Thrift Savings Plan_1
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

The two main facts to observe from the table are: (1) the longevity of our service, and (2) our results consistently beat the buy-and-hold strategy of the market over the long haul. If your current trading style is not making these returns, we encourage you to Join Now and become part of our growing number of federal government employees & military personnel who are prospering from our valuable service!
Our service has the best ‘long-term’ track record for trading the TSP Funds!
Year 2015 Results (close: 3/06/15) — Our members have profited +2.34% in Year 2015. The buy-and-hold strategy is up +1.62%. We are outperforming the buy-and-hold strategy by +0.71%. The G Fund is up +0.34%. Our main goal is to protect our members savings during unstable market times by preserving capital.
Year 2014 Results — Our members profited +14.69% in Year 2014. The buy-and-hold strategy only profited +5.51%. The G Fund returned +2.26%.
In addition to using technical and fundamental analysis, we are now validating our interpretation by using a mechanical impulse system. The impulse system uses a combination of trend following and momentum, which maximizes gains when the market is trending. Our returns are now outperforming all other TSP trading services.
Our Competition: Our returns in 2014 outperformed all services on the site, which are Coolhand’s Market Analysis and Intrepid Timer Investment Strategies. Coolhand’s Market Analysis uses an integrated approach in evaluating the market and Intrepid Timer uses traditional technical analysis (chart interpretation). The Coolhand’s Market Analysis performed poorly for its subscribers with a small gain of +6.03%. Intrepid Timer had a net gain of +12.91%. We outperformed Coolhand by +8.66% and Intrepid by +1.78%.
Cumulative Results (2005-2014) — Members using our service profited an average of +15.36% per year, whereas the average gain for the buy-and-hold strategy was only +7.23% per year, and the G Fund just +3.11% per year.
Become a member today to our valuable service and gain an understanding of the market in our very comprehensive newsletter. And more importantly, you will have access to our current and future allocations if you Join Now.
About Our Service:

Our proprietary methodology uses both technical and fundamental analysis for trading the funds of the Thrift Savings Plan — G Fund, F Fund, C Fund, S Fund, and I Fund. Our number one goal is to produce results that consistently beat the buy-and-hold strategy of investing. The buy-and-hold is a terrible way to invest, since it takes years to recover when the market crashes.
The two primary long term trends of the stock market are either a secular bull market or a secular bear market. Secular bull markets can sometimes last over twenty years. The most prosperous secular bull markets were from 1943-66 and 1983-2000. On the other hand, secular bear markets normally last between 10-14 years and sometimes longer. Since year 2000, the market has been in a secular bear market. Within any secular market, there will be many bull and bear market cycles. S&P 500 Large Cap Index ($SPX), Eighteen-Year Chart of the Current Secular Bear Market
The latest bear cycle occurred when the S&P crashed over 57% in 2008 (see the chart above). The market then experienced the next bull cycle beginning in March ’09. The buy-and-hold strategy will become an excellent way to invest only when we are in a secular bull market. When we reach the beginning of the new secular bull market, then we will heavily invest in the stock funds. During a secular bull market, we can continue to outperform the market by allocating in the stock funds that are interpreted to provide the highest reward/lowest risk. During a secular bear market (like the present one that began in year 2000), it is critical that we trade our accounts so that: (1) we protect our capital during a crash within a bear cycle, and (2) continue to outperform the buy-and-hold strategy of investing for bull and bear cycles.
Reasons why it is imperative to trade the stock market as opposed to the buy-and-hold strategy can be viewed in a few charts which graphically show: (1) historical secular bull and bear markets of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, (2) secular markets explained by trends in the price/earnings ratios (P/E) of the S&P 500 Index, and (3) how just by using a simple price and moving average crossover technique applied to a bear and bull cycle of the S&P 500 Index will ‘greatly’ outperform the buy-and-hold strategy of investing. Our proprietary methodology focuses on a combination of technical elements and our mechanical system. The combination of these methods maintain a tight control on losses and maximize gains.
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