Synthetic Floating Crude Oil Storage and Optimal Statistical Arbitrage A Model Specification
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Synthetic Floating Crude Oil Storage
and Optimal Statistical Arbitrage:
A Model Speci?cation Analysis
Andrea Bucca∗
Mark Cummins†
May 22, 2011
The informational ?ow between oil and spot freight markets is examined in a novel
way via the time charter equivalent (TCE) to identify statistical arbitrage trading
opportunities. Using Brent and TD3 data, synthetic ?oating storage positions are con-
structed, which are shown to be cointegrated with Brent futures prices of common ma-
turity. A comprehensive model speci?cation analysis of the optimal statistical arbitrage
trading model of Bertram (2010) is performed on this data. Model mis-speci?cation in
the underlying Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process is identi?ed. Evidence of
With the recent global economic crisis, crude oil markets experienced a severe collapse in
prices from record-breaking heights. Over the second half of 2008, the futures markets were
seen to move to a prolonged period of strong contango. The contango over this period was
coupled with a signi?cant collapse in freight prices due to the expectation of lower global
energy and commodity demands. During this period, signi?cant increases in buy-and-hold
activity had been observed in the markets, with freight vessels being held o?shore and used
as ?oating storage facilities for crude. Such static strategies had been made viable by the
collapse in freight and ?nancing costs, netting out to signi?cant returns on the contango
play. As expected, the major global oil companies, who have considerable freight capacity
available, were to the forefront of this activity. However, many investment banks were also
reported to have got involved in such physical buy-and-hold activity given the relatively
cheap cost of chartering vessels.
Motivated by this interaction between oil and freight markets, this study investigates the
potential for trading synthetic (i.e. purely paper-based) ?oating storage positions, speci?cally
exploiting the informational ?ow from spot freight markets via the time charter equivalent
(TCE). With the TCE e?ectively representing storage costs inferred from the spot market,
it is possible to set up purely paper-based synthetic ?oating storage positions. The bene?t
of this is that dynamic paper-based trading strategies are possible and ?storage? may be
sold short as required. This would be of particular interest to trading companies and, in
particular, hedge funds with exposure to the energy and commodity markets. In contrast,
the physical buy-and-hold strategy is static and applicable only when prevailing oil and
freight markets allow (i.e. su?ciently strong oil price contango and low freight prices), and
of course, it is a long physical storage strategy.
This study contributes in a number of key ways. Firstly, the informational ?ow between
oil and spot freight markets is examined in a novel way via the TCE to identify statisti-
cal arbitrage trading opportunities. Adland and Cullinane (2006) analyse the TCE spot
freight rate directly for a range of freight sectors, where the focus is on the application of
non-parametric estimation techniques to model the TCE dynamics. Much of the current
literature has investigated either oil markets separately (Crowder and Hamed (1993), Silva-
pulle and Moosa (1999), Ewing and Harter (2000), Milonas and Henker (2001), and Kinnear
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given period are replaced by storage costs based purely on the spot TCE. In so doing, ine?-
ciencies are introduced by construction that o?er trading opportunities, with predictability
being established in the cointegration spread between synthetic storage and Brent futures
prices of common maturity.
This predictability opens up statistical arbitrage trading opportunities and therefore
a number of statistical arbitrage based studies are possible.
contribution to this study, a comprehensive model speci?cation analysis (both in-sample
and out-of-sample) is performed on the novel optimal statistical arbitrage trading model of
Bertram (2010). The study investigates model mis-speci?cation in the underlying Gaussian
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process. A number of alternative studies in the area of statistical
arbitrage trading have been conducted to date. Many of the papers focus on the design of
statistical arbitrage trading rules and the resulting performance when applied to empirical
data. These include Burgess (1999, 2000), Trapletti, Geyer and Leisch (2002), Vidyamurthy
(2004), Whistler (2004), Elliott,Van Der Hoek and Malcolm (2005), Gatev, Goetzmann and
Rouwenhorst (2006), and Do, Fa? and Hamza (2006). Andrade, di Petro and Seasholes
(2005), Papadakis and Wysocki (2007) and Do and Fa? (2009) contribute to the literature
by means of providing independent veri?cation of the trading rule proposed by Gatev et al.
(2006) and examining the sustainability of pro?ts. Aldridge (2009), Bowen, Hutchinson and
OSullivan (2010) and Dunis, Giorgini, Laws and Rudy (2010) consider the application of
statistical arbitrage trading on high-frequency data. Kanamura, Rachev and Fabozzi (2010)
use the approximate ?rst-time hitting density formulation of Linetsky (2004) to develop a
total pro?t model for pairs trading. Other papers of interest include Shleifer and Vishny
(1997), Hogan, Jarrow, Teo and Warachka (2004) and Lin, McRae and Gulati (2006).
However, few of these papers deal directly with the issue of optimal entry and exit
trading levels in the presence of stochastic trade cycle times. Vidyamurthy (2004) proposes
an optimal entry level given by the maximum point on a pro?tability pro?le constructed
as the product of probability estimates — obtained from counting the number of times each
candidate entry level is exceeded — and the associated absolute pro?t levels. Vidyamurthy
(2004) further proposes an exit level that lies through the long-run equilibrium level and of
equal distance away as the entry level; this is to account for any potential trade slippage.
Elliott et al (2005) use ?rst-passage time theory on the standard Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU)
process to develop a framework for calculating the expected trade cycle time of a statistical
arbitrage strategy, along with symmetric entry and exit boundaries. Do et al (2006) similarly
theory to inform the underlying statistical applications.
In contrast to these papers, Bertram (2010) presents a novel approach. Modelling a given
spread series as an OU process, analytic solutions are derived that allow for the optimal entry
and exit levels to be determined through maximising either (i) the expected return per unit
time or (ii) the associated per unit time Sharpe ratio. Extending the current literature in this
area, a comprehensive model speci?cation analysis of the Bertram trading model is performed
However, as a second key
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on the set of synthetic storage and Brent futures price pairings. Empirical counterparts to the
following key measures underlying the Bertram trading model are calculated: expected trade
cycle time; variance of trade cycle time; expected return per unit time; variance of return per
unit time; and, where applicable, the per unit time Sharpe ratio. Model mis-speci?cation
error is both identi?ed and quanti?ed.
As a third key contribution of this study, a formal investigation is conducted to iden-
tify potential sources of the model mis-speci?cation evidenced. To begin, a pairs trading
style strategy is implemented whereby the entry and exit signals of the Bertram trading
model (determined in-sample) are applied out-of-sample. The results of this implementation
provide evidence of potential structural changes or regime shifts in the long-term statisti-
cal relationships, in addition to asymmetric adjustment of the cointegration spread series
to the respective long-run mean levels. Based on these observations, formal threshold and
structural change cointegration tests are performed. The former tests allow one to identify
asymmetric correction of short-term deviations from the long-run equilibrium level and the
latter allow one to identify fundamental structural changes or regime shifts in the long-term
statistical relationship. Evidence is provided to support the existence of threshold e?ects in
the cointegrating relationship between synthetic storage and Brent futures prices of medium-
to long-term maturities, i.e. greater than ?ve months. Also, statistical evidence is provided
to support the possibility of structural change cointegration e?ects across all maturities.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the economic frame-
work linking voyage freight and time charter rates, which will form the basis of constructing
the synthetic ?oating storage positions. It is discussed how this construction introduces in-
e?ciencies that may o?er statistical arbitrage trading opportunities. The data used in the
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of time or entering into a sequence of spot voyage charters over the same period of time.
Similarly, Strandenes (1984) appeals to the e?cient market hypothesis to explain that the