Crisis Investing Americans Are Not Prepared For The Collapse Of The Dollar There Will Be Riots

Post on: 29 Май, 2015 No Comment

Crisis Investing Americans Are Not Prepared For The Collapse Of The Dollar There Will Be Riots

The majority of the American people think the economy is stable and the world is at peace. But even a precursory review of geo-political news makes it clear that there is a major power struggle and paradigm shift taking place. According to New York Times best-selling author Marin Katusa, the chief global strategist at Casey Research, it is only a matter of time before China and Russia exchange and deploy their dollar reserves, at which point the U.S. dollar will come crashing down.

Watch the following incredibly insightful interview from one of the few people in the world who really understands how current geo-political machinations will lead to economic and financial consequences that will reverberate for decades to come. Moreover, Katusa explains how to prepare yourself for nothing short of a financial apocalypse when confidence in the U.S. dollar is lost. On that fateful day Americans will be in shock because they could well see the price of their cost of living triple in a very short period of time that means food, energy and other essential resources will become unattainable for many almost overnight.

I ask you, what would the average American be doing if the cost of their standard of living just tripled? There’ll be riots .

There is a vicious correction coming for the dollar and other financial instruments. Time for action is limited, but there are numerous strategies you can implement to not only preserve your wealth, but grow it in the midst of crisis:

That a currency collapse is coming should be a foregone conclusion, yet most people simply dont want to believe it. But, even if there were another financial emergency most Americans think that the government will be there to help them. Of course, this notion is simply unrealistic, which means that America will very quickly devolve into an environment plagued with riots, violence and looting.

As Katusa notes, the Russians are going through their own currency collapse right now and many of them understand that the collapse of their economy has been engineered by western bankers. Whats different between Russia in crisis and America in crisis is that the Russians have spent the last three decades dealing with one problem after another, so they are much more resilient when it comes to mitigating the immediate impact. Americans, however, have enjoyed decades of booming stock markets and prosperity, so when the inevitable meltdown finally does occur most wont be ready for it.

In his book The Colder War. as well as in the interview above, Marin Katusa notes that the world is already involved in a major conflict. Americans simply havent realized it. But the Russians get it.

The average Russian in Russia truly is behind Putin and believes they are at a war a different type of war both a physical war, a traditional war, and a currency war, an economic war. With not just NATO and the EU, but also catalysts, driven, pushed, motivated by the U.S.

As I state in my book, the Russian people are used to difficult, difficult times. Look what they’ve gone through in just the last 25 years. They’ve seen the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1998 they’ve seen an absolute default. They’ve seen horrible conditions. And today, as bad as that is, it’s nowhere as bad as it was during the collapse of the Soviet Union

So has the average Russian bought gold? No, but I will say this: has the average American bought gold? No.

But the Russian people are much more resilient in times of crisis than I would say the average American would be. If the tables were turned, I ask you, what would the average American be doing if the cost of their standard of living just tripled? There’d be riot.

Not just riots, but complete pandemonium as people scramble to acquire critical resources before they run out. And as evidenced by recent actions by Russia and China, and continued efforts by our central bank, this is the likely end-game.

Crisis investing first requires admitting and accepting that there is a problem. Next we need to understand the problem, something Marin Katusa explains succinctly in his interview. Finally, we need to know what action to take and how to deploy our existing assets so that we are not wiped out when the winds shift.

And be assured, the winds are shifting. Are you ready for the storm?

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