Tom Ward Of SandRidge Energy Another CEO That s Got To Go
Post on: 27 Май, 2015 No Comment
Like another crosstown oil and gas exploration company based in Oklahoma City. SandRidge Energy (SD) is exhibiting the same shareholder inimical corporate governance practices. The good news is the abusive reign of Chesapeake Energy (CHK) king Aubrey McClendon last week came to an abrupt end. The bad news is that SandRidge founder and CEO Tom Ward (also a CHK co-founder) continues presiding unchecked as an autocrat. Like at CHK, Mr. Ward instituted his own analogue version of Aubrey’s Founders Well Participation Program (FWPP), the SandRidge Executive Well Participation Program (SEWPP). While Aubrey has an opportunity to invest in a 2.5% interest in CHK wells, Mr. Ward felt even more generosity towards himself, upping his take to 3%. Like Aubrey in the past, Mr. Ward is obscenely overpaid. Mr. Ward presides over a sycophantic board that obsequiously bows to Caesar’s commands. Thanks in large part to the activism of Carl Icahn. Chesapeake, being free of Aubrey and most of his cabal of board members now has a chance to “right the ship” and create value for shareholders. Now come along hedge fund TPG-Axon and CEO Dinakar Singh. Mr. Singh’s hedge fund has acquired a 6.7% stake in the common shares of SandRidge and has undertaken a “consent solicitation” to replace the entire Sandridge board and the subsequent ouster of Mr. Ward. SandRidge laughably claims the TPG-Axon director slate lacks requisite energy experience. Each of the seven potential directors have held high positions at companies like BP, El Paso Eastern Pipeline, Oryx Energy or currently serve on boards of major NYSE companies such as Kraft Foods and AOL. The only commonality of current Sandridge board of directors is a blind obeisance to a CEO who compensates each one around $375,000 annually or for perspective, $80 to $90,000 more than is received by directors of integrated giant Exxon-Mobil, a company over 130 times its market capitalization. Put another way, in just a little more than every two days, Exxon takes in more in revenue than the entire market cap of SandRidge.
Details Of Iniquity These family related or Tom Ward controlled entities have already been paid in excess of $10 million by SandRidge. This is just another transfer of wealth of money rightfully belonging to shareholders. The conflicts of interest these transactions imply are so egregious I wonder if they are legal under SEC regulations. Just because an employment agreement says so, doesn’t make it so. Financial disclosure on these transactions is sparse. TPG-Axon has gotten much of its information through outside private investigations.
Like its cousin Chesapeake Energy (CHK), SandRidge has had enormous negative cash flow every year since the 2007 IPO. So like Chesapeake, it is a company funded with piles of debt and with a lowly single B rating from S&P they are now paying over 6.5% to borrow or 3 to 3.5% more than rivals like Devon (DVN), Apache (APA), and Anadarko (APC): It amounts to an extra $120 to $150 million in annual interest payments. If their exploration efforts fail they can always apply to the FAA to start an airline. Hard to believe that a company this small and losing so much money has four private jets, including a newly purchased 6,000 mile range Falcon 900 EX which lists for $35 million. Considering 90% of company prospects lie in the Mississippian Lime formation which lies on either side of the Kansas/Oklahoma border, a maximum five hour SUV drive, one wonders what justification was put forth for that extravagance. TPG-Axon estimates the company employs a retinue of accountants for solely for Mr. Ward’s personal business at a cost to the company of over $1 million. Other examples of profligacy are too numerous to detail but suffice that SandRidge has, by a large margin, at over 7.1% of its market cap, the largest general and administrative expense ratio of all its peer group. APA stands at 1.6%, APC at 2.6% and DVN at 2.8%. An example of real efficiency is EOG Resources (EOG) at .9%.
TPG-Axon And Its Fight
Interestingly, the shareholder activism and attendant publicity of TPG-Axon has not done much to the Sandridge share price. Over the last six months SD is down about 10%. This can be interpreted any number of ways. From a perusal of the balance sheet, SD has been on another huge lease acquisition binge in 2012 increasing long term debt from $2.8 billion in 2011 to $4.3 billion through the third quarter of 2012. There has been some disclosure that some of the recently drilled Mississippian prospects contain a higher ratio of lower priced dry natural gas than anticipated, thus lowering return expectations. Are investors discouraged and think that TPG-Axon has little chance to prevail and unseat current directors with their own slate? In November 2012 in a bid to thwart activist shareholders, the SD board adopted a “poison pill”, a move detrimental to all shareholders and at best a Pyrrhic victory for management. Perhaps there is a perception by some analysts that TPG-Axon’s Net Asset Value estimate of $10-$12 is too high. Anyway, TPG-Axon and Mr. Singh’s plan to save SandRidge involve doing all the right things. Cutting overhead from $200 million to $60 or $70 million cannot be considered draconian at this company. They hope to restructure some of the debt and rationalize the drilling to create a self-sustaining company where operating cash flow is sufficient to run 20-25 rigs full time in the Mississippian where SandRidge has drilling rights on over 2 million acres.

Mr. Ward’s sense of entitlement is only exceeded by his disregard and hostility towards the shareholders, the owners of the company. Not surprisingly, as the fortunes of SandRidge are sloping down, he has been unloading his shares all along the way. After a company founder elects to raise capital in the public markets disconnects often arises. Some CEO’s fail to realize they are now operating in the more communal setting of many owners. That as CEO of a newly public company, while they continue to be owners they are now mainly an employee with a fiduciary obligation to ALL the shareholders. Both Aubrey and Tom Ward missed this lesson in school. Looking at big success stories show that the greatest entrepreneurs have been able to transition themselves to one of many owners, aligning her/his interests with those of other shareholders. Even the giant egos of Bill Gates and Apple (AAPL) founder Steve Jobs could subordinate themselves and work for the greater good. Could you imagine Bill Gates saying he was going to take $5 off the top for every Windows program sold or if Steve Jobs had said he was getting a $10 cut from each I-Phone? With Tom Ward as CEO it is difficult to fathom some investors actually paid almost $70 per share for SandRidge in the summer of 2008.
In Tom Ward, Mr. Singh faces a cunning adversary with no moral boundary. This past November the Sandridge board changed corporate bylaws requiring a majority of shares outstanding rather than a simple majority of shares voting to enact a change in corporate governance. To prevail in this fight Mr. Singh and TPG-Axon must deliver to SandRidge, “consents” from shareholders representing more than 50% of total shares outstanding by March 15, 2013. TPG-Axon is one of the largest shareholders with 6.7% and combined with Mount Kellett Capital Management they control over 11% of shares outstanding. On the face of it, facts should indicate it’s a no brainer win for Mr. Singh. It’s good versus evil, right? Reality is a little different. The greatest challenge is to reach enough shareholders and overcome apathy. Small stake holders much more often than not don’t bother to exercise their proxy rights. In this case, with a little luck, perhaps shareholders have suffered enough abuse and can be stirred to action. I wish good luck to Mr. Singh and his allies in their fight for “right”.
Disclaimer: I have no positions in SD and no plans to initiate any