MetaStock Frequently Asked Questions
Post on: 21 Май, 2015 No Comment

If you would like more information, please call us and a product specialist will help answer your questions:
US: 1 (800) 882-3040
International: 1 (801) 506-0900
If you cannot find the answer to your question on this page, please click here to email our support team.
- What is MetaStock?
MetaStock is a software program that is designed to help you make better decisions about when to buy and sell in the stock, FOREX, futures, and commodities markets.
MetaStock Pro is our real-time product that is powered by MetaStock XENITH — without it, your MetaStock Pro product will not have data.
MetaStock is our end of day product that is powered by DataLink data — without it, your MetaStock End of Day product will not have data.
Real-time traders use intra-day data (prices that are constantly updating throughout the day) to make decisions about when to buy and sell during the trading day, this also allows you to look at different time frames (examples, 1 Min, 8 Min, 30 Min etc.). End-of-day traders access their data (Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Open Interest) for the day after the markets have closed. We have products designed specifically for each type of trader.
MetaStock XENITH is a software and data module that empowers you with advanced, fully customizable analytical capabilities, and comprehensive cross asset data.
It gives you a full breadth of global, economic, and critical market news to help you quickly identify the best ways to use and manipulate information.
No, MetaStock XENITH is only for Non Professionals as defined by the New York Stock Exchange: Nonprofessional Subscriber means any person who is not: (i) registered or qualified with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, any state securities agency, any securities exchange or association, or any commodities or futures contract market or association; (ii) engaged as an investment advisor; nor (iii) employed by a bank or other organization exempt from registration under Federal and/or state securities laws to perform functions that would require him or her to be so registered or qualified if he or she were to perform such functions for an organization not so exempt. If you are a Professional, please contact Thomson Reuters Business Direct for the appropriate market data platform at 1-800-435-0101 (Select Option 6) in North America; or click here for international contact numbers .
DataLink is an end-of-day data service that provides the following data fields for a symbol: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Open Interest. The historical data goes back at least 15 years, often times with more. There are many different software programs that are compatible with DataLink using the Downloader program.
MetaStock Pro — Our premium technical analysis and charting software product for real-time traders.
MetaStock — Our award winning analysis program that is designed to help you make decisions about when to buy and sell in the stock, FOREX, futures, and commodities markets based on end-of-day data.
MetaStock can either be subscribed to on an ongoing basis or purchased outright. The subscription includes the MetaStock software and accompanying data feed and can be paid for on a monthly or yearly basis. If the subscription is cancelled, neither the software nor the data feed are accessible.
The purchase version contains the MetaStock software only and is purchased for a one-time charge. The software is always accessible because you own it and have paid for it outright but would not allow you to plot any data without an active data subscription. With this option, you will have to sign up for a data feed separately to run data into the program. Our sales department can help you decide which option is best for you.
MetaStock Pro works with MetaStock XENITH. The MetaStock XENITH data feed gives MetaStock Pro the highest quality analysis at the best price.
MetaStock works with DataLink. The DataLink data feed gives MetaStock the highest quality analysis at the best price.

Yes. MetaStock products work exclusively with either MetaStock XENITH (PRO) or DataLink (EOD) data feeds.
Other than tick by tick bars, real-time versions of MetaStock can display any intraday time frame in the range of 1 minute to 1439 minutes. For our end-of-day customers, any combination of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly bars can be displayed.
MetaStock 10.0 and earlier versions are not Vista compatible. Running MetaStock 10.0 or earlier versions on Vista is not recommended, nor will it be supported by MetaStock. MetaStock 10.1, released March 2007 is Vista compatible.
MetaStock needs DataLink in order to run. MetaStock Pro requires MetaStock XENITH for its data. MetaStock and MetaStock Pro do not need add-ons to operate. Add-Ons enhance the functionality of MetaStock.
Each Add-On serves a specific purpose, so it depends on what type of analysis you want to do. A product specialist can walk you through what Add-On will best suit your needs:
US: 1 (800) 882-3040
International: 1 (801) 506-0900
Which versions of MetaStock do the MetaStock Add-Ons work on?
Most Add-Ons work for both MetaStock Real Time and MetaStock Daily Charts versions of MetaStock. However, the table below shows what we recommend.
MetaStock Version Add-Ons Compatibility