The Seven (Potentially) Deadly Sins of Silver Investors

Post on: 21 Июнь, 2015 No Comment

The Seven (Potentially) Deadly Sins of Silver Investors

The Seven Deadly Sins committed by silver investors destroy wealth, leaving investors discouraged and broke. These seven (potencially) deadly sins are: overindulgence, haste, sloth, irrational exuberance, ignorance, pride, and dogmatism. Although the seven sins are committed by beginners more often, experienced investors can commit any of theses sins as well.

1. Overindulgence – many silver investors are carried away by the hype of investing in silver. And these investors go out and buy up too much silver at one time. Remember, regardless of the market outlook, or the future of society, more than 10% of your entire investment portfolio is too much. An ideal portfolio allocation is around 7%-11%. If you are just beginning in silver: start small. Here’s another tip for beginners, it’s a good idea to start in physical silver investments such as coins, and bars, before investing in more leveraged silver investments. Get some real metal holdings to build your foundation of wealth before making other metal investments.

2. Haste – Similar to the last sin, silver investors should pace themselves when making an investment in silver. A prudent investor would spread out her investment into multiple purchasesknown as dollar cost averaging. Dollar cost averaging works by averaging out the entire portfolio; for example, if the price of silver is at $13, Joe buys a little. Then next month the price fell to $12, and Joe buys a little more. Joe’s average investment is now only $12.50. Instead of if Joe bought all he could at $13, he’d be at a loss. Pace your investments to use dollar cost averaging to your advantage.

3. Sloth – With this sin, investors are lazy with proper storage. Many silver investors think the original investment is the end. However, the investor now has to properly store her investment. or risk losing. It’s your silver, so keep it that way. Keep the bulk of your investment in a safe place; this includes a personal safe, a bank safe deposit box, or a public storage facility. Whatever you use, make sure proper storage happens.

4. Irrational Exuberance – The number one rule of investing is “don’t lose money.” As such, large doses of speculation can cause an investor to lose huge sums of money. Speculation is speculation. Not investing. But depending on your goals and tolerance for risk, very moderate levels of speculation can increase the return on investments for your portfolio. If you do decide speculation is right for you, then options and futures contracts are excellent speculation tools.

The Seven (Potentially) Deadly Sins of Silver Investors

5. Ignorance – You will greatly increase the rewards on your investments as you continue to study the market. Begin by reading the fundamental factors that drive silver and gold prices. Fundamentals such as supply and demand. currency moves, and the overall economy. When you are an informed investor, your investment returns increase.

6. Pride – Many silver investors could be burned because of an unreasonable level of self-respectpride is another word for that. Just remember as much as you may be proud of your investment in silver, not everything you buy should be considered an investment. Rare coins, and silver art are not investments, as such an investor shouldn’t count these as investments. Only silver bullion, or silver coins whose value follows the spot price of silver can be counted as a silver investment. For example, a 1964 Quarter sold as junk silver is an investment, but a 1964 Quarter sold as a collectible is a collectible—not a silver investment.

7. Dogmatism – when you read online at forums or blogs about silver investments, you’ll see many people stubbornly pushing an investment as the only investment. This narrow view of the silver market can kill your investment returns. Just remember the silver ETF, junk silver. mining stocks, futures, mutual funds, index funds, options, and bullion are all ways to invest in the silver market. And, the way you invest should depend on your investing goals. What works for a different investor, may not work for you.

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