Steps To Build Your Own Forex Trading Strategy Forex Social Network
Post on: 13 Апрель, 2015 No Comment

First you need to take the decision to become a very discipline trader, where when you look back to yesterday you know that today you did learn something new and when you look to tomorrow you will be ready for the challenge to learn more. Years will pass and the Market still the same, yet we evolve and change for the better by gaining more knowledge and experience in the world of Forex investment.
1- Risk management is your sou-pap of security, which always protect your investment and protect your health, as when you calculate the % you are risking in your trade & when it’s under 2% you don’t stress and you give your self full control on your trades. When you calculate your % of wining it can vary between 3% and 5% you will be placing reasonable levels for taking profits as a day trader or a long term trader.
Discipline is a very important factor when you apply your risk management, for you to respect and never change your stop lose and for letting market hit tp according to your plan.
2- Technical strategy is your window to the market from your chart to know what did happen in the market what is happening and what might happen in the near future. your indicators which you will place on your chart need to tell you all the story in less than 1 minute and with exp you become aware of the market action with a fast look to your chart where you will know all the technical story & take a fast decision what to do in the market. Speed in taking decision is a very important factor.
2.a you need indicators which show you potential switch moves between bullish and bearish
2.b you need indicators which make sense when you study monthly, weekly, daily & 1h chart

2.c you need an indicator like RSI or other to give you an idea if the market is bullish or bearish
Try to make your technical study simple on chart and don’t make your chart full of indicators where it will be hard for you after to see price action.
3- Fundamental strategy is your homework to know the big plan of central banks or the creators of those currencies we trade, to know what they want to do in the next 3 or 6 month as weakening the currency or let it be stronger. & to be prepared when imp news are released and have a very strong and perfect understood plan where to enter and when to enter by placing more than one scenario for a specific event & be ready for any wave which might happen in the market. The best approach for fundamentals is to be reasonable and divide your trades to 3 where the first one hit +20pips, second hit +50pips and third hit +100pips & when the market go your way. you need to be fast enough to place your sl on entry for the second and the third trade when market hit your first +20 pips to protect your profits in the opens trades.
Your trading strategy is your own creation & it will be the fruit of your personality & of all your experience in trading & in life. give it time to reveal it self to you, yet start to think about it, write notes & test different approaches for at the end, you will build a trading strategy which will stay with you for life.