Forex Managed Accounts Anti Scam Guide

Post on: 29 Май, 2015 No Comment

Forex Managed Accounts Anti Scam Guide

When Choosing a Forex Service?

We want to put it very clear there are lots of scammers who build nets of lies and catch naive investors into their web of trickery.

Forex is a market with a huge interest for investors; no wonder that scammers are hunting for the big money here .

The problem is that many potential investors hear a lot about making money of Forex, but know nothing about the specifics of this market. Therefore these people can be easily lured into a scam designated as a Forex investment.

If you read this article to the end, we guarantee that most of the Forex scams will not be able to fool you. So, this is the short list of typical problems and how to avoid them.

Forex Investment Scam Trick #1 Send Me the Money

Never send your money to the Forex trader or Forex trading company your money can evaporate.

We are not talking about e-gold or another anonymous electronic systems where your money disappears and you get no way to track who stole it.

Even if they give you a bank account. today it is possible to open a fake bank account; so the chances of losing your money are very high.

Solution. Forex managed accounts service is a perfect option. You do not send money to traders. You open your trading account DIRECTLY with the reputable Forex broker .

So, you open an account directly with this broker. You are the only person on the planet whom this broker allows to deposit or withdraw the money from this account. This is YOUR account.

Our traders are able to perform trading operations with the money under your limited power of attorney. They cannot withdraw this money and buy a yacht, or villa in Spain, or fancy sport car.

You are the only and absolute owner of the account that you open directly with a world famous Forex broker. You track absolutely everything.

No intermediaries (who can disappear) no risk that someone will take your money.

AND, any professional Forex brokerage company is checking the identity of its traders. Better than any FBI and CIA. That is why you can be sure that these traders are real people who do not have any chance to run away and disappear.

Forex Investment Scam Trick #2 We Guarantee Profits

No one is allowed to guarantee profits on the Forex market this is against the law.

The reasons are obvious, because Forex is a risky market. Even if someone has been making profits from Forex trading 60 months in a row there is no guarantee this trader will make profits the next month.

That is why when you see any HYIP or other investment programs which say ‘we guarantee X% monthly or Y% daily’ congratulations, you have found a scam. It is prohibited by law to promise any guaranteed profits from Forex trading.

Forex Managed Accounts Anti Scam Guide

Forex Investment Scam Trick #3 Great Reviews

I invested the money, because the program had great reviews a typical phrase of a ripped off investor.

Forex scammers are smart and have enough money to hire dozens of people who sit on Forex forums and brainwash naive people. They write fancy articles, they submit nicely-looking videos to YouTube they know their job and their job is to make you believe. They are even running communities that are supposed to be unbiased, but in reality make people believe into fake programs.

Even if your best friend is recommending a HYIP this friend can be fooled by the forums, reviews, articles, press releases and videos.

Forex Investment Scam Trick #4 They Paid at the Beginning

Most of the scammers pay at the beginning, because they have to feed the market and spread the good buzz. Before they start any scam, they have at least 6 months’ reserve for payouts but they will rip off people for a much bigger money.

For them this “payment at the beginning” is like an investment, a necessity. For naive investors this is a bait. You would be surprised how many people got caught onto that bait. Maybe even you were one of the victims. If so sorry, but you should have read this post earlier.

Forex Investment Scam Trick #5 They Had Nice Income %

Come on!

Anyone can take Photoshop and draw everything. Pay $50 to a good web designer and you can “boast” with screenshots of billions USD on your account.

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