Top 10 Best Stock Market Investment Research Sites

Post on: 5 Июль, 2015 No Comment

Top 10 Best Stock Market Investment Research Sites

A stock market is also known as the equity market. It is a public essence for the trading of company stock or share at a concurred price. These are securities which are listed on a stock exchange as well as traded privately. To raise our money, the stock market is one of the best sources for companies. This allows publicly trading facility or expansion of finance capital by selling shares of ownership of the company. Liquidity is an attractive feature of investing in stocks.

Investing is very sensible decision of any investor. When an investor research in the stock market, he faces different types of options and he is not able to choose easily what is good for his investment. Therefore, I am sharing best stock market investment news, analysis and research sites:

The Street . The Street, Inc. is an American financial news and services website. Its founders are Jim Cramer and Martin Peretz. This is the best website for investing related articles. The writers have a vast knowledge and insight regarding the stock market and trading. On September 2010 it’s launched a mobile website with content from their main site,

Investopedia . It is internet’s largest site about investing education. Founder of this site were Cory Janssen and Cory Wagner. It is a good source of investing education, personal finance, market analysis and trading. It is published 15 stock analyses per day which is written by different authors and offer buying advice and analysis on stocks. It sometimes offers Forex analysis.

DividendInvestor . This is a stock data provider company. Investors solve their financial problems through dividend stock mining tools to screen high dividend yield stocks, monthly dividend stocks, ex-dividend date, and dividend history.

Seeking Alpha :  This is an American stock market analysis website. This site is founded in 2004 by Wall Street analyst, David Jackson. The company report distribution partnership with CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Market Watch, NASDAQ, MSN Money and The Street. This is mainly focused on company’s news.

Daily Stocks . This is a New York-based stock research financial website, founded in December 1996. This offers financial and stock news to their users and also circulated their newsletter every month.

MSN Money . This is a website about business news, associated with CNBC. It provides stock exchange prices and financial information about companies. The site also provides consumer financial services such as a “Risk Tolerance Quiz”.

Bloomberg L.P. . This is a multinational mass media corporation founded by Michael R. Bloomberg with the help of Thomas Secunda, Duncan MacMillan, and Charles Zegar in 1981 and a 30% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch. This is providing financial software tools such as analytics and equity trading platform, data services and news to financial companies around the world.

Yahoo Finance . This is a site from Yahoo. That provides financial news and information. It has been the top financial news and research website in the U.S. since January, 2008. This site offers news and information including video programming, stock quotes, stock exchange rates, corporate press releases and financial reports.

Investor Guide . This is a guide who’s provided a stock tool to determine an optimal investing strategy and style.

Investing online: Online investing or self-directed investing provides individual investors or traders a unique trading platform. There are many online brokers whose provide tools to research and select potential investment. Some of online brokerages are E*TRADE, Trade King, Scottrade, and Options House.

At the end, I would like to say that with any investment do research, planning and keep eye on the market, a little bit of luck goes a long way. Depending on our investment needs, a stock can be a profitable for long-term investment.

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