Will Deener Is market divergence signaling the end of the bull
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File photo 2011/The Associated Press
Updated: 12 October 2014 10:10 PM
One warning sign that a bull is on its last legs is when we see market divergence — a term popping up a lot lately in the financial press.
Divergence refers to the price action of small-cap stocks relative to large-cap stocks. In a healthy bull market, the small-cap Russell 2000 Index will move in lock step with the much bigger companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index. This was the case for much of the past five years.
Divergence occurs when big caps and small caps move in opposite directions, which is what has been happening for about six months.
Think of the small-caps as an army’s soldiers and the big caps as the generals. To be an effective fighting force the 500 generals in the S&P 500 and the 2,000 soldiers in the Russell 2000 must march in tandem. That’s not happening.
The Russell 2000 has dropped about 10.5 percent since April while the S&P 500 has gained 1.5 percent. That’s a large divergence and should give pause to any roaring bulls still out there. But divergence is just one of the warning signs that a bull market is losing its mojo. The operative word is one .
There are at least a half-dozen other warning flags that will appear before investors should begin bracing for the next bear market, defined as a 20 percent decline in the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones industrial average.
“Divergence is not a bell ringing warning that the bull market is over,” said James Stack of InvesTech Research. “But it does send a signal that the economy is not hitting on all cylinders.”
Stack remains bullish despite this week’s big downdraft, but he has reduced stock exposure a tad in his model portfolio from 83 percent to 80 percent “as we have become more defensive.”
Although market technicians get nervous when they see this kind of divergence, unless divergence is accompanied by other warnings — such as rising interest rates and extreme valuations for starters — it is not a very reliable indicator. Stack estimates that divergence of the Russell 2000 and the S&P 500 has correctly signaled the end of bull markets in only about half the cases since the 1930s.
“I watch divergence, but it is not one of the more reliable signals by itself,” Stack said. “Investors shouldn’t go out and make major modifications in their portfolios.”
It’s difficult to know why divergence occurs, but it’s common, particularly in aging bull markets like the current one. This bull will turn 6 years old in March, which is about twice the average length of bull markets since the 1930s.

As a bull ages, investors typically become more selective, less risk tolerant and more defensive, and that all translates into wanting to own bigger stocks. Generally, small stocks are more volatile and riskier than big stocks and will suffer deeper losses during a bear market.
It’s not that unusual to see investors gravitate toward larger and presumably safer stocks as they become nervous, but the current rush into big caps and out of small caps has become reminiscent of previous manias in technology, real estate and financials. Stack said he’s stunned by how aggressively investors are buying into index funds and exchange traded funds that track the big boys in the S&P 500
“We are seeing a mania directed toward indexing in big caps,” Stack said. “I would call this a psychological phenomenon because people are all piling into the same big stocks.”
And that’s the main reason for the divergence. About two-thirds of all the new money coming into the market this year has gone into index funds or exchange traded funds that track the S&P 500 or one of the other big cap indices, he said. This is unusual because typically this kind of herd mentality is seen in technology stocks, housing, financials or gold.
“This time it’s not dot-coms; it’s not real estate stocks; it is big-cap stocks and this makes me nervous,” Stack said. “When the bear market finally does arrive, the sector that gets clobbered the most is probably going to be the one that everyone was jumping into, and that is big caps.”
Another reason that the performance of the Russell has lagged the S&P 500 since April is because small-caps had been on a great run for years and had gotten progressively more expensive. For example, the price-to-earnings ratio of the Russell 2000 reached almost 19 earlier this year, compared with its historical norm of 14.9. Skittish investors felt it was time to take some of their profits off the table, and put them into big caps.
“We don’t normally see this, but what we are seeing is investors have developed a mania to indexing,” Stack said. “Most all the new money into the market is heading one way, and that is dangerous.”