How to Prevent Kitchen Injuries
Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

W elcome to the very first post in our Cooking School series. Here you will find tips and tricks on a wide variety of subjects from cooking techniques to basic knife skills, tool selection and tips on how to identify quality ingredients.
You don’t have to attend culinary school to be a whiz in the kitchen; however, there is a lot to be learned from the professionals. Whether you are a beginner cook or have been tending the stoves for decades, this series will both boost your confidence in the kitchen and inspire you to try new things .
Welcome! Tie on your apron and sharpen those knivesno wait! Read this post first, then reach for your knife.
The Importance of Kitchen Safety
You may be wondering why we are starting this series with safety tips. I believe that safety awareness is a very important first step for the home cook, rather like reading a safety manual before you operate a new appliance. Also, safety in the kitchen was a topic that was discussed on my very first day of culinary school, although at first I didn’t understand why.
Aimées Culinary School, Day 1
There we were, 23 fresh-faced and eager students, ready to jump into the kitchen and start glazing éclairs but instead we had to sit and listen to a lecture about safety.
This is silly. I remember thinking to myself, Everyone knows these fundamentals. But then a young punk a few seats over from me raised his hand to speak. There was something about the gleam in his eyes that made me uncomfortable, and his voice had a controlled excitement that was unsettling.
Have you ever had anyone, like, fall face first onto the griddle? He asked the instructor, slamming his entire torso down onto his desk in physical demonstration.
The girls in the class gasped, the guys chuckled; the face of our petite, five-foot-zero instructor didnt move above her starched white chefs coat and she disinterestedly informed him that, no, they hadn’t.
He wasn’t finished.
What about blenders? He brandished an invisible knife, Has anyone ever, like, thrust a big knife into a running blender ?
The teacher wasn’t fazed by his dramatic demonstration; however, I made a mental note to stay far, FAR away from this thrill-seeker. Fortunately, I didn’t have to worry about him for long; he left the program after a few weeks.
I guess it wasn’t exciting enough for him.
It certainly emphasized why we were starting our module with Safety and was a disturbing reminder that, yes, kitchen injuries can be gruesome.
Essential safety tips
It’s no secret that the kitchen is a zone filled with objects that can burn, cut, and seriously injure the body. Fortunately, by adopting good work habits such as those listed below as well as being attentive and cautious at all times, these kinds of injuries can be avoided.
Steps to take as soon as possible

- Keep a small fire extinguisher handy.
- Keep a first-aid kit handy and keep it well stocked.
- Install a child-proof latch for cleaning products under the sink.
- Invest in a sturdy stool to reach high shelves and out of the way places. We love Bekväm from Ikea.
- Keep a list of emergency phone numbers posted in a visible place.
Begin by implementing what you can immediately, such as compiling a list of emergency phone numbers or assembling a first-aid kit. Then look through the rest of the list and make a note of items to purchase. Make it a priority to pick up a sturdy stool, a latch for the cupboards or whatever you are missing and dont put off installation.
Actions to integrate into daily cooking
- Keep fridge/freezer organized and not overly stocked to prevent objects from falling when the door is opened. Same for the pantry and cupboards, especially the upper shelves.
- Keep the underside of your stove range hood clean, and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for changing and/or cleaning the filter regularly to avoid a grease fire.
- Always chop on a stable, non slip surface. Professional’s TIP. Place a damp dish towel or rag under your cutting board to prevent it from shifting about on the counter.
- Position pot & pan handles inwards and not protruding out from the stove, where they could be bumped or grabbed by little hands.
Assess your cupboards, fridge and stove the next time you open them and follow these suggestions for safety. It will only take a minute!
- Clean up spills the moment they happen.
- Always check that small appliances are switched to ‘Off’ before plugging in.
- Unplug appliances as soon as you are finished using them.
- Never try to catch a falling knife. EVER.
- Use equipment for its intended purpose only .
- Position oven racks correctly before preheating the ovenit’s much easier to do when they are cold.
- Never adjust an oven rack while there is a casserole or tray of food on it.
- Never place a dirty knife in soapy dishwater where it becomes hidden and can be a hazard for the dishwashers hands.
- Stay close to the stove when cooking over high heat.
- Keep a pot-holder or towel over the handle of a pot or pan that has just come out of the oven in case you forget the handle is hot and try to grab it.
- Keep knives and other sharp objects away from the kitchen counters edge where they can fall or be reached by children.
- If you must walk with a knife, keep it tip down, at your side.
Print this list and keep it visible for a few weeks in the kitchen as a reminder. Share the list with anyone else who is regularly in the kitchen, such as older children or your partner.
Implement, Practice and Share
By incorporating these safety practices into your daily life, they will eventually become habit and your kitchen will be a safer place because of it!
Which habits do you practice to ensure that your kitchen stays safe?