirees should have high stock exposure, if they invest in retail products, their upside is limited. High net worth investors, as always, have more to choose from.
Sometimes you need to forget the rules of thumb and look at who your money is being managed for. If you’re likely to need a good portion of your savings to fund your own retirement, put yourself first and balance not only risk and reward, but what helps you sleep at night. It seems counter-
21intuitive to spend your working years working hard, saving up and worrying about having enough just to spend your whole retirement worrying about your investments — regardless of what any rule of thumb or study suggests.
If you think there’s a good likelihood that you will have money to pass along to the next generation, traditional asset allocation discussions go out the window. Maybe you should consider gifting money to family members while you’re alive, whether to pay off their mortgage or make contributions to the grandkids’ RESP account to help save for their education. Or depending on the size of a potential inheritance or your beneficiaries’ financial situation, perhaps the asset allocation should be based moreso on their age than yours.
No doubt lots of factors come into play in discussions of asset allocation and no doubt many people will have different views than I. The key is that everyone has opinions but nobody has a magic formula. Investment strategies, financial planning and rules of thumb are fluid and personalized. Take everything I or anyone else says with a grain salt. After all, it’s your money.
Jason Heath is a fee-only certified financial planner and income tax professional for Objective Financial Partners Inc. in Toronto.