A Better Way To Do Asset Allocation

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

A Better Way To Do Asset Allocation

In the fall of 2003 I was sitting in the lobby of a major wealth manager. Curious, I picked up a copy of their latest research report and began reading the section on asset allocation. When finished, I remember thinking I had just read an art critic’s review with lots of fancy words but no substance. As a long-time investment consultant and portfolio manager I certainly thought I knew all about asset allocation, yet, starting then, I came to realize I knew very little about the subject and, after years of polling, found few in the industry could define the process for portfolio optimization, explain the differences in asset allocation software solutions or name three providers of asset allocation software. What everyone did seem to know about is a study by Brinson, Beebower and Singer explaining that 91.5% of the quarterly variation in portfolio returns is due to asset allocation (the balance being attributed to security selection, market timing and other factors such as trade execution).

Wall Street has placed a bizarre importance on the least important factors affecting your portfolio. It spends billions of dollars each year in security research, market timing mechanisms and other factors to enhance portable alpha; very little is spent trying to improve the single biggest factor affecting your risk-adjusted returns–asset allocation. Most asset allocation models in use today were designed in the 1960s. Haven’t technology, mathematics and learning advanced since the JFK was president? Asset allocation is the core function of portfolio construction–one the industry doesn’t focus on and that investment professionals find difficult or maybe even mysterious. The intent of this series of articles is to demystify and explain the central concepts of asset allocation and portfolio optimization and bring you up-to-date on the newest methodologies.


It’s no secret that asset allocation relies on what investors call diversification and professionals call correlation. The idea is to structure a portfolio of dissimilar securities that tend to move in opposite directions (having negative correlation) so that when some are waning, others are waxing, thus reducing losses with the potential of achieving better risk-adjusted returns. However, more fundamental than diversification are risk measurements and return forecasts. Risk, return and correlation are the building blocks to achieve the optimal asset mix for the more than 50 asset allocation models we know of worldwide. The linchpin and most important factor in asset allocation modeling is the evaluation of risk.

Measuring Risk

The most common risk measure is standard deviation. Low standard deviation securities, such as short-term Treasuries, are considered low risk, whereas highly volatile securities represent high risk. Picture a chart showing the history of daily changes in value. The horizontal axis shows the size of the change and the vertical axis the frequency of each size of change. The points approximate the classic bell curve of a normal distribution. The perfect normal distribution assumes that 68.3% of daily returns will fall within one standard deviation more or less than the average, 95.4% of returns within two standard deviations and 99.7% of returns within three.

Although investors invest to make money, they worry most about losing money. Some investors cut the normal distribution in half and examine only the downside risk. Others, such as banks, insurance companies and hedge funds, go further and focus on the probability of large crippling losses. These institutions examine the left “tails” of a distribution to calculate the odds of a catastrophic loss using a risk measurement called value-at-risk (VaR). A common 99% VaR estimate tells the institution that it can be 99% sure a one-day loss will be no worse than ‘X.’ More analysis is needed to estimate those big losses, but the shape of the bell curve suggests that they won’t be much worse than X. The Bank of International Settlements requires banks to use VaR to measure risk and determine minimum capital.

All this analysis assumes a normal (bell-shaped) distribution of security returns, which is a bad assumption. Actual distributions are wider, meaning they have more large gains and losses than estimated by the bell curve. Actual history includes many “outlier” events, called so because they lie outside the small “tails” of the normal bell curve. The standard deviation calculation, which defines the bell curve, assumes that the probability of extreme events decreases exponentially and steadily toward zero. Probabilities decrease very quickly indeed: If the chance of an X% market loss is one in 100 days, the chance of a 2X% loss is one day in 2,900 years and the chance of a 3X% loss is one day in 47 million centuries. But in reality extreme events aren’t nearly that rare. Because this rapid drop-off in probability is wrong, financial companies using these risk metrics get a false sense of security and when extreme events do occur the losses are large enough to put many of them out of business.

Non-Normal Distributions

The solution to this problem is to find a better-fitting (non-normal) distribution that does not describe a bell curve but rather the shape of the curve that fits the data. In doing so we see curves that commonly tilt (skew) to one side and have disproportionately wide (fat) tails. Using the right non-normal distribution brings the actual odds back into reality; a “one-in-7000-year event” should actually be expected every 3.5 years. It’s time to permanently put normal distributions to bed.

The first chart compares the shape of a security using the two different distribution methods. The red dotted line, set at 99% VaR, estimates the probability of what your loss could exceed 1% of the time. The normal distribution estimates 1% of the time you should lose an average of 9% or more, whereas the non-normal distribution estimates 1% of the time you will lose an average of 15% or more–a loss of greater than 60%!

Farmer’s Almanac Risk

One major common risk analysis problem remains: Standard risk models measure risk based on the average of all historical data, like predicting weather using a Farmer’s Almanac. Are we to believe market volatility or the risk of a single security are the same as they were last decade or last month?

In 2003 a technique called Generalized Auto-Regressive Heteroskedacity (GARCH) won the Nobel Prize in Economics for Robert Engle. With GARCH, if the more recent history is clustering in the left side of the distribution you would expect a larger number of losses; if in the right side, more gains. This works a bit like Doppler radar, enabling the financial modeler to change the asset mix to adjust to the current market and risk conditions. In 2010 the best practice is to implement GARCH (using non-normal distributions) to analyze security and market risk.

The next chart shows the daily percentage changes of the S&P 500 over a two-year period (2000 and 2001). Using standard VaR at the 99% confidence level you would expect to see about five days (1%) with losses of X or more. In fact, the market delivered 17 losses beyond that 1% disaster threshold. Had you calculated using a non-normal distribution you would have had 10 losses beyond your 1% limit. Adding the GARCH feature to the non-normal distribution resulted in only five losses beyond the X estimate.

A more sensitive way to measure risk is to measure the probability of loss further out in the tail at 99.5 VaR. In this example you would have had 13 more extraordinary losses than your expectations using basic VaR and three times more than your forecast with a non-normal distribution but only one additional loss by adding GARCH.

Thus, to get the advertised benefit of 99% VaR–predicting the loss that won’t be exceeded more than five times in two years–it seems necessary to use both non-normal data distributions and GARCH instead of relying on VaR or standard deviation.

The next article will review the forecasting of returns with the final segment covering correlation. By upgrading risk, return and correlation we can adjust to the changes in economic conditions and security prices and improve our risk-adjusted returns.

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