Ray Alcorn Dealmaker s Guide to Commercial Real Estate
Post on: 1 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

Is Commercial Real Estate a mystery to you? Are you tired of constantly looking for new deals? Bored with houses? Have you noticed other investors acquiring large income properties and wondered how they do it.
Even if you have never invested in real estate, you can learn how to acquire investments that produce immediate income and create long-term wealth, when you learn how to.
Build a Portfolio of Commercial Real Estate with Guaranteed Cash Flow,
Accelerated Appreciation, Maximum Equity Growth and Maximum Tax Benefits.
A guide that teaches you step-by-step how to create wealth in commercial real estate: including all the forms, contracts and checklists used by the pros.
Real estate investing has exploded in popularity over the last decade. Many have discovered that there are very few ways to build wealth as quickly and safely as investing in assets that appreciate in value, generate cash income, are always under your control, and produce tax benefits to boot.
You may be one of those folks. Maybe you’ve put together a few deals on houses or a small apartment building. But along the way you’ve noticed that larger properties produce ten times more cash with a lot less effort. You’d like to do bigger deals, but wonder how to put them together.
Or maybe you’ve heard about the profits being made in real estate by friends or family members. You’ve looked into a few deals, but aren’t interested in being a full-time landlord or hands-on rehabber. You see owners of shopping centers and office buildings and know they aren’t the type that unstop toilets or swing hammers. Are you wondering if you can skip the preliminaries and go straight to investing in commercial real estate?
When learning any new skill it is much easier with the knowledge and guidance of those who already know.
It’s no secret that commercial real estate is profitable—shopping centers, apartment projects and office parks are in every town and city—but few outside the business have any clue how they happen or what it takes to own them. And that’s just how the insiders want to keep it, because if they told you what they know, you’d be their new competitor.
That’s why reliable information about commercial real estate is so hard to find. It’s worse than searching for a needle in a haystack. This is one of the most competitive, secretive, and cutthroat businesses in the world. It’s hard to even find the hayfield, much less the haystack, and forget about finding the real “needles” of how to make money.
Ray Alcorn has over 25 years of experience in owning, developing and managing commercial real estate. He is an active investor who averages over $10 million in deals per year. and many consider him to be a dealmaker’s DealMaker.
His book, DealMaker’s Guide to Commercial Real Estate . is a definitive work that details the strategies and secrets used by commercial real estate investors to build powerhouse portfolios.
This course is an entire stack of needles, packed with information that could only come from an experienced insider. Ray gives you the facts—the good and the bad—about every property type, working with brokers, management companies, lenders, and how to structure deals to minimize risk and maximize profit. You’ll have the power of insider knowledge at your fingertips.
Whether you’re an experienced investor or a newcomer, this is a step-by-step guide to the most profitable sector of real estate.
Here’s a small sampling of what you’ll learn:
- How to get started in acquiring income properties regardless of your experience level
Finally, there is a comprehensive, real world guide to building wealth with commercial real estate. Written by an active investor for investors, this manual cuts through the mumbo-jumbo of academic texts, and without the self-serving advice of brokers who get paid more only when you pay more. This is the straight scoop from a dealmaker who has experienced the booms and busts in real estate over the last three decades. You will learn how to spot opportunities for incredible profits, and avoid the land mines of bubble markets.
In this unique home study course by Ray Alcorn, you will learn the secrets of mastering any property type, building multiple lender relationships and how to make offers too good to be turned down. But it doesn’t stop there…
A Tool That Guarantees You Will Make Money
It’s a real estate axiom that if you pay too much you’ll never make money. But even experienced investors can be baffled about the real value of an income property. There are so many ways the numbers can be interpreted anyone can get confused. Ray cuts through the hype and gives you a foolproof method of determining value that guarantees you will make money.
And there’s more. Included in the manual are.
- Step-by-step instructions (and an automatic Excel calculator) for finding the maximum value for any property. You’ll learn why What’s it worth? is the wrong question! And the answer to the right question, What’s it worth to me?
