A genetic fuzzy expert system for stock price forecasting
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978-1-4244-5934-6/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 41
2010 Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2010)
A Genetic Fuzzy Expert System for Stock Price Forecasting
Esmaeil Hadavandi, Hassan Shavandi
Department of Industrial Engineering
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Tehran
Tehran, Iran P.O. Box: 11155-4563
arashghanbari@yahoo.com (arghanbari@ut.ac.ir)
Abstract-Forecasting stock price time series is very
important and challenging in the real world because they are
affected by many highly interrelated economic, social,
political and even psychological factors, and these factors
interact with each other in a very complicated manner. This
article presents an approach based on Genetic Fuzzy
Systems (GFS) for constructing a stock price forecasting
expert system. We use a GFS model with the ability of rule
base extraction and data base tuning for next day stock price
prediction to extract useful patterns of information with a
descriptive rule induction approach. We evaluate capability
of the proposed approach by applying it on stock price
forecasting case study of International Business Machines
Corporation (IBM), and compare the outcomes with
previous stock price forecasting methods using mean
absolute percentage error (MAPE). Results show that the
proposed approach is able to cope with the fluctuation of
stock price values and it also yields good prediction accuracy
in short term stock price forecasting.
Keywords- Stock Price Forecasting; Genetic Fuzzy
systems; Expert systems
A. Stock price forecasting
Forecasting stock price time series is very important
and challenging in the real world because they are
affected by many highly interrelated economic, social,
political and even psychological factors and these factors
interact with each other in a very complicated manner.
Stock market forecasters focus on developing
approaches to successfully forecast/predict index values
or stock prices, aiming at high profits using well defined
trading strategies. The central idea to successful stock
market prediction is achieving best results using minimum
required input data and the least complex stock market
model [1]. Considering this idea an obvious complexity of
the problem paves the way for the importance of
intelligent prediction paradigms [2].
Artificial Intelligence techniques such as artificial
neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy logic, and genetic
algorithms (GAs) are popular research subjects, since they
can deal with complex engineering problems which are
difficult to solve by classical methods [3]. Artificial
intelligence techniques can be combined together in
various ways to form hybrid models. Hybrid models have
more flexibility and can be used to estimate the non-linear
relationship, without the limits of traditional models such
as Time Series models. Therefore, more and more
researchers tend to use hybrid forecasting models to deal
with forecasting problems.
Chang et al. [4] used a Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK)
type Fuzzy Rule Based System (FRBS) for stock price
prediction. They used simulated annealing (SA) for
training the best parameters of fuzzy systems. They found
that the forecasted results from TSK fuzzy rule based
model were much better than those of back propagation
network (BPN) or multiple regressions.
Atsalakis et al. [5] proposed a hybrid model that linked
two Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)
controllers to forecast next day’s stock price trends of the
Athens and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The
proposed system performed very well in trading
simulation and comparisons with 13 other similar soft
computing based approaches demonstrated solid and
superior performance in terms of percentage of prediction
accuracy of stock market trend. One of the most popular
approaches is the hybridization between fuzzy logic and
GAs leading to genetic fuzzy systems (GFSs) [6].A GFS
is basically a fuzzy system augmented by a learning
process based on evolutionary computation, which
includes genetic algorithms and other evolutionary
algorithms (EAs) [7].
In recent years some articles have been published in the
favor of using GFS in modeling and forecasting area
[8,9,10]. They have all obtained satisfactory results and
concluded that using GFSs is very promising for these
areas. but there is not any research in the literature that
uses a GFS with the ability of extracting whole
knowledge base of fuzzy system for stock price
forecasting problem (a complete literature review on
proposed techniques for stock market forecasting can be
found in [1]).
This paper presents a hybrid artificial intelligence (AI)
methodology for next day stock price prediction to extract
useful patterns of information with a descriptive rule
generate one-day forecasts of stock prices in a novel way.
Hassan et al. [12] proposed and developed a fusion model
combining the HMM with an Artificial Neural Network
and a Genetic Algorithm to achieve better forecasts. In

their model, ANN was used to transform the input
observation sequences of HMM and the GA was used to
optimize the initial parameters of the HMM. This
optimized HMM was then used to identify similar data
pattern from the historical dataset. The comparison
showed that forecasting ability of the fusion model is
better than ARIMA model and HMM proposed in [11].
Hassan [13] proposed a novel combination of the HMM
and the fuzzy models for forecasting stock market data.
The model used HMM to identify data patterns and then
used fuzzy logic to generate appropriate fuzzy rules and
obtain a forecast value for next day stock price. The
forecast accuracy of the combination HMM–fuzzy model
was better when compared to the ARIMA and ANN and
other HMM-based forecasting models.
Nowadays fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBS) have been
successfully applied to a wide range of real-world
problems from different areas. Knowledge base (KB) of a
FRBS composed of the rule base (RB), constituted by the
collection of rules in their symbolic forms, and the data
base (DB), which contains the linguistic term sets and the
membership functions defining their meanings. The
difficulty presented by human experts to express their
knowledge in the form of fuzzy rules has made
researchers develop automatic techniques to perform this
task. GAs have been demonstrated to be a powerful tool
for automating the definition of the knowledge base (KB)
of a fuzzy system, since adaptive control, learning, and
self-organization may be considered in a lot of cases as
optimization or search processes. The GFS type which we
use in this article consists of two general stages; stage 1
derives rule base of FRBS and stage 2 tunes data base of
FRBS. In the following we’ll describe theses two stages.
A. Genetic derivation of the Rule Base for FRBS
A previously defined DB constituted by uniform fuzzy
partitions with triangular membership functions crossing
at height 0.5 is considered. The number of linguistic terms
forming each one of them can be specified by the GFS
designer, and then Pittsburgh approach is used for
learning RB. Each chromosome encodes a whole fuzzy
rule set and the derived RB is the best individual of the
last population. Pittsburgh approach can be decomposed
input related each
variable and four fuzzy sets ?B?,B?,B?,B. related to the
output variable and Applying this code to the fuzzy
decision table represented in Figure 1.
Step 2 — Generating the initial population
Initial chromosomes ( Npop ) are randomly generated;
while the alleles are in the set ?1,2,…. (NB is the