Three Paths to Profitable Investing Using ETFs in Healthcare Infrastructure and the Environment
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Discover Todays Newest, Best Paths to Sustainable Wealth
- Master lower-cost, lower-risk ETF investing in tomorrows hottest growth areas: healthcare, infrastructure, and green technology
- Profit from demographic change and other powerful global trends
- Learn do-it-yourself strategies and specific ETF recommendations
Yesterdays phony investments have collapsed. Tomorrows winning investments will be real: They will be in emerging industries that save lives, build critical infrastructure, and protect the world for our children. Right now, there are enormous profits to be made in healthcare, infrastructure, and the environment. This book reveals the lowest-cost, lowest-risk way to earn those profits: sector ETFs.
Youll discover new strategies for choosing the right ETFs in tomorrows highest-growth industries. reducing portfolio costs that are destroying your returns. meeting both your short- and long-term investment goals.
Sick of bubbles and financial flim-flam? Want solid, high-growth investments in industries that solve urgent problems? Looking for profits that can be sustained over years and decades? This is the book youve been searching for.
Where will the next generation of enormous, sustainable wealth come from? Not from financial manipulation but from the same source from which it has always come: from those who create the infrastructure upon which society can grow, productivity can increase, and life can improve.

Right now, extraordinary opportunities exist in these three areas: healthcare, infrastructure, and environmental products and services. In Three Paths to Profitable Investing. XShares founder and CEO Jeffrey Feldman shows how to use ETFs to cost-effectively invest in these areas at the best possible time to catch the wave and reap enormous profits: right now, just before these industries become commercially viable.
Feldman and Andrew Hyman introduce a step-by-step approach to utilizing sector ETFs both as part of a long-term strategy that eliminates single-stock risk and as part of shorter-term hedging strategies. You dont need an advisor to use these techniques: With a few clicks of the mouse, you can build a portfolio that accesses unprecedented innovation, reigniting your own personal prosperity and that of society at the same time.
- Choose your targets—and get rid of the middleman
Why ETFs are now the best way to invest in the future
Profiting from the new face of healthcare in America—and limiting your risks
Clean technologies, clean energy, and the three wild cards of green power
Picking winning ETFs in the highest-growth infrastructure sectors