Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance (Wiley Finance) by Vinh Powell s Books
Post on: 28 Апрель, 2015 No Comment
Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments:
Divided into three comprehensive parts, Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance takes the standard hedge fund book to a new level by detailing how to manage the risks associated with hedge funds and offering the best methods to evaluate and monitor them.
As a primer on hedge funds, Part One of this book discusses the misconceptions about long-term investing and diversification in asset allocation and how hedge funds can fill the void left open by traditional long-only investmentsso you can achieve long-term investment objectives with lower volatility. You’ll also receive a comprehensive review of the hedge fund industry, its investors, and how main hedge fund strategies have performed in past market conditions.
Part Two of the book is devoted entirely to issues concerning manager research and evaluation, and portfolio construction. Here, you’ll gain a better understanding of the risk/return characteristics of hedge fund strategies in order to assess their potential role and added value in diversified portfolios of hedge funds. You’ll also discover how to properly analyze, evaluate, and select individual hedge funds as well as assemble them in ways that will achieve your targeted risks and returns.
Rounding out the discussion of hedge funds, Part Three of this important guide will show you how to periodically review, evaluate, and assess the performance of funds in your portfolio, including their rates of return, volatility of these returns, and how these investment results were produced. The purpose of this part is to make sure your portfolio and its hedge funds continue to perform as expected.
Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance can help you make the most of this flexible investment vehicle.
A comprehensive look at hedge fund performance issues
In Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance . Dr. Vinh Tran gives readers the information they need to construct an efficient hedge fund portfolio based on their own level of knowledge. From evaluating hedge funds to picking the winners, Dr. Tran covers some of the most important issues related to this flexible investment vehicle. Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance takes the standard hedge fund book to a new level by detailing how to manage the risk of hedge funds and offering the best methods to evaluate and monitor hedge funds. With strategy based on interviews and data from experts in the field, this book is a must-read for any investor or manager who is investing in hedge funds.
This book provides a refreshing view of the pros and cons of investment in general and of hedge funds in particular. Individuals wishing an honest introduction to the pros and cons of hedge fund investing will find this book worthwhile.
From the Foreword by Thomas Schneeweis Editor, The Journal of Alternative Investments
Finally, a book written by a market practitioner for market practitioners! A must-read for investors and practitioners alike.
Joseph Pignatelli Jr. President, The Archstone Partnerships
From picking the winners to going for the gold and searching for the Holy Grail (alpha), Tran does not leave any stone unturned. Highly recommended and a must-read for everyone interested in hedge funds and funds of hedge funds!
Greg N. Gregoriou, Associate Professor of Finance and coordinator of faculty research, State University of New York (Plattsburgh)
Tran does a great job of explaining the dynamics of hedge fund performance in a simple and interesting manner. This book should be a great resource for anyone interested in hedge funds.
Dr. Vikas Agarwal, Assistant Professor of Finance J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
About the Author
Dr. Vinh Q. Tran is a Senior Vice President in Global Wealth and Investment Management at Bank of America. He has over twenty years of experience in managing fixed income, relative value, global macro, and long/short equity strategies. he has advised institutional investors, funds of hedge funds, and high-net-worth individual investors in hedge fund investing and asset allocation strategies. Dr. Tran has also taught portfolio theory and quantitative methods as an adjunct professor of finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business and Fairfield University. Author of Foreign Exchange Management in Multinational Firms, Dr. Tan has a PhD and an MBA in finance from the George Washington University, and a BA in accounting and a BS in political science from the University of Dalat in Vietnam.