PIMCO’s New ETF Play – Here’s What You Need To Know

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

PIMCO’s New ETF Play – Here’s What You Need To Know


PIMCO Variable Insurance Trust (PVIT)


PIMCO Equity Series (PES)

PIMCO Equity Series VIT (PESVIT)

PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust

PIMCO Sponsored Closed-End Funds (the Closed-End Funds) 1

PIMCO Investments LLC 2

The Funds 3 consider customer privacy to be a fundamental aspect of their relationships with shareholders and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and security of their current, prospective and former shareholders’ non-public personal information. The Funds have developed policies that are designed to protect this confidentiality, while allowing shareholder needs to be served.

Obtaining Personal Information

In the course of providing shareholders with products and services, the Funds and certain service providers to the Funds, such as the Funds’ investment advisers (Advisers), may obtain non-public personal information about shareholders, which may come from sources such as account applications and other forms, from other written, electronic or verbal correspondence, from shareholder transactions, from a shareholder’s brokerage or financial advisory firm, financial advisor or consultant, and/or from information captured on applicable websites.

Respecting Your Privacy

As a matter of policy, the Funds do not disclose any non-public personal information provided by shareholders or gathered by the Funds to non-affiliated third parties, except as required or permitted by law or as necessary for such third parties to perform their agreements with respect to the Funds. As is common in the industry, non-affiliated companies may from time to time be used to provide certain services, such as preparing and mailing prospectuses, reports, account statements and other information, conducting research on shareholder satisfaction and gathering shareholder proxies. The Funds or their affiliates may also retain non-affiliated companies to market Fund shares or products which use Fund shares and enter into joint marketing arrangements with them and other companies. These companies may have access to a shareholder’s personal and account information, but are permitted to use this information solely to provide the specific service or as otherwise permitted by law. In most cases, the shareholders will be clients of a third party, but the Funds may also provide a shareholder’s personal and account information to the shareholder’s respective brokerage or financial advisory firm and/or financial advisor or consultant.

Sharing Information with Third Parties

The Funds reserve the right to disclose or report personal or account information to non-affiliated third parties in limited circumstances where the Funds believe in good faith that disclosure is required under law, to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement authorities, to protect their rights or property, or upon reasonable request by any Fund in which a shareholder has invested. In addition, the Funds may disclose information about a shareholder or a shareholder’s accounts to a non-affiliated third party at the shareholder’s request or with the consent of the shareholder.

Sharing Information with Affiliates

The Funds may share shareholder information with their affiliates in connection with servicing shareholders’ accounts, and subject to applicable law may provide shareholders with information about products and services that the Funds or their Advisers, distributors or their affiliates (Service Affiliates) believe may be of interest to such shareholders. The information that the Funds may share may include, for example, a shareholder’s participation in the Funds or in other investment programs sponsored by a Service Affiliate, a shareholder’s ownership of certain types of accounts (such as IRAs), information about the Funds’ experiences or transactions with a shareholder, information captured on applicable websites, or other data about a shareholder’s accounts, subject to applicable law. The Funds’ Service Affiliates, in turn, are not permitted to share shareholder information with non-affiliated entities, except as required or permitted by law.

Procedures to Safeguard Private Information

PIMCO’s New ETF Play – Here’s What You Need To Know

The Funds take seriously the obligation to safeguard shareholder non-public personal information. In addition to this policy, the Funds have implemented procedures that are designed to restrict access to a shareholder’s non-public personal information to internal personnel who need to know that information to perform their jobs, such as servicing shareholder accounts or notifying shareholders of new products or services. Physical, electronic and procedural safeguards are in place to guard a shareholder’s non-public personal information.

Information Collected from Websites

Websites maintained by the Funds or their service providers may use a variety of technologies to collect information that help the Funds and their service providers understand how the website is used. Information collected from your web browser (including small files stored on your device that are commonly referred to as cookies) allow the websites to recognize your web browser and help to personalize and improve your user experience and enhance navigation of the website. In addition, the Funds or their Service Affiliates may use third parties to place advertisements for the Funds on other websites, including banner advertisements. Such third parties may collect anonymous information through the use of cookies or action tags (such as web beacons). The information these third parties collect is generally limited to technical and web navigation information, such as your IP address, web pages visited and browser type, and does not include personally identifiable information such as name, address, phone number or email address.

You can change your cookie preferences by changing the setting on your web browser to delete or reject cookies. If you delete or reject cookies, some website pages may not function properly.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

From time to time, the Funds may update or revise this privacy policy. If there are changes to the terms of this privacy policy, documents containing the revised policy on the relevant website will be updated.

Effective as of September 5, 2014.

1 PIMCO Funds, PVIT, PIMCO ETF Trust, PES, PESVIT and PIMCO Managed Accounts Trust are referred to collectively as the Trusts. The Trusts and the Closed-End Funds are referred to collectively as the Funds.

2 PIMCO Investments LLC (PI) serves as the Trusts’ distributor. This Privacy Policy applies to the activities of PI to the extent that PI regularly effects or engages in transactions with or for a shareholder of a series of a Trust who is the record owner of such shares. For purposes of this Privacy Policy, references to the Funds shall include PI when acting in this capacity.

3 When distributing this Policy, a Fund may combine the distribution with any similar distribution of its investment adviser’s privacy policy. The distributed, combined policy may be written in the first person (i.e. by using we instead of the Funds).

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