Placement (Stock market) Definition Online Encyclopedia
Post on: 31 Март, 2015 No Comment

There are a wide range of order types that trader s can use to get their position s into the market. Our Order Placement Worksheet can be helpful in recording your orders. The following is an overview of the different types of orders.
Order Placement Worksheet
This is __________________________________, account # _________
(name) (number)
at ____:____ __m on _______________________ ______, 19_______
(time) (am/pm)   (month) (day) (year).
Debt displacement
The amount of borrowing that leasing displaces. Firms that do a lot of leasing are curtailed in their debt capacity.
Placement fees are charges that are assessed for services rendered in a number of business applications. The concept of a placement fee is found in situations where broker s handle investment s for clients, as well as when a new hire is placed with the aid of an employment agency.
In the context of trading. risk refers to the probability of losing money or trading capital. Both novice and professional trader s are exposed to this risk and experience losses when trading.
Placement — the sale of securities to a relatively small number of select investor s as a way of raising capital. Investor s involved in placement s (often called ‘private placement s’) are usually large banks, mutual fund s, insurance companies and pension funds.
A bank deposit ing Eurodollars with (selling Eurodollars to) another bank is often said to be making a placement .
The percentages of last week’s new municipal bond offer ings that have been bought from the underwriter s, according to the Bond Buyer newspaper.
Replacement Form

The Treasury has a form, PDF 1048, that you must fill out to apply for replacement bonds. In addition to requesting information about the lost bonds. the form asks whether you owned the bonds or have the authority to act on behalf of the bond owner.
Replacement risk. A form of credit risk that holds that counterparties of failed banks will find their books unbalanced to the extent of their exposure to the insolvent party. In order to rebalance their books, these banks must enter new transaction s.
Replacement-cost coverage
Home insurance that pays the cost to replace or repair the home or possessions, up to the policy’s set maximum. Provides more protection than market -value coverage on the home or actual-cash -value coverage on contents.
Replacement Cost
The price that will have to be paid to replace an existing asset with a similar asset .
Replacement Risk
Replacement risk occurs when counter-parties of a failed bank or Forex broker find they are at risk of not receiving their funds from the failed bank.