That’s really what sets this book apart from the rest. Ray thinks it makes a lot more sense to fit the deal to the investor. rather than forcing the investor to fit one property type or dealmaking technique. Ray explains them all, and most importantly, how to pick and choose the ones that are most suitable for you right now, wherever you are, and reach your goals faster. These techniques and strategies apply to every investor, any property type, in any economic climate, and in any market. This is your personal roadmap to target the types of deals that deliver profits, on your terms, and never waste time chasing those that don’t.
Ray says this is a 25 year brain dump of everything he knows—532 pages of text; 3 Appendices; a CD which includes contracts, checklists, calculators and spreadsheets; and a comprehensive Index to cross-reference terms and find the help you need right now.
Just as important as the knowledge of how to make a deal is to know when to walk away. In Chapter 17, Ray gives you a detailed list of sources with contact names and addresses for ongoing information that you will use to stay in front of the crowd, strategically plan your next move, and keep your investments out of harm’s way. (Note: This chapter was just updated in January 2008 to include strategies to profit from the current economic conditions.)
These are the same strategies Ray Alcorn personally uses in building his own multi-million dollar real estate portfolio which, by the way, is still growing… all the skills you need to succeed with commercial real estate investments explained in depth. And you don’t have to waste years of hard work or pay tens of thousands of dollars to discover “secrets” from people who have never seen a recession. In 25 years Ray has done deals through four of them. His experience, and the pain and suffering it will save you, makes this package priceless.
And there’s more.

Bonus Chapter: Tax Planning & Entity Selection by John Hyre, Esq. CPA
John Hyre — tax lawyer, CPA, real estate investor, and advisor to hundreds — is a man who knows a lot about details. To keep up with the tax code he has to, and in Ray Alcorn’s opinion there is no one more knowledgeable about that subject on the planet.
John wrote Chapter 16 of DealMaker’s Guide to Commercial Real Estate — Tax Planning and Entity Selection. If you don’t already know John, you’re in for a treat. He writes with an irreverent style and a wicked sense of humor about how to keep more of what you’ll make. He’ll show you how to build a bulletproof liability shield, all the gritty details of how to structure your assets to be most tax-efficient, including the best entity selections, the ins and outs of componentized depreciation, dealer vs. investor status, and how to protect yourself from the swarming hordes of lawsuit-happy leeches that want everything you own!
John also explains the government’s greatest gift to real estate investors — the IRC Sec. 1031 tax-deferred exchange. This is the key to pyramiding your wealth over and over again, without paying a dime in taxes. You’ll learn how to use IRC Sec. 1031 to its fullest extent, and grow your portfolio exponentially. John will walk you through the process step by step.
John is also a real estate investor, making him that rarest of breeds — a talented legal and tax professional with first hand experience in his specialty. If you’ve ever looked for a real estate accountant you know most have book knowledge but little practical experience. John Hyre has both, and his expertise is invaluable as you put the principles and strategies of Dealmaker’s Guide to Commercial Real Estate to work.
And there’s still more…
Forms CD With Ray’s Checklists, Forms, Contracts, and Calculators
The course is complete with the tools to put the knowledge into action. Ray combed his personal deal files for the best contracts, due diligence checklists, broker agreements and finance proposals and included them all on a Form CD (MS Word format).
These are the same tools Ray uses everyday with his own investments.
Forms CD Contents:
- Personal Financial Statement Template — how to structure your financial affairs, and present them in their best light, all in a simple form that satisfies lender requirements
Let a dealmaker with a lifetime of experience show you step-by-step how to successfully invest in income-producing real estate. Dealmaker’s Guide to Commercial Real Estate is a must have for investors of every experience level.
Here’s What You Get:
Now in it’s third printing—January 2008! 532 page Manual; 17 Chapters in Four Modules of Learning; Tabbed for Easy Reference
3 Appendices, including Ray’s DealMaker’s Rules
Professionally Indexed with cross-referenced terms and concepts
Forms CD with Checklists, Contracts, Pre-formatted Spreadsheets and Calculators
A Massive Amount of Information, All for Just $599.00!
We stand behind our products unconditionally. No questions asked, 90-Day satisfaction guarantee! – return for full refund.