Bull Market Bear Market Timing Signal Stock Market Forecast

Post on: 16 Март, 2015 No Comment

Bull Market Bear Market Timing Signal Stock Market Forecast

Bull Market & Bear Market Timing Signal: Stock Market Forecast

SignalTrend signals the trend in the U.S. Stock Market!

Is the broad U.S. Stock Market in a Bull Market or a Bear Market. A very

successful stock market forecast algorithm was produced by SignalTrend

Inc, the owner of ForecastChart.com. It’s design is to answer that very

important question.

SignalTrend uses artificial Intelligence to identify major turning points in the

U. S. Stock Market. The forecast is either a Bull Market Signal (up) or a

Bear Market Signal (down). This mathematical system performed very well

in a one hundred year backtest and also in real time since going live in

2005 (see below).

SignalTrend’s Bull Market / Bear Market timing signal was developed

through years of stock research and thoroughly back-tested over one

hundred years, (1900 through 3/10/2005). The result nearly tripled the

annual price gains of the Dow.

This Bull Market & Bear Market forecast signal went live March 10, 2005.

The results have been impressive. From 3/11/2005 through 4/27/2012, the

system produced a price gain of 57% by trading the DJIA.

A buy and hold strategy on the Dow would have gained only 22%.

The core of this stock trading system is a versatile model that identifies

major turning points in the overall stock market. Hundreds of analytical

equations were crafted to provide objective, unemotional Bull Market and

Bear Market signals. The forecast is either Up or Down. SignalTrend is

Bull Market Bear Market Timing Signal Stock Market Forecast

designed to multiply your profits during both Bull and Bear markets as an

alternative to Buy and Hold investing. Its signals indicate a Bullish or

Bearish forecast for the Broad U.S. Stock Market.

Take the guesswork out of your stock investing. Take advantage of a stock

market timing system that generates every signal based on in-depth

investment research. SignalTrend performed well over an entire century a

century that included the Great Depression, the Cyclic 70s, the Crashes of

87 & 9/11 and even the Bear Market of 2007-2008.


SignalTrend’s forecast for the primary trend in the U.S. Stock Market is

updated here with a three month time delay. The forecast is either a Bull

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