The Why It Will Continue To Rise

Post on: 29 Август, 2015 No Comment

The Why It Will Continue To Rise

In the classic movie “Network,” there was a point when people began to shout, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore.” I feel a similar sentiment brewing in America regarding our national debt which has exploded in recent years. In this article, we’ll look at a few of the reasons for the debt increase and discuss what the future may hold, especially if politicians continue to kick the ‘proverbial’ can down the road. Let’s begin with a little perspective.

NOTE: As a disclaimer, I feel compelled to state that this subject is far deeper and much more complex than a single article or even a series could explain.

Putting Our Debt Into Perspective

America has the largest debt burden in the world. There were some precipitating events which contributed greatly. For the sake of perspective, consider this. Japan, the world’s fourth largest economy (as measured by GDP), has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 227%. This is the highest such ratio in the world. The U.S. has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 101% which seems rather modest in comparison. Modest perhaps, but in absolute terms, our debt is rapidly approaching $18 trillion (Chart 1). Japan’s debt is approximately $13.4 trillion, however, its economy is only one-fourth the size of America’s.

If Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio is more than two times greater than America’s, does this indicate that we are far from the edge of the cliff? In other words, could we support a debt burden of $30 or $40 trillion? Considering the myriad of economic problems Japan has faced since 1990, let’s just say I would hate to test this hypothesis.

How did our debt grow so large? Why does it continue to rise? We’ll look at these issues. But first, to be perfectly clear, when our federal government spends more than it collects, the result is a “deficit” which is added to the debt. Therefore, debt expansion is a result of fiscal deficits or if you prefer, overspending. We’ll examine this more closely in a moment. First, let’s look at the average percentage change in the public debt during various periods.

The greatest period of debt expansion occurred from 1980 to 1991 at 13.4% (measured by average percentage). The next largest increase was during the period from 1974 to 1979 and was 10.9%. Surprisingly, even though the debt has exploded since 2008, the period from 2008 through the end of 2013 ranks third at an average of 10% per year. One reason for this is that our deficits are improving. As a result, you’ll notice how the growth in total debt is slowing (Chart 1). However, there’s a bit more to the story. For example, even though the post-crisis period ranks third on the list, 2008 had the second largest calendar-year expansion at 18.3%, trailing only 1982 when the debt increased by 19.5%. As mentioned, overspending causes deficits which adds to the total debt. Let’s look at why deficits occur.

Deficit Spending in the Modern Era

As we saw in Chart 1, the debt has accelerated greatly over the past few decades. In Chart 2, we listed the average rate of change during various periods. One of the most important questions to understand is why. Why did the debt begin to expand as sharply as it did? One of the chief reasons was President Nixon’s decision to decouple the dollar from the gold standard in 1971. In doing so, he essentially lifted the lid on Pandora’s Pandora’s Money Box as there was no longer a limit on the amount of money which could be printed. At that point we became a nation with a “fiat” currency, meaning, there is nothing to back the dollar except the “full faith and credit of the U.S. government.” Since dollars were no longer redeemable for gold, the government was free to overspend as long as they could get their bills through Congress and signed by the President.

The Why It Will Continue To Rise

The following chart (Chart 3) illustrates the federal government’s fiscal-year surplus or deficit from June 30, 1965 through the most recent fiscal year which ended September 30, 2013. NOTE: The federal government changed its fiscal year end from June 30 to September 30 in 1977. What’s particularly interesting, though not entirely surprising, is how the deficits were exacerbated as a result of this action. Again, in the absence of a need to possess an amount of gold equal to the dollars outstanding, there was no longer a need to monitor the budget as closely. This gave way to numerous “pet projects” and accelerated the “bring-home-the-bacon” program.

This increased the probability of reelection for existing members of Congress. They would routinely insert line items into legislation to help influential voters from their district. But I digress. What does the future hold for our debt situation? Will our children and grandchildren be saddled with such an enormous debt that the American Dream will become no more than a faint memory existing only in our history books? Clearly America has been losing its status on the global stage.

The Future Of America’s Debt Problem

The economic boom, from 1982 until the housing bubble burst and the stock market collapsed, was predicated on debt. This debt deluge led to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the wake of the 2008 recession, our fiscal deficits exceeded $1 trillion for several years. More recently, the deficit has been improving, but is still greater than $550 billion per fiscal year. Hence, the debt continues to rise, albeit at a slower pace. To gain a clearer view of this, refer to Chart 4 below. You’ll see how the debt increase is slowing as the deficits improve. This is also why Chart 1 shows the debt flattening at the far right of the graph. But are we out of the woods yet?

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