10 Wise Ways To Save On Winter Home Heating

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

10 Wise Ways To Save On Winter Home Heating

Winter is dark, cold, long and, well, expensive at least where heating a home is concerned. The cost of heating oil climbs each winter and electricity is not cheap. Each year people everywhere begin to contemplate the best ways to save money and still keep the house at a comfortable temperature. Thankfully, there are a number of ways to curb heating costs and most are easy to implement. My ten tips will help you to enjoy the season and worry a little less about the expense of heating your home.

Energy Audits

Its hard to know what changes can be made to help lower your bills, but help is a just a phone call away.  The local electric company is happy to assess your needs, family lifestyle and patterns of energy usage. They will go through your home to check for areas to be improved. They will survey your appliances, inspect the home’s structure, and measure your insulation. Once done they will make suggestions and help implement needed changes for more efficient energy consumption.  Often times the suggestions will come with rebate incentives that will help reduce your bill.

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Air Leaks


Proper Insulation


Air Vents or Radiators

 Ceiling Fans

Window Treatments

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Space Heaters

It may seem like a great idea to turn on a space heater for a little extra warmth in a small space, but they pose several threats. First, they are expensive to run regardless of the type. Electrical ones just run up your bill and kerosene can be costly. Secondly, they are dangerous. All it would take is for someone to knock it over starting a fire and causing personal injury too.  The perceived savings is not worth the risk of burning down the house.

Area Rugs

The best way to hold your heating costs down is heat your home efficiently while keeping the cold out. A little more insulation in the attic, heavy window treatments or an extra layer on the floor will help to keep a room warm. Keep hot air flowing, moderate the temperature and before long savings will be realized. Then take the savings and venture somewhere warm or invest in something special. Either option is a better than paying high heating costs. What would do with the money you save?

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