High Net Worth Individual Tax Planning and Advice London Glasgow

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

High Net Worth Individual Tax Planning and Advice London Glasgow

We specialise in helping High Net Worth Individuals control their income and assets efficiently so tax liabilities are kept to a minimum.

Every person and their circumstances are different so we will work with you to develop a plan that best suits your individual needs.

SRG offers expert advice on a wide range of areas for High Net Worth Individuals:

Inheritance Tax Planning (IHT)

Inheritance Tax can be a large liability for your descendants, especially if they are receiving a significant level of assets. There are many ways to plan for IHT and minimise or even omit your decedent’s liabilities. We will work with you to develop an IHT plan most suited to your own individual requirements.

Income Tax Planning

With now a 45% level of income tax for those earning over £150,000 a year, there is now a significant need to mitigate income tax where possible. Our income tax planning experts will work with you to minimise your tax liability where possible.

Offshore Companies’ and Trusts

Offshore companies and trusts can offer significant advantages to High Net Worth Individuals who are looking for legal Tax Havens in which to shield assets from UK taxes. SRG is highly experienced in International Accounting and the numerous aspects of offshore solutions. Whilst the offshore solution can sound highly attractive, it is not suitable for all people, so we will work with you to determine the best solution for your needs and circumstances.

Capital Gains Tax Planning (CGT)

Asset disposal requires significant levels of forward planning to ensure the impact of Capital Gains Tax is mitigated as far as possible. We will work with you to ensure your CGT Tax liabilities are kept to a minimum.

High Net Worth Individual Tax Planning and Advice London Glasgow

Company Profit Extraction

SRG understands that one of the main issues for any business owner is efficiently extracting money out their company without incurring high tax liabilities; we will work with you to ensure the right strategy is put in place so you get the efficiency in accessing to your funds.

Entrepreneurs Relief Planning

Entrepreneurs Relief offers significant opportunities to reduce CGT on the disposal of a business, we will work with you to ensue you can enjoy as much Entrepreneurs Relief as possible on the sale of your business.

Investment Advice

Whilst SRG are not Independent Financial Advisers, we are highly experience in offering expert accountancy advice regarding the full range of financial investments and the accounting ramifications of the investment vehicle you may be considering.

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