Jim Wyckoff on the Markets

Post on: 5 Июль, 2015 No Comment

Jim Wyckoff on the Markets

Do you want an edge in this fascinating business of trading futures

Stay tuned! Jim Wyckoff jim@jimwyckoff.com

(Analytical chart above is derived from FutureSource’s WorkStation)

Attention all traders: I have just completed a brand new e-booklet: 62 Rules Used by Profitable Futures Traders. It’s the best $19.95 investment you’ll ever make on your road to more successful futures trading! Profitable traders follow trading rules. This e-booklet contains 62 of the tried and true trading rules used by professional futures traders to extract profits from markets. 62 Rules is a must for less-experienced traders, and a great refresher for the experienced trader looking to regain a trading edge. As with all of my work, 62 Rules is written in an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand style.

Click below to order my new 62 Rules e-booklet (or call me at 1-319-277-8643 and I’ll take your order, myself.)

I also have produced an information-packed educational seminar on a CD entitled Trading for Profits in the Real World. The CD pops right into your computer and you get 2.5 hours of educational instruction from me, including over 100 educational charts detailing the essential trading methods I use to extract profits from markets.

Click below to see more details about my seminar on a CD, and on my other educational products that will move you up the ladder of trading success. The cost for all of my educational products combined is way less than one bad trade!

Jim Wyckoff on the Markets

Click below for more information on my educational products

Do you want an edge in this fascinating business of trading futures? Or, do you want the valued second opinion of a seasoned trader/market analyst? I have a comprehensive analytical, educational and trading advisory service called Jim Wyckoff on the Markets where, for only $299/yr. $89.95/qtr. or $34.95/mo. (only a little more than $1.00 a day ) I analyze virtually all the U.S. commodity and financial futures markets. I also tell you exactly what I’m trading, and what is on my radar screen for potential trades. (Traders have told me that my service is unlike any they can find in the world. )

Every trading day, I email a multi-page, comprehensive analysis of that day’s market activity. Also, every two weeks, paid subscribers receive an extensive newsletter, full of analytical charts just like this one, and extensive analysis, as well as an educational feature.

Click here to subscribe online, or you can call me personally to subscribe. I’m always happy to talk markets. Ph. (319) 277-8643. Questions on the service? Give me a call, and I’ll answer them for you

